Lucia moved carefully along, ever conscious about the extra weight around her middle. It was the middle of the night for the most part, half of the moon lighting the land as she went to get herself a drink. There were still some out, relishing the time in the cool night rather than the oppressive heat of the day and its blistering sun, but in truth she was quite ready for bed. To snuggle up with her Kowab and close her eyes in their nice cool den, that would be heaven.
She just needed a drink, first.
When she finally got to the water’s edge, yawning as she stopped with her two front paws in the chilled water, she carefully bent her head down and lapped.

Usually, one would find Kowab at the heightest points of the star temple. One that was used for stargazing and log studies as an astronamer. Tonight, and for the past couple of nights, he had been staying late. Only because he felt he was on to something- something BIG. Realizating some of the written etchings on the top floor of the star temple..

But then he dawned on him how late it had become, "She better be in bed." Kowab's gruff attituide didn't entirely leave him. He was the owner of his home for the most part. Especially when he made a ruin home for them from pulling together several other ruins which made up their home. Half because of how sturdy and half so he could learn the etchings on the ruins he had been studying.

Then a yawn escaped him. "Mmm.. Think its around that time.." BUt failed to move from his position just yet. Just another few stones and he'd go home to his now, doting wife that he had dedicated himself to.

Finally they had gotten back on track with heading to the dawnwalkers. He had time to heal, and he had time to bond with Rime. Everything til this point had been... different and this feeling he had, this connection was like a spark.. Something new. The closer he got to the dawnwalkers to more doubt started to seep in to his heart. He was truly falling for her.. but his heart was someone else's .. Could someone love two lionesses? It seemed impossible for him and yet so hard to grasp but everything was so 'real' when he was with Rime.. yet the closer he got, the more memories of Luci started to rear their heads.

Making him cherish and relive the moments even if it were just in his dreams. She was waiting for him, that was in his head and wouldn't let go. The war was over- like a veteran, he would come home to bring forth a family and ask Luci to marry him. That was the plan.... But he started to doubt it so much.. What about Rime? Why had he brought her here? Maybe.. He should let Luci go.. Those memories were in the past. But what if her heart breaks that he didn't come to her?

Tucking Rime in, waiting til she slept in their camp not too far from the pride. It stayed awake for the most part, and when he realized he hadn't slept... He looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms. Slowly, he started to uncoil himself from her grasp.. After a stride or two, he shot a look behind him at her. Maybe it was time to let go of luci.. "I need a drink." He decided, which made him think about turning tail and being content with the way his life was now. He hadn't been in to the pride for so long that he hadn't noticed just really how close he was until he saw a formed shadow coming up to where the spring was. Probably one of the pride's members. Casually he went up and started to slowly lap the water too on the opposite side. Not entirely recgoonizing Luci, just put her as any other of their pride. Not even looking at her, taking in his laps.. to cool his head of the thoughts, but really.. it was the decisions that were killing him.

Which he was leaning to leave with Rime... maybe. Until...

Auslief / Rime:
Auslief was having a wonderful dream.
It was full of happy laughter and she could hear her father’s gentle rumble in the background and she was cuddle up against someone large and warm. And that didn’t bother her in the least, she knew who it was, Kohaku. Was he humming something? She could almost hear… No, perhaps that was the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

She opened her eyes, blinking for a few moments. That pleasant, warm feeling was suddenly missing and she couldn’t figure out why until she noticed that she was alone. Last she remembered, she had been snuggled with Kohaku before falling asleep. They were almost to the pride he was intent on reaching and had decided to take a small rest before continuing. Where had he gone?
Her ears flicked back for a moment before shaking off the bad feeling. He was probably just out looking for a late night snack or a drink or something. He hadn’t left her.
Curious, Auslief stood, stretching out her limbs once before heading in the direction his prints and scent led her in.

Luci jumped a little when she heard someone approach. Normally she wasn’t a very jumpy sort, but with the pregnancy, she was on her guard almost as much as Kowab was. Almost being the key word, her loving husband had grown absurdly overprotective since she’d told him about the pregnancy. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like when they finally had the cubs.
She rose her head and saw that it was just another lion. He was a big fellow, sort of like Kowab. In the dim moonlight he looked like… No, it couldn’t be.
“Kohaku?” She tilted her head when she asked the question and took a step back from the water. If it really was Kohaku… what was he doing here? From the last time she had seen him… she wasn’t sure if his presence would be a good thing or a bad thing…

The swivel of his ears went from back to forward. They knew his name? Whoever this was. Then slowly after his fill, he lifted his head up... Only to be gazed upon with eyes that he had deemed familiar. The lion squinted just a tad before drawing his head back and lifting his neck fully. It took him a minute, but to grace his eyes over the form... he was.. surprised and caught off guard to say the least. "Luci?" A second pause. "Luci!"

