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Silver Ace Revolver
Cookie Icer
Silver Ace Revolver

But then again, analysts always say that SB officiating was questionable.

They usually do. Question here is, was it a Questionable call? a Miss call? or a no Call? Depending on how they are categorizing the plays, it can be either a Judgement thing, or Refs flat out blowing it. And what I have seen, I'm leaning towards the latter.

I think the refs figured since it's the Super Bowl, let the boys be boys.

I agree with being a little more lenient and letting the
"Boys be Boys" I would rather there be fewer penalties than more, BUT there were quite a few calls that I felt still needed to be made. A player laying a hand on the Ref, No Buts About It! He should have been thrown out and fined. For the smaller, questionable judgement calls, yes, I can agree and say maybe minor things can slide, but blatant penalties need to be called no matter what kind of game this is. And yes, there were a few by the 49ers that went uncalled. A hit on Joe Flacco as he was going out of bounds, and the push off from the Ravens defenders helmet, this isn't a complete bash on what the Ravens got away with, but more against the Refs and letting calls slide that should have been called.

On another side note, I think LSU let the 49ers borrow the Voodoo Queen, because after that outage, there was some funky mojo in that place!