Name: Skai Song
Nickname: (if applicable)
Age: 17(The age he died, so it is the age he looks)
Race: Angel
Gender: Male
Orientation: Homosexual
Bio: An apprentice Angel to Micheal, Skai isn't like normal angels (if ther is such a thing and I doubt there is such a think as a normal angel) and tends to avoid the others like the plauge. He often comes to earth to explore and such and try not to get into trouble, which is ironic since his innocent nature attracts all manner of freaks wierdos, which is why he is now a slave. He has no memory of his past life and doesn't really dwell on it.
seme, uke, or seke? Uke
Anything else relevant: He wears a rosario around his neck to surpress his angel side and when removed his wings come out as wellas his powers.
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