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Name: Kiko

Age: 15

Orientation: I do not know all I know I feel safer around men

Position: uke

Bio: Is not allowed to talk about it since he gets hit for it everything he tries to talk to someone about it. But he has been at an asylum for over 5 years now because his parents though the was unnatural and so they sent him there hoping to get him fixed. Over the years there has been no progress at all only that he as lost any identity as to who he was and who he is supposed to be, but he is still very happy and caring around the people he knows well.

I like: books, candy, cats, someone rubbing his head, being told he has been good, fish, being around people, affection, warmth, animals, warm cloths

I dislike: getting hit, getting yelled at, the treatments, no food, being cold, being alone, feeling unloved, being treated like a freak

I am good at: Can turn into a cat and draw very good

My personality is: very shy, affectionate, understanding, caring, energetic, quiet at times, bubbly, sweet , child like at times, very lost, confused, worried, emotional at times