The crowd jeered and shouted at the horse on stage. He wore glasses, which clashed with his black leather and masculine appearance. The horse stomped his foot and the naked and chained slaves on the stage winced and scurried off. Their master, a beautiful tiger in extravagant robes of green and gold that trailed down his legs and onto the dusty floor growled angrily at them and pulled on the chain that kept them tied together.
"Useless." He muttered, pulled them tightly forward and away from the stage. "Another day, no money. What good are you fools? I need to fatten you up." He glared at a fragile feline in his keeping who was stick thin. No wonder none of them had been purchased. They all were thin and dirty, with frightened expressions and shaking legs. He expected the cat at least to go for 50 gold, but none were had.

The horse whinnied at the crowd who's dull roar turned into a murmur. The people at the bar turned from their drinks to view the new meat on the block.
"Bartlebee." The horse announced loudly and the murmur grew into a stunned silence.
The gorgeous hell hound mounted the stage with command and elegance. In his hand was merely a rope, connected were four slaves following with excited and nervous expressions. Bartlebee shook the horses hand hard with a fanged smile.
"Hello again Methesdis. I have some fresh faces. At least 300 gold to start. They're all trained." He smirked with black lips and white teeth and handed him a bill of ownership. Methesdis gestured to the center of the stage and Bartlebee bowed his head slightly and continued onward. The slaves in tow did not fight the pull of their collars. Leading them was a young red fox with long hair, tied in a braid that fell over his chest down to his belly. He was smiling and wearing plenty of jewelry that would sell for plenty of gold itself. He was at home at the slave market and not shy at looking at the crowd or following his master. Bartlebee stroked his hair before exiting the stage and joining the other masters who were selling today.
"Bartlebee." A jackal said, approaching with aplumb. "What beautiful specimens. Why all men? You usually have such buxom women..."
"A change in flavor." The hell hound said in a deep and masculine voice. It had a strange echo that was not of this world. He smiled frighteningly at the jackal. "Men are easier to brake then women. And they go for more money. Once you tether them, men turn into boys while girls turn into women. I've had my fill of them. Let them use their education to pleasure others."
"How charitable of you Bartlebee." The jackal laughed a high pitched laugh and folded his golden robes over his arms. "I am most excited to see their talents. Will we get a show?"
"I always give a show."

Methesdis stepped forward to the edge of the stage. In a booming voice he announced, "The minimum bid is 300 gold!" A collective groan was heard from the audience. Bartlebee's slaves were never cheap. Methesdis grabbed the rabbit boy with long purple ears and pulled him to the front. The others were pulled behind him.
The rabbit lion winced. It was his first time at a slave auction like this before. He was sold to Bartlebee by his only master Joseph, who treated him much better than Bartlebee had. Joseph had treated Ninjin like a friend and lover, but when Joseph lost his estate his father forced him to sell his assets. Including his slaves. Ninjin had gone for 100 gold to Bartlebee, who took the rabbit home and trained him to be a proper slave and not a house pet. Ninjin did not like it, but it was his fate at the moment. He hoped to find a new master who would treat him fairly and let him speak and wear what he pleased unlike Bartlebee.
"The rabbit lion is Ninjin." Methesdis began reading from the bill Bartlebee had given him. " He is trained in cooking, dance, cleaning, stripping, pleasure, and academia. He can read and write, has received schooling and education prior to his enslavement at university. He is well spoken and has a high vocabulary. Is wonderful to speak with and can carry a conversation. His exotic hybrid heritage should go for more gold." Ninjin bowed slightly before being pulled to the side. Behind him was a bat, who when pulled by the horse shook he shoulder and sneered in reply. Methesdis let go and the bat fell backward slightly, the fox behind him catching him and helping him regain his footing which was difficult because of his long wings which were tied together at the ends to keep him from flying. He shook his long hair and snorted as Methesdis began to read.

"Fruit bat Akanksha from the fabulous east. He is intelligent, a pleasure to converse with, and a capable man. Akanksha has a tendency to escape, but always returns." Another groan was heard from the audience. Akanksha sneered at them and bared his fangs. He clearly did not want to go to another master. Methesdis laughed as he read. "His collar cannot be removed without the key. He is labeled a slave by Kingdoms and government, unable to buy freedom because of crimes against humanity. Oh my. The bat however will be a pleasure to any house hold who can hold his leash with a firm grip. Discount because of his feisty personality."
Akanksha growled at the discount. He knew he deserved as much as Ninjin, but what was written was true. If it weren't for the leash and the ties on his wings he would fly back home to Bartlebee's mansion without a second thought. He had no idea why Bartlebee was selling him in the first place. As far as he knew he had never caused the master any grief or worry. He was careful with their relationship, he respected and admired Bartlebee. He was angry now that he stood on the block for sale, but hoped to find a master who could offer a new lifestyle with respect and freedoms he currently did not have.

The next up was a nude fennec fox who held his shoulders and shook like a dead branch in a gust of wind. His large adorable ears fell flat against his head as Methesdis pulled him forward, a little more delicately than the others. He clearly was frightened. The fox looked over at Bartlebee pleadingly, but the hellhound replied with a smug expression and a wave of his hand.
"Habibah the fennec fox is mute, but understands english." Methesdis began. " He can whimper and whine an moan, but never speaks. This is a great asset as he cannot protest or complain about his lifestyle. He is a talented seamstress and designer. He is capable and learns very quickly. He is not defiant, but resigned to his servitude and joyful when praised. Habibah performs expertly when given directions and orders and is happy to make his master happy." Habib smiled and blushed at this remark. It was true, Habib prefered to have someone hold his reins instead of making his own decisions. He is always afraid of making mistakes, but as long as there is a master there to guide him he know he cannot go astray. He had not been with Bartlebee long or needed much training. He was a slave his whole life, and was very well trained from birth in the art of sewing and caretaking. For years before Bartlebee owned him he took care of an old spaniel that was ill and died of old age. Habib loved him, and when the Spaneils daughter sold him to Bartlebee Habib was sad to see the family go. But Bartlebee had been a kind master to him. Not to all his slaves, but him at least he always had kind hands and soft words. Habib hoped to find someone who could showcase his talents in art and give him sweet words or encouragement.

"Finally..." The last slave spoke and walked forward without prompting. Habib stepped back politely and let the red fox take the stage. The red fox smiled broadly at the crowd and popped his hip. Methesdis chuckled.
"I don't know if I should read this or let you introduce yourself." He said. The red fox bowed low to the horse in reply. "Alright then-" He began to read. "Delsin is happy to be with you, whoever you are. He is a talented dancer and stripper, and is very experienced in the bedroom. Delsin is happy to serve you and your guests with the utmost performance and easily excited. Affectionate and capable, Delsin is a perfect slave for those who are sick of argumentative and defiant servants. Delsin loves sex and and parties, he is trained in exotic dance and message. Beware! He has a sly streak and loves to pull harmless pranks. He is the best specimen among these slaves and his price should reflect as such. "
As Methesdis spoke Delsin turned around, showing off his assets and flipping his tail back and forth. The crowd cheered and jeered at him and the red fox bowed low again when the horse was done speaking. He smiled, showing all his teeth, and glanced at Bartlebee. Bartlebee smiled. Delsin did not pull the chord but walked slowly to the edge of the stage so that all the slaves could be displayed.

Methesdis gestured to Ninjin the rabbit lion.
" Bids start at 350 gold for this hybrid beauty! Who wants to start?"