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Name: Simeon Hayle

Age: 17

Position: uke

Personality: silent, obedient, passive, pet like, childlike, sad, somewhat feminine.

Likes: cuddling, affection, cute things, cuddly toys, dressing up, butterflies, silk scarves, the colors pink and lilac.

Dislikes: dogs, crowds, noise, the dark, being alone, naked flames such as candles or lighters.

History: Simeon's mother was an exotic dancer in a nightclub. His father could have been any one of a dozen gentlemen friends. His mother had little time for him and left him home alone a great deal. He grew up lonely and isolated taking care of himself. Occasionally she would take the boy to work with her and he would play in the dressing rooms, trying on the exotic costumes. One day when he was fifteen a customer at the nightclub offered a large sum of money for the boy and his mother readily accepted. His master was a cruel and abusive male. Now twenty, his Master has lost interest in him, preferring younger boys and he is for sale again.

Master: None