I used to be a big part of this guild. I kind of lost fate in it, but i'm gonna give it another shot.

So without further adue...:

Name: Alexander
Age: 19
Race: Human
Master or Mistress: master
Orientation: straight
Bio: As a master he has killed many of his servants, but lately he wants an heir. He is very rich, but not many girls like him. He is mysterious, and strict. Normally his temper repels people in general, but under that, he si a good guy. He is very romantic, and loving.. He really does want a family of his own.
seme, uke,or seke? seke
Anything else relevant: He loves to be a mystery, but at times he really loves being very romantic. If he sees his slave likes it he'll be more like that later. In time his coldness will fade completely.
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