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"Experimentation and observation;that's all a true scientist cares about. And I am a scientist. Everything in the world is an experimental test subject, of course that includes myself as well."

Rp name:Jean Stein
Age: 1900 years old
Race: Half vampire,half incubus
Height: 7ft
Sexual Orientation: bi
Personility: Observant.clever
Likes: Tea,smoking and drinking occasionally,the stitch design,working,messing with people,cooking,slow dancing,training.
Dislikes: Being distracted from his work,bothersome people
History: Growing up,Stein lived with his father,who was renowned and famous for curing some cancers and an amazing scientist.His father mentored him in fighting,using a scythe,meditating,along with school.However his father's negative parts affected and influenced him too.Jean was created by his own father using advanced science and magic.His father wanted to make them look more alike so he put a bolt in his head too.His father believed that everything and everyone was possible research material and that observation and research were the only things worth doing.There was only one time he disobeyed his father and he was punished with cuts all over his body that his father stitched up.Jean will sometimes inspect his stitches with admiration of his father.His father had always sent him to expensive,great schools.Stein skipped up a few grades and thus finished college early.He became a successful doctor and professor like his father.His father sent him to a nice mansion nearby where he could observe him if he wanted to.For decades,Jean worked in the mansion alone,his father visiting on holidays.Now,growing lonely in the huge mansion,he wants someone to share his home with despite the fact that they might become a experiment.And because of work,he can't keep the house as clean as he used to.At his best,he can be somewhat caring.But at his worse,he is sadistic and cruel.Jean holds his father as a important idol in science and medicine but also obeys his every order and wish perfectly.He shares a complex and immoral relationship with his father.
Persona: Stein can be ether nice or mean,depending on the slave but still holds a desire to research and experiment on something.When annoyed or angry,his desire to experiment on something is at its strongest.But he prefers a slave that wouldn't be a ton of trouble.Ideally,he would like a slave that can clean and make tea.He will settle for a slave that can only clean though.
Tidbits: When annoyed or in deep thought,Stein will turn the bolt in his head which makes a mechanical sound much like his father does.
Slave(s):None yet

''I think I'd like to dissect you now!''

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