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xxxxxxxxxxxxx Basic Information

Name: Nicolai Alexander Reinhardt, but will only accept Nicolai

Age: 98, but looks 24

Gender: Male

Species: Immortal Human

Orientation: Homosexual

Position: Seke [Both]

xxxxxxxxxxxxx Personal Information

-Small animals
-Teddy bears

-Large animals
-His painful past

-Being hurt again

Hobbies and Talents:
-Intimidating people

Personality: Nicolai is a very secluded man, and doesn't get out much. He's not really a people person, but he's not going to avoid conversations all the time either. Though it's hard to see, Nicolai is actually a caring man and would never abandon someone in need.

Biography: Nicolai was born during World War I under the name Alexander Pool Alstairs. His family was a mess since before he was born. Once a very prestegious family, the Alstairs lost their wealth thanks to his drunken, gambling mother. His father took his anger out on Nicolai, which started when he turned eight and his life's torment began there. Being raised by two drunks, Nicolai had to deal with a lot, so he spent most of his time on the streets with the homeless kids. At the age of eleven, a man came to his town and helped the homeless kids by giving