Then for that brief moment, Rime had not mattered when he sent his body through the spring without hesitation or restriction, splashing just a bit to get to her. Something that could be seen as 'silly'.

"Woah.." Circling around her, and in the night he couldn't see the extra baggage. Sniffing her then coming up to her face. " no. Can't be-.. you have gotten so much more beautiful! ... Almost didn't recgonize you! ... ( pause ) even more breath taking.."

As if she were the only thing that mattered on this earth right now, thats the aura he radiated off of himself. Then he pulled her in to a hug. "Come here~ you~!" All in good nature, like a huge teddy bear. Their was tenderness there, feelings and all the wrong there with it.. "I miss you so much~" His whispered..

Before she could say anything more, Kohaku was running towards her and around her, saying all manner of things. It… almost seemed like her old friend was back. Could it be true?
But then… he was complimenting her on her beauty. Could he still have feelings for her? Gods, what would he do to Kowab?
“Kohaku, I-“ But she couldn’t even get those words out before he grabbed her into a hug. A hug that was too tight. Fear welled up in her and she instinctively pushed him away. Not hard enough to hurt him or push him onto his back or anything, but enough to put a more comfortable distance between him and her precious babies.
She let out a little oof-sound when one of said babies kicked her in response to the manhandling.

“I… I missed you, too, Kohaku. But what are you doing here?”

"It's been too long." A sigh, as if he hadn't ever left and he leaned down. The world had done a number on him but still when he saw her, it was like.. he was living those days. "You.. have grown up." A soft smile escaped him...

"Beautiful.." He said following.. and was surprised that she had pushed him. Maybe he was too quick and softly closed the gap between them. "I came here.. for you.." Pulling the satchel and digging in it.. To then reveal with his massive paws the broken necklace.. But he slowly closed his paw.. hesitant. This feeling.. was hard.. For some reason. He was battling whether to give it to her or not. Rime.. Slowly the memories flashed in his head..

He closed his eyes. He was Luci's... He spoke softly. With so much feeling."... She's gone now.. But.. I want you to wear it.." Looking at the necklace, heartbroken.. and with such pain.. but slowly he looked at her.. He had cried his fair share when she died already.. "To be apart of us..." A pause... "Apart of me."

Another yawn escaped him, and he lifted his 'glasses' and slowly pulled them off to rub his eyes. These markings.. These etchings.. Then another yawn before he rolled up the scrolls and put them in his satchel to go off on his way.. His pads found themselves at the edge of the large ruin.. and slowly he made his way at the edge, following down to the ground yet it stopped half way with a bit of a jump. Gracefully, but with power did he jump down and dust lifted to greet his fall. Rubbing his paw in to his face as his ears swivered back. "Mm.. A good night's rest. Early morning.. Tend to the Lady.. then off to studies."

Reciting his schedule for tomorrow as he slowly made his way towards the den he made for his new coming family. Something that was now his, and as he thought would always be his. The 'fear' of Kohaku coming back.. Had faded away in his memories as he brought up his family, his reputation.. His new life. Little.. did he know what awaited him.

Auslief / Rime:
Auslief turned away from the scene she had come upon, a multitude of emotions welling inside of her. Anger, disgust, and resentment where at the forefront, and yet she still felt an overwhelming sense of sadness and heartbreak and somehow those two overrode all the other emotions. She had been a fool to think she was anything more than a traveling companion to Kohaku. All he had wanted was someone there so that he wasn't spending his days all alone, someone for him to boss around when he was bored. She wasn't anything special, he would have done that with anyone. No, his heart was set on another female, the whole reason he wanted to come to this horrid place. Well, he’d just be missing out on… On what? She didn't love him. Certainly not. He was stubborn and arrogant and nothing she would ever want in a male. He would try to control her.

