Current Planet Description

Alpha Prime is now a war-torn husk of the glorious world that it used to be. In a time now lost to history, a brilliant race thrived there. The planet was then called Mariedian. It was one grief-stricken scientist who after losing a child to a fatal accident, changed that beautiful world’s history forever. In an effort to save the child from death, he twisted science to preserve the soul of his child in the metal encasings of a Robota. Thus, the Soulborg were born. Three Millennia passed, and now the Soulborg rule the planet, fighting among themselves in a constant state of war. Mariedians still exist, mostly as slaves on the prison planet Isadora. But there is a resistance. Small factions of Mariedians, driven deep underground, still fight the Soulborg.

Alpha Prime's Involvement during the "Rise of the Valkyrie"

Most of Alpha Prime's soulborg population was recruted into Utgars forces. Utgar was drawn to the Zettian factions as well as their mighty Deathwalkers for their apparent ruthlessness. Jandar and Vydar recruted their own soulborgs, brining Omnicrons and Trons to the battlefield as well.

Current Wartime Status

Alpha Prime's wellsprings were poluted long ago. It's surface almost completely controlled by Utgar forces, their war machines are built here in giant factories. Vydar and Jandar have a truce on this planet. Their goal is not only to cripple Utgar's productions, but also to free the planets organic population from the grip of the Zettians.

Representing Species


Known Gates:
24 (Most controlled by Utgar)
Jandar, Vydar
Current Ocupation: