User ImageName: Daisuke Kou
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Orientation: Homosexual
Position: Uke
Occupation: Caretaker

Personality: Gentle and compassionate to those who come to him in time of need. He rarely raises his voice unless he is truly angered by something or someone that crosses the line with him. Even though he is a nurturing person, he will not hesitate to defend the person or animal he is fondly close to along defending himself when needed.

Biography: Although his father was not present during and after the time of his birth, Daisuke was raised in a loving home with his mother, grandfather, grandmother, aunt and uncle. Daisuke was always considerate to others while growing up as he always wanted to assist those who needed assistance, whether they were lonely that needed an animal companion, or needed medicine with the help of his family's garden. As years passed, Daisuke became sole heir of the family fortune and master of the manor, causing him to renovate his home into a business-like state to make it suitable for the creatures and plants he would be raising when the time came for people to come what exactly what they were looking for either companion or homemade medicine. However, he does not believe the rumors about his family being witches or something dark that would bring downfall on those who crosses them. Only he knows the truth and refuses to tell anyone about it until the time was right for it to reveal.

Fruits and Vegetables
Regular to Exotic Plants
Regular to Exotic Animals
Classical or Soothing Music
Sweet Incense

Senseless Violence

Expertise at:
Treating animals
Creating medicine
Having a photographic memory