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[PRP] Holding on to Hope [Mlinzi & Mez]

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:28 pm
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One sniff of the air told him today was the day. A day that didn't come all too often, but when it did it nearly drove him insane. The anxiety of knowing what today meant, and the inevitable defeat that followed it. Well at times it became far too much for him to bare. But in his heart he knew it was what he had to do, if he ever wanted to be happy. He had complete faith in the ability of his pride's matchmakers and if this is what they told him to do, he was going to do.

Pacing forward, the only indicator he had of his location was the soil. It was becoming more dry and far less stiff, he could feel the prints his paws were leaving behind. He was here, exactly where the matchmakers said she would be. Only she never was. Mlinzi sighed, inhaling a large breath of fresh air, hoping to catch the scent of his perfect match in the air. But for him, there was nothing, nothing but the scent of incoming rain. Perfect, another evening f waiting for no one in the pouring rain.

Plopping down into the rich loose soil, he frowned to himself. There was no one here, as always. As there had been the past six times he had been here. But he still held onto hope, hope that one day the seer's vision would come true.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:19 pm

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Mez had been wandering for a while now, she felt like it was forever at this point. Well it was pretty true that she had been wandering for a really long time now. She really had been though, she had been traveling since she was young. She was starting to feel like there was no place for her feet to settle, there was no place that felt like home. Once again she was running from the rain. She knew it was coming she could smell it and she just wanted to find a place to settle a place to call home but she felt like no matter where she went she just couldn't find it. Her paws just kept going and going and the rain was coming.

She was exhausted and she just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep for a while, and she wanted to eat too. She wasn't really that sure of where she was going to send up settling but she knew that she was going to find some where to go. There had to be somewhere around here that she could go, she was determined there had to be somewhere. She was really hoping anyway. Really hoping that there was going to be somewhere that she could go. She really wanted to settle some where. She was starting to drag her feet as she wandered, keeping and eye out for some where to go.


Mega Streaker


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:15 pm
He had been there for what seemed like hours! But in reality had been merely one hour tops. His heart was aching, he just wanted this to happen. The longer his heart lingered like this, the longer he would be alone. Both his best friend, and his 'brother' had already caught the love bug and yet here he sat, still waiting for his dream girl.

Mlinzi inhaled a deep breath intending to let it out in a long harsh sigh. But something caught his nose off guard. He knew this area like the back of his paw, and something in that whiff of air ... it was different. He paused, nearly forgetting to even breathe, until he finally took another deep breath. There it was again! Though he couldn't identify it, he knew what it had to be! No one, and he really meant no one, came out this far for anything. It had to be her, HAD TO BE.

Pulling himself to his feet, he attempted to follow the scent, hoping his own wouldn't chase his would be suitor away. Should he speak? No that would startle her! Should he lurk in the shadows and hope not to seem creepy?! No that wasn't going to work either!

But before he could even manage to figure out a proper way to greet her, fate stepped in yet again. This time in a not so comfortable way. It happened in a flash, and it took him quite a few minutes to catch on. The ground literally just disappeared from under him. Causing the poor frail lion to plummet into a dried up riverbed, leaving him both bruised and completely lost.

He knew what he had to do, he just had to hope she could both hear him - and be kind enough to come to his aid. Wincing his eyes closed, he bellowed a roar, hoping with all his might that it was strong enough to reach her ears.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:58 pm

Despite him trying not to startle her, the sound of a roar not only startled her but brought her out of a day dream. She was at the point where she was just concentrating on traveling. Her focus was on where her feet were moving, she was watching where she was going and she was making sure that she wasn't going to trip over anything as she wandered. But the sudden sound startled her, her ear's perked and her eyes widened for a moment. Her tail flicked around behind her and as she gathered herself she was trying to figure out where the noise came from. It sounded like it was close and it sounded like another lion.

She stood for a few seconds before what was really happening registered in her mind. There were other lions around. On top of that now that she was thinking about it... she could smell the various smells that normally were included at the edges of prides. Not only that but it had a different... odd smell that she couldn't quiet put her paw on it. But either way she was off, the roar was almost... pathetic to her but at the same time to her that was worrisome. It made her wonder was there a problem with whatever was going on with this creature.