But wasn't that what she wanted, a male to control her? She let her father do it, she was ever obedient to his commands, whether a part of her questioned them or no. The same was with Barth, and he wasn't even a captain yet. Someday, oh she knew her friend would gain that position in time.
She stopped when she was far enough away that she could no longer see or hear what was said. Seeing him hug the female and give her his mother’s necklace played over and over in her mind. She felt used, and less than nothing.

This was all a mistake, one big mistake. She should have never left home that evening, should have waited for when the whole crew went off pillaging rather than going off on her own. Gods, she had told him her name, her given name. No one called her Auslief anymore, not even Barth, though he had no problems with her still calling him that in private. Just once she had wanted to hear someone say her name again. When she had become part of her father's crew, she had taken on chilled name, something to remind the rest of the crew that she was no weak-hearted female. She was cold as ice and would never warm to a male's touch.
At least, that's what she wanted to believe. But Auslief, it was a delicate name, a lady's name, and deep down she had wanted to hear him say it. As if she meant something, as if she wasn't just another... fish in the sea, she supposed.

But in the end she had been wrong. She was just another fish in the sea. Worse, she wasn't even a colorful or unique one. Just another silver fish in a school of hundreds.
She debated if she should even bother telling him she was leaving before she started for home. She could make it back to the sea without too much trouble, then it was just a matter of following the coastline with the rising sun at her left until she reached the pridelands again. Then she would be safe and her heart... it could return to the block of ice she had once encased it in. No, she wouldn't tell him. Hell, he probably wouldn't even notice she was gone.

Luci’s ears flicked back. The compliments were getting worse, her fear was starting to build… He had come here for her, good gods, did he still…?
She frowned as he dug into the bag and removed-
“Oh gods, Haku, your mother?” She hadn’t really known his mother, what little she’d seen of her was aggression. And worse, a part of her had hated the older lioness for what she’d done to Kowab, for how she had treated him when he had never deserved it. Her beloved… well, he had her now and she would never cause him any pain.

Her heart plummeted in her chest, knowing how much pain he had to be in and yet she’d have to cause him more.
“Kohaku, I’m not yours,” she said, taking a step away from him. “I’m so sorry about your mother, but… I told you my heart belongs to someone else. I’m a married lioness, you cannot have me.”
One paw instinctively went to cover her middle, she was becoming terrified, but in the end her babies came first.

"The war... took her and father." That both parents were gone now.. Had taken him a lot, and the weight of his siblings, now adults having to grieve over the news. Then- that's when he dug in to the ground of blood and revenge. The sin, which felt so sweet as he razored through vampires one by one. Not to capture them no, But a brutal killing spree. "But with you-" He couldn't even get his next words out when the denial hit him like a slap in the face.

"Not.. Mine?" That didn't register. Not fully. "Who.." Then the hate started to build... But that question was answered when the smell.. He shot his look up as a figure started to close in on them. But looked at her.. and gotten close to her. "Who. Is it.. WHO!" A shout.. Which had alerted the lion.. So he tried to keep it lower. "Married-.. How could you be married!? I had.. fought for you.. survived in the war.. for you.. and I come to retrieve you only to hear your married?! To who! And you will become a widow." His claws unsheathed themselves..

He sniffed, and though he was on his way home, he heard a shout.. Which caused the lion to turn. Singling the shadow out, but with another? Stopped him in his stride as he looked at his den not so few away, then back at where the spring was. Confused, wasn't it a bit late to have a visitor? Maybe a brother...? "Luci!" He called out. Unaware of the danger he had just single handedly put himself in. A huge exposure.

When the lion called out, Haku's eyes shot up.. That.. voice.. Which caused his eyes to grow largely.. It was.. Then he shot a glare so hard, that if looks could kill- it would have infected her in an instant.."Him!?" But that glare, had ceased as he pushed on in a full run towards the lion.

Not knowing better, he would have thought it was one of her kin. The pale skin in the darkness. His territory.. yet he couldn't see the face until it was too late. He had thought it was a visit, but then this bad feling started to turn his stomach.. and when the lion went in to a full run, he took a step back, not really to guard, hoping to just see an overexcited lion ( they had many of those ) until in the moodlight. He squinted his ears. It was no happy lion-... it was the lion he had 'feared'... Kohaku... The heat rose in to his paws and weighed them down as the full on collision was about to be iminate, but the grace of the gods lifted his feet to the side only grazing an escape to the collision. "-It can't be.." The red mane flashing in the moonlight, how he now seen it as a danger. Turning and jumping to the other side. "Haku- Please!" He barked- in a manly plea. "Brother!" As he had no ill will towards Kohaku.. what so ever. But the instinct to protect started to swell and made him go upon the side where Luci was, not too far away. "Luci! Get to the house! Now!" He barked at her. "Kohaku- Listen to me-" Like steadying a shark..

“You will not make me a widow!” Luci growled, sick of his stupidity. Or maybe it was her hormones. Either way, she didn’t care. The thought that he would try to take her Kowab away from her made her sick and furious and all too willing to rip his jealous, hog-headed throat out.

“If you so much as touch my husband, I will have no choice but to try and kill you myself, Kohaku. You were my best friend! How dare you threaten my family?!” Her head whipped around as she heard someone call her name. Oh gods, no, please don’t let him hurt Kowab, she prayed to any of the gods that would listen.

Kohaku lunged into a run towards Kowab, causing her to scream her denial before leaping into action, running to Kowab when Haku tried to attack, only to stop several leaps away when her mate yelled at her.
“I won’t leave you to him,” she shouted back, ears set back and teeth bared. She wouldn’t lose him, not like she almost had.

Auslief / Rime:
Yelling and screams stopped Auslief in her tracks. One of them, she knew was Kohaku’s voice. What was going on?
Unable to stop herself, she turned around and ran back towards the hill she’d been standing on to watch the encounter. She heard… The lioness had a mate? Was that it? And he was… Kohaku was going to kill the other male so that he could have the golden female? Her hurt and rage built even higher as she watched him start running at a dark male he must have known. And the female ran at him.

She should help him, she should. She cared about him, she wanted to be with him, she… She hated him. If he provoked an attack, he deserved whatever happened to him. Auslief- No, Rime sat down to watch the confrontation.

Ignoring the lioness he thought he loved. THOUGHT. Because, now.. only that was holding him was the past feelings. The feelings he needed to let go, though confused him with these feelings for the now. "Brother!? What brother are you of mine!?" He lunged at him, and had missed, they USED to match in strengths.. But Kowab, hadn't trained.. Not for so long, but at least he had quickl reflexes to match Kohaku's attacks. "Marry the one I gave my life for!?" He took a swipe, then he dashed, dodged and finally landed a swipe- that had so much power behind it that it had knocked the 'glasses' Kowab had on- litertaley flew off of him..

He had dodged easily, and the more he dodged, the faster Haku was getting and worry started to sink in.. This was the fight he had forgotten about, the fight that dwelled in the back of his mind.. But- the war. Finally he had seen the battle gashes and scars...Kohaku... His ears fanned back. "One that cares!" Which made him stand firm until he was slapped clear across the face.. His mane had grown long enough to cover one side of his face.. and his glasses flew off.. He was Haku's villian.. But had the tables turned?

He heard the lion move forward to lunge and he quickly moved under him and pushed up, enough to throw him off balance. Not to hurt him, as he turned and looked at Haku.. then his sight rose to see Luci... then got the attention of a figure on the hill. 'Luci-' He thought, if that other was planning to come after her. "I SAID GET INSIDE!" He yelled at her, and the seriousness and urgence of it had overwelmed him. "BEHIND YOU!" Which caused him to disconern himself with his own problem.

Though thrown off, he was quick to get on his feet, and saw the distraction Kowab had.. and the pain he felt for everyone.. and everything he had lost became the forefront in his mind and blamed Kowab for all of it.. Lunging himself clear in to Kowab and tossed him down and started to swipe. This didn't go without Kowab trying to block or move out of his range- and yelling.. "KOHAKU STOP! HAKU!"

“Kowab!” Luci screamed when Kohaku finally landed a hit, knocking Kowab’s glasses from his face. She did the only thing she could think of to save her beloved.
She leapt between them and threw her paws around Kowab’s neck, her body between Kohaku and her husband.

“Please Kohaku, please stop!” she cried, sobbing into Kowab’s mane as she held him tightly. “I love him, I’ve always loved him. I’ll die if you take him away from me.”
She would, she knew she would. Without Kowab in her life… she’d have nothing left. She would live for her children, long enough to bring them into this world, but in the end she wouldn’t be able to be the mother they would need. Her parents, her aunt and uncle, any of them would be better parents than she ever could be if Kowab was taken from her. She knew that as soon as her mate was gone, her heart would just stop beating.

Auslief / Rime:
Rime’s heart went out to the female. She must be hurting. The moonlit pirate wondered if it was how she felt, or if it was at least similar.
The dark male had seen her, had warned his mate about her presence. Ah, but she was no threat. She laid herself down on the still-warm sand, her head on her paws as she continued to watch. Her head tilted as the female covered her mate. Was that the wisest decision? Kohaku was mad at this point, she doubted he would listen to reason at this point. But maybe… maybe she would get lucky. Rime hoped so.

The black out had ignited just before Luci fell in front of him to protect her 'mate'.... but the deed was done. They had lighted the rage.. and like a bull.. Kohaku ran up in to them,and as Luci's pleas were unheard.. more. No, they were heard and fueled the pain within Kohaku enough to grab the girls arm and yank her off of him- caring less if she were hurt. Only if he could get to Kowab.. and just before Luci was lifted off of him..

In his arms, he hadn't expected that Luci would be within them at a time like this. Was she crazy!? She was carrying cubs!? She was so hard headed not to listen to him but when she was pryed off of him so roughly.. So carelessly.. His eyes zoned.. "NOO!" He yelled out.. and the over protectiveness kicked in full gear as he grasped on to Haku's lunge and flung himself enough to roll them in to each other. He wasn't in to violence anymore.. There was no need, but he had laid a paw on Luci... Like last time- he wouldn't.. wouldn't let this pass. As the two went out in a full brawl. He knew his strength had lowered, and there was no way he could win, especially how he saw Haku's rage filled eyes. There was no talking to him.

They met with every swipe but he knew, Kohaku had grown in so much muscle and strength that he would definately have fallen prey to him. But- Even in this full brawl.. he had a clear mind. He had 'smarts' Then as they continued- he slowly started to get them near the ruins.. Swipe.. After swipe. He didn't want to hurt Haku- .. He owed him his life.. but.. he hurt his family.. That was what changed it all. His loved one. His cubs to come.. He would die to protect them "THIS ISNT YOU!" Trying to tame the beast.. but it was no use.. Looking at the ruins and trying to get them closer. There was no talking- no use. Just bloodshed on both sides.. But Kowab. Kowab had a plan.

Auslief / Rime:
The golden female screamed again as she was pulled off and thrown away, rolling as her mate cried out his denial and the fighting got more heated. Rime watched with a fighter’s eye and she knew that the dark male didn’t stand a chance against Kohaku, not when he was in this state. At least, not alone.
She had no idea what the hell she was thinking. She didn’t help others, she was a thief. And she was a smart one at that, she wasn’t this stupid. She never fought unless she had some type of advantage, and here she had none. He was bigger than she was, fiercer, and on top of that the dark male didn’t know who she was.

Ah, but then she was angry, too. Angry that this b*****d would use her, kidnap her, break her heart.
Without a second thought, Rime was out of sight for a second before suddenly reappearing, sending her full body weight into the shoulder of Kohaku’s previously injured leg, intending to send him into the sand, or even better into the spring.

At this rate, he didn't know if he could stop him.. But as they continued.. they rolled next to an uplifted piece of ruin in the sand. He had zoned in on it, but he couldn't budge Haku anywhere near it until the silver lioness had swiftly came up under them and pushed on to Kohaku's leg. With a slight unbalance, and rage.. he wasn't aware enough to know the plan Kowab had. At least to keep him from fighting.. With the given oppertunity, and from the girl giving him an advantage.. he used all his way in the direction of the ruined piece..

The sound of a crack, and all his weight on top of Kohaku.. He thought he had given himself to the male to die, he didn't know he succeeded in his plan.. until the claws that racked in to his back.. slid off with weight to them. Softly, his breath was roughed as he lifted himself up.. But quickly realized. "Haku! No!" That sting.. that caring part of him.. He stared in to the face of the male that had once been like a brother- but at the same face that threatened his family.

It tore him apart inside.. as he lifted himself up.. then quickly got off of him.. and had been in shock of what he had done..

The rage had indeed gave him strength and he aimed to KILL Kowab. That was the underlining purpose.. but he didn't know. Was clarity.. to his surroundings.. if he had. If only he had.. He felt a massive weight push in to his leg and the ailing feeling made him roar so loudly.. that it could have errupted the earth.. Causing him to get unbalanced, and vulernable for a moment. Which, Kowab took to his advtange, sending his head straight in to the out stuck rock..

Instantly the danger had ceased.. Blood started to run down behind him as he laid there.. The weight of his paws fell off of Kowab and to his side.. Surely.. Kowab thought he killed Haku.. but there was a chance.. it was grim as he started to bleed out.. Unconcious.. He could do nothing..

Auslief / Rime:
Rime watched as the dark male took the advantage she had given him. Watched as Kohaku was pushed towards a stone obelisk , watched as he fell away from the rock, his back bleeding fiercely.
It hurt her to see that happen to him, hurt to know she had helped it happen, but in the end her hatred for him was just that much greater. The pain he had caused her…
And yet she couldn’t see him die. Eyes filled with hateful tears, she walked to his side, took her bag and pressed it to the wound, stopping the flow as much as she could.

“Get a healer,” she said, her voice frozen.

“I can help,” Luci said softly as she limped over. The leg Kohaku had grabbed her by hurt so much, but she would survive.
“Kowab, are you okay?” she asked her mate, looking at him for a minute before turning to the female that had shown up out of nowhere. Kohaku’s back was a mess, he might not do well unless someone saw to him, quickly. It tore her up to see him like that, but he sort of deserved it.
“I don’t know who you are or why you did this but… thank you.” The white female didn’t even nod in response. She just continued to stand there, her paws holding the soaked bag against Kohaku’s wound.

The feeling in the pit of his chest.. He'd never 'kill' another feline before, neither hurt one this bad before. It had been an even worse exp because it was Haku that was now needing help. He looked to the female, thuogh he didn't know who she was.. He quickly sprung in to action. Just because he looked at the stars all night didn't mean he had some practical sense. He snatched his bag, and ripped off the strap. Blood was now soaking the bag as he dug his paw under Haku's head, lifted him up. "I matter not, It is Haku and you I am worried over. We will have someone see to you my love." After bring the strap over, he tied Rime's bag with force around Haku's head. "This can hold him til we get to a healer. " He looked up at Aussie. "I don't know who you are.. but thank you." Looking in to her eyes, as he slowly lifted Haku up and slid under him..

The weight of the male, all muslce was quite a bit, even got him to shake a little bit before fully standing. "Luci, we will extend a paw to this stranger." Giving her a serious, yet tender look, with Haku behind him and went up to her and nudged in to her face. "Are they alright.." He whispered in to her ear, an unconious lion sparled on his back. Showing the male he was.. He hadn't changed so much had he? Was.. Haku always like that? Had he been blind? ... He was weak.. and his family had been in danger.. Contemplating if he had made the wrong decision.

Luci moved away as Kowab helped to deal with Kohaku. The white female did as well. Now that she got a good look at the female, Luci saw that she was small, sort of thin. Who was she?
She didn’t have time to ask, though, because Kowab turned to her, asking if she and the cubs were well. In response, she gave him a nod.
“We’re fine… for the most part. My leg hurts a little,” she replied and pressed her nose to his cheek. She didn’t feel anything was wrong with the babies, besides their annoyed kicking at her. She did deserve it after all, getting in that stressful situation as she had.

Her attention turned away from her mate to the female, watching as she picked up the necklace Kohaku had tried to give her.
“You’re welcome to stay for the night.”

Auslief / Rime:
“No, I won’t stay,” Rime replied with a shake of her head, her attention fixed upon the necklace. She had no right to it, it wasn’t hers, it didn’t belong to her, he had given it to someone else to wear. And yet she wanted it. Deep in what was left of her frigid, shattered heart, she wanted to keep something from this encounter, something that she could remember him by. Her ears flicked back.

No, she wouldn’t keep the necklace. There was nothing but badness soaked in it, just as her bag was soaked in blood. It was a keepsake of his dead mother. It marked her as nothing but a thief to him. For the necklace, he had kidnapped her. The necklace was how he distrusted her. The necklace was how he loved another.
With the broken piece of jewelry in her maw, she walked over to the golden female and set it down at her paws.
“If he ever wakes up, you can tell him his broken piece of junk isn’t worth my time to steal.” Her message given, she turned away to leave.

