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Name: Chains
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Faction: Undead
Race: Cursed Undead - If the manner of death was traumatic enough, particularly in cases of missing/unburied bodies, some beings will rise in Halloween as an undead with a strong connection to the environment and items involved in their demise. Like a zombie drawn back to his grave to rest, so a cursed undead seeks to inhabit an environment similar their unsanctimonious deathbed and may exhibit power over elements connected to their undoing. (( need crit/ approval ))

Natural Ability:
Y1: Death Grip - When a zombie wants to hold onto something, they really hold onto something. Due to their reanimated nature, zombies posses a degree of physical strength that doesn't necessarily match their body or build.

Y2: Mechanical Possession - He has an almost magnetic attraction to car parts and is able to use them to reinforce his weaker limbs for extended movement/protection.
(( need crit/ approval ))



+ Humpty Dumpty meet Prince Charming // Protective
Being a mangled corpse instills a certain lack of awareness for person safety. He'll put himself back together somehow, but he can't say that about you.

+ Hunger for brains knowledge // Problem Solver
Despite his stumbling speed and difficulty learning, his desire to succeed in personal interests force him to hit the books -or the toolbox- until he figures things out. While he may not always have the most orthodox approach (motorbikes made from kitchen appliances? That couldn't go wrong), sometimes there's a hint of genius in his plans.

+ For the Horde! // Loyal + Team Player
He has a innate pack mentality and a strong desire to be apart of a group of his own ilk. The mob that shuffles together stays together, and Chains is a strong believer in the brotherhood of zombies where he can find it. He grows a sense of zombie/patchwork pride the more of them he meets and feels most in his element around other mangled undead like him. Not to worry though if you aren't all cold and rotting inside; while he can be a little stiff toward species he's not familiar with, ultimately he aims to get along with everyone.

-From My Cold Dead Hands //Possessive
What's mine is MINE, when Chains finds something worth keeping he doesn't let it go, for anything. He doesn't know when he'll ever come across it again, and he's not one to take chances at his speed. If he feels like he's losing his grip on someone he fights that much harder to hold on, sometimes with disastrous results. Trying to end a conversation and leave before he's ready and he'll likely lach on to your arm so hard you'll feel like it's coming out of the socket. He knows he can be forceful but can't seem to stop himself from stopping you if you come between him and his lay of claim; be it person or item.

-Living In a Blurr // Slow
To move and to learn. While he's actually pretty smart he usually has to work 5 times harder than the average student just to grasp the gist of a new subject. Not to mention needing you to repeat the directions a hundred times. If you lose patience with him, consider the endless hours of tutoring work a waste of time...he'll just walk out. In his world time doesn't really matter but when forced to keep pace with everyone else he can easily crash and burn.

-I'm Blue // Downer
Chains suffers from bouts of apathy, and a general "******** this" attitude especially after repeated failures to understand/perform tasks for school or friends. It's tough to be a slow moving, slow processing dude in a fast paced world. It's enough to make you want to slow down even more; make all the hustle and bustle just stop. He can go a little numb sometimes, particularly when his senses are overloaded by lots of conversation, sounds or activity.

Likes / Dislikes

✔ Going Down With the Ship // Water - Cold - Ice
It is in his nature as a cursed undead to associate his death place as point of refuge. While the dead don't sleep, he's fond of laying on the bottom of frozen lakes to clear his mind when the world becomes too much to handle. While it is a comfort to him, he has a tendency to lose track of time and responsibility when tucked under the ice.

Old Habits Die Hard // Smokes
He smokes a pack a day, sometimes just holding on to one unlit for effect. Even though his lungs don't actually exchange any gasses he enjoys the mechanism of smoking just the same. His lungs are actually full of ash and crumpled cigarette butts. He uses car lighters so no flames required.

Ride 'em Up // Mechanics + Things that go VROOM
When around other zombies like him he tends not to notice that he moves slowly but in the diverse world of Halloween things tend to go a few octanes higher than a snail's pace and it can be frustrating to always feel like your lagging behind the crowd. While he has no memories of being a mechanic, residual interest left behind from his previous life combined with a need for speed means Chains is obsessed with making things that go fast. While he's not particularly as skilled as he was in his old life and not all the common parts exists in Halloween, he enjoys improvising on the junkers he finds around town.

✖ Be Still My Flaming Corpse // Big Fire
If there is anything that will get an undead zombie to move fast it's a large flame. Not only is heat in general unkind to his species (who doesn't love the smell of accelerated decomp?), but flame itself was the harbinger of his death -- the most painful and frightening final moments he ever experienced before being thrown into an icy river, and even if he can't remember what happened the fear will always be that much worse because of it. While generally a low-key guy, flames will either bring him to his knees or make him lash out and rip your arm off for swinging that candle too close.

✖Nothing that Can't Wait // Running
While he loves sports and especially rough housing with other zombies (no rules!), Chains has the stamina you might expect of a dead person. i.e. none. It's as if he walks through life with sandbags tied to his legs. Not to mention his history as a smoker didn't exactly leave him with the most capable of corpses to begin with. Through training and overcoming his general apathy at doing anything he sucks at, he can work toward increasing his endurance.

✖Get Me Out of This Auction House // Fast Talkers
Chains cannot follow your attempt at conversation if you're talking a mile a minute, it honestly all blurs into one long annoying humm. Sometimes he'll interrupt and tell them to slow down but at times even that's too much effort and he'll simply walk off and hope the person get's the message.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? To better control his FEAR ability and meet other undead.

FEAR Ability: [Battle Cry] Cursed Chain - The chain wrapped around his arm becomes concentrated with FEAR, causing it to wrap around targets and yank them to the ground. Occasionally the curse backfires causing him to eat dirt instead of the opponent.

or alt option: The bruised indentations forming a chain link pattern on his right arm are cursed and the FEAR ability turns the memory of the chain into a physical cursed chain he uses to attack

alt alt option: The chain is partially melded to bones on his right arm which remain largely a burden to his movement outside of battle. When concentrated with FEAR however the cursed chain gains it's attacking powers.
(( need crit/ approval ))

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Royal Blue ████ #3333CC
Hair Colour/Style: Slightly grown out and wavy caesar cut on the un charred side in cotton candy pink████ #FF6666. Charred side is nearly bald and black with yellow green undertones ████ #333300 ████ #CCCC33
Skin Colour: Blue, indicative of being trapped under a frozen river in death ████ #00CCCC. Tourched side is purpleish pink where the muscle is showing ████ #FF3399.
Clothing Style/Colours: Ripped leather pants (c. 1979). Dark Blue/black ████ #000033
Extras: He drags a long tow chain wrapped his right arm, about 6' long (( need crit/ approval -- see FEAR description ))