As she wandered though she moved as quickly as she could, she wasn't running but yet she was more of at a jog. She as keeping an eye out for whatever she was looking for, she was assuming a lion that was for sure. But as she wandered a white figure caught her attention. He was on the ground, she was assuming it was a he judging by the large mane that appeared to be piled ont he ground. She started to move a little faster toward the male before stopping and questioning whoever this was on the ground. "Are you okay?" She asked, her voice was soft and quiet. It was still loud enough to be held but yet she just spoke quietly.


Mega Streaker


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:38 pm
The voice stopped the male in his tracks, it was as though time had stopped for him. His entire body just shut down, most likely from shock, but one would never truly know.

"No I ... I think i'm stuck in some sort of hole. I can't actually see though, so I could just be lost." He was utterly embarrassed and in a slight bit of pain. But on top of that, he felt like his heart was going to leap out of his chest!

She was here, somewhere, asking him if he were OK. SHE. WAS. HERE!

Shaking himself to attention he quickly whipped his head from left to right, but couldn't get a solid track on her location. The quick fall had messed up his coordination a bit.

"I mean you no harm. Please, I just really need some help. I'll do anything."

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 6:09 pm

Mez could see part of the male's head poking over the dried river bed. She was very concerned about the fact that he had tripped and fallen she was really hoping that he didn't hit his head or snap a bone or anything like that. She wasn't to knowledgeable about fixing people up, or if this male was part of the pride she was smelling and if she was if they would be okay with her walking into and telling some one that he was injured, what if they though that she injured him? That would be all kinds of disastrous because everyone would be probably mad at her and she was not that happy about that idea.

She decided that the best idea was to walk up to him and find out if he was doing okay or not. Her talk swished behind her and she approached as carefully as she could, and leaned over the edge and she couldn't help but to shake a little out of nervousness. "Are you hurt?" She asked curiously trying not to get too close, what if he tried to hurt her. She was hoping that he didn't break any thing or really hurt himself, she wasn't really in the mood with dealing with possibly being killed.


Mega Streaker


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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 9:21 am
Mlinzi's head jerked in the direction of her voice, his ears perked to their fullest. Her words were calm, and she seemed to be OK with the idea of helping him. He let out a large sigh, as he tried to mentally evaluate his injuries.

"Y-Yeah, but its nothing I can't handle. Bumps and bruises ... things that come with the job. But I can't see - but that's not from my fall. I've always been unable to see..." OK, now he was just rambling. He had to pull himself together, or else she was just going to think he was crazy!

Frustrated he began to pad his feet along the unfamiliar ground, hoping to find something that could help him.

"My - My name is Pumbaa'Mlinzi, i'm an apothecary in this pride's lands. Please, if you help me, perhaps there is some way I could return the favor?"

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 11:39 pm

Mez wasn't that sure of what to think of the male off of the top of her head. This was partly because she wasn't that sure of what to think about the whole pride thing was this a trap of some kind? Mez possibly was overly cautious but a while in the Rogue Lands kept her unsure of what to think about this whole situation.

She paused as she watched the lion, and arched a brow at the first thing that he had said. "Wait you're blind?" she asked curiously, was he really that was odd she didn't know what to think about that at all. "Return the favor?" she asked curiously and also a little surprised that was for sure. It was extremely odd thinking about what he could have possibly wanted her to do.


Mega Streaker


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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 11:53 pm
Mlinzi's heart felt like it was breaking into tiny pieces with each passing second. He knew it was her, the one he'd been searching for. But of all the times he'd dreamed of her, he'd never imagined she would be so cautious in helping him. It felt like an eternity each time she went silent, he feared she would simply walk away and leave him to rot.

But then she spoke up once again, the soft gentle voice, almost a whisper.

"Yes, i've been blind since I was a cub. Normally I am capable of guiding myself around and fending for myself, but I fell into this pit." His voice began to crack as he explained his horrid luck. There had to be some way he could grab her attention, someway that he could get her to stay. "I can't get myself out, I don't even know where I am right now. But you do, please i'm begging you with everything I have..." His pleading began to become more and more pathetic as he pleaded with the lioness. He didn't even know her name, yet he yearned to be close to her.

"Yes, if you help me, there must be something I can do for you. Some way I can repay you for your assistance. I'm an apothecary, and a fine one at that. If you're sick or injured .. I can heal you. I can even hunt for you!" Mlinzi paused a moment, no he didn't want to lie to her. "Well I can't hunt, but I can get you food if you'd like. Anything at all, just name it."