"I will personally tend to it. If you so think that it does not need as much attention." Then he looked down to her stomach.. Wishing he could rub his head in her stomach, just to maybe even 'feel' if they were ok. But Luci knew better than anyone. Also, he had more important things to account for, but.. When Luci was approached by the female, he slowly turned around to greet her and understand what was happening. Why, too was this silver female around. When he looked at the necklace. "..Gin's?" He turned to his wife, he had not heard the news.. But she never took off that necklace.. There was only one answer. "Hmm." A slight gruff as he looked to his side, and rubbed his face against Luci's ear. They would need to grieve, and tell Suki the news, if he was still around the pride's lands. "It doesn't look like you even believe that." He spoke facing Lcui but towards Luci, then finally after taking a breath of his mate's scent.

He lifted his head and looked in to her eyes. He saw something there, sadness.. anger. Things he too, have felt.. "You saved him." Those eyes, that looked deeply enough to pierce through the soul. "I don't know about you.. but if it was not worth your time.. Then.. Why are you here." A silence grew. "I asked myself the same question.. once." Having side gazed at Luci, though rough in the face he had a tender shadow for her.. before he pushed forward and walked passed Rime, having Kohaku's body on his back. Obviously he looked like he was struggling but he was stronger than what he looked. The sand had weighed on him more now. "Luci.. Do you think Ebio has room for two more? " It was dead of night, but he knew.. He knew Ebio was something extrodinary. No matter the time, the need, the situation, she would always help, and she would have yelled if it were any different.

Auslief / Rime:
Rime didn’t even glance away when the dark male called her out on lying. She wasn’t about to let a complete stranger know how hurt she was. No, she hated the b*****d, she wasn’t hurting anymore. She did mean what she said. The necklace wasn’t worth her time. It was nothing in comparison to what the golden female… Luci, that was her name. The jewelry she was wearing, now that was eye-catching. If this pride had treasures like that, her father would certainly be proud of her, wouldn’t he? Yes, that’s what it was, a long con. She got the male to take her to a pride rife with treasure, used him to gain their trust, and used that trust to gain access to the treasure.
She snorted when the dark male spoke about her having saved Kohaku.
“That makes us even, then,” she replied, her voice remaining impassive. She finally looked away again, her ears twitching as she listened.

“He kidnapped me, needed someone to boss around I guess.” Truth, it was so much harsher than any lie she could come up with.

Luci frowned a little at the female’s response before looking to Kowab for help. Had Kohaku fallen so far as to kidnap this lioness? What else had he done to her?
But she put the thought aside for the moment, nodding her head at Kowab’s question.
“She should… Although, the kids probably shouldn’t be exposed to Kohaku… They can stay with us, can’t they?”

Falling back a bit passed them, but enough of course to hear his mate. What mate couldn't- they were connected in a way others would not understand, he turned with the male still on top of him. Only hearing her first response while the later was left to Luci to hear. But when Luci spoke, it stopped him in his tracks. "If they stay with us, likely when wake- Haku would strike and I don't want you near us if that happens. Or take the girl elsewhere with you and I can stay here to tend to his wound. Ebio should be awake for me to gather information on what to do." Giving her a nod.

"Love, please. Take better care of yourself. Your womb is not empty enough for you to be making a decision like you had done again." This- was serious. Have she thrown herself again, Haku would have shredded her apart and that would have likely killed a lot more after that.

Auslief / Rime:
Rime let out an annoyed sigh. She didn’t like this, they were controlling her and dammit all she was letting them. She didn’t need to go with them, she should just leave. And yet… somehow she couldn’t make herself just turn away and leave. Seeing Kohaku like this hurt her, even more so since she knew it was part of her problem… No, he deserved it. He was an a*****e. He demanded a female’s heart, was going to kill her mate. She’d attack any male who tried to take her mother from her father. It was wrong. And worse, this female was carrying cubs. Kohaku deserved everything she had done, everything this male had done.
She had to stay, she needed to make sure the b*****d didn’t hurt anyone else. It didn’t matter that she was a pirate. She wasn’t going to stand by and let him hurt someone again.

“Stay with your family,” she told the female, her voice as cold as ever, though loud enough for both of them to hear. “I’ll help make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone when he wakes.”

Luci frowned but in the end she knew they were both right. She couldn’t be near Kohaku. If he woke and saw her… She didn’t want to think about what he might do. Her ears fell back for a moment before she nodded.
“I’ll go get my aunt, then. I’ll send her to our den.” She paused for a moment before catching up to her mate’s side and licking his cheek.
“Be safe my love,” she told him before heading as quickly as she could manage to her aunt and uncle’s den.