Current Planet Description

Marr is covered in dense jungles, which hide Primadon socities, and swamps, home to the passive species of Vipers. Humid and marshy, It is not unlike Feylund, though more tropical. There are no ice caps, and the planet is closer to its star than Earth.

Marr's involvement during the "Rise of the Valkyrie"

Marr was in a state of war and caos. The Marro warriors had invaded the swamps, driving the Viper species towards extinction. The Primadons, long time passive, took the side of the Vipers during wartime. this constant battle drew the attantion of the valkyrie. Utgar would take the Marro warriors, Vydar the mighty Primadon Gorillanators, and Ullar, the Vipers.

Current Wartime Status

Marrs Sudo-Wellsprings are only located in Marro controlled terratory, making them a target for all Valkyrie factions. The Marro's themselves have become quite a neuccance since the Marro revolt. Primadon nations have turned to their Ally Vydar to aid them in the destruction of these pests.

Representing Species


Known Gates
Current Ocupation
Vydar, Primadon Nations, Marro