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:17 am

Mez took a moment to look at the male and consider what he was saying. As he got more despert she couldn't help but to start to feel bad, she knew that he couldn't be making this up, could he? She started at his face and as she did she started to think about how it made sense for him to be blind, the color of his eyes and the fact that it seemed like he couldn't just look at her, that made her feel a little bit better, and she wasn't just going to resist him help, she felt horrible and she really wanted to help him that was for sure. She stood up and then started to wander toward the male. "It's not too bad of a hole."

She flicked her tail around behind her and stepped down into the small pit. She wandered up to him her tail flicking around behind her. She moved up next to him. "I'm going to lean against you a little bit so I can lead you out of here." She said simple as she then pressed her body against him a little bit. "Come on, start walking but walk slowly." She warned a little a small smile was on her face as she started to lead him closer to the side of her pit. "I'm fine though I don't really need anything." She stated simply however as she talked her stomach started to grumble loudly. She had to admit she was extremely hungry but at the same time she was always trying to make sure she wasn't being a burden. She tried to speak over her stomach growling though, she figured it was going to start making noises again. She didn't want him to hear once more. "So you are part of a pride?" She asked curiously.


Mega Streaker


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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 11:03 pm
Mlinzi allowed the breath he'd been holding in to be released as she explained the depth of the hole to him. At least it would be easy for her to help him get out of it. At first he hadn't realized that she was actually coming down to help him, he really thought she was just going to slip away. But sure enough, the tiny padding of her feet could be heard climbing down the hole he was stuck in.

Soon he could feel her presence beside him and it caused the fur on the back of his neck to stand on end. He couldn't believe how close she was, she was literally right next to him! His heart began to beat crazily inside his chest, and he had to remember to breathe. "OK, I understand." He mumbled, bracing himself for the press of her fur against his own. As she did so, he tried his best to remain calm, but his heart only went that much crazier. He could only hope she wasn't able to feel the blood rushing throughout his veins. At her simple command Mlinzi began to move his feet, slowly, just as she had instructed.

"Well if you think of anything at all ... please don't hesitate to ask. I may useless at the moment, but I have quite the reach within my pride." He had of course heard her stomach growl, but with her hesitance to help him he wasn't sure forcing her to accept food was a good idea.

A steps more and it felt as though the two were really making progress in getting out of the hole. "Yes, I am a part of the pride who's borders we are within. But nothing to fear, we are a very peaceful group." Nodding his head gently, he allowed a little of his own weight to lean against her's. Just to feel the comfort of her body next to his.

"As I said before, i'm a healer for the pride. Though I spend most of my free time here, mostly searching for herbs and other things I can use for remedies. That's how I ended up down here in the first place."

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 6:22 pm

Mez was a little flustered of what to do with the male. She was a little nervous at times and in all honesty she didn't know what to think. What if this was a trap, what if when she followed the male and then got attacked. After she helped the male step up she moved to the side her tail hanging low below her and her attention then turned toward the male. She wanted to take his kindness and she was very hungry that was for sure but she stood extremely nervous standing away from him.

"Uhm. I don't know." She started simply, her nervousness was apparent, but she wanted to eat and she wanted to believe him and believe that he was a nice lion but she didn't know him and she didn't know what to do in this situation. "I am hungry..." she started simply her voice trailed a little as she spoke, she was oepning up a little because she wanted to believe what he was saying.


Mega Streaker


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PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 6:47 pm
Mlinzi could feel the tension between them, probably far more than the female herself was. He vowed to do his best to ease that tension, though at the moment he wasn't sure what to do. She was very quiet, and possibly a bit fearful of him despite his many attempts to prove otherwise. As he felt her move away, a sadness grew in his chest. Though the moment had been fleeting, he'd enjoyed it quite a bit.

It wasn't until she spoke up again, the Mlinzi was able to snap out of his own trapped thoughts. So she was hungry ... and most definitely unsure of him. Mlinzi inhaled a deep breath before patting the ground to reassess his exact location. It only took a few moments before he was comfortable once again.

"Well then my dear, shall we get you some food? Perhaps after you've gotten a full belly we can better acquaint ourselves." It was at that point, that he finally realized he'd never learned her name.

But he wasn't worried. He was determined to make this work, one way or another.


Totally want to start another one with these two. Possibly after Mlinzi acquires her some dinner <3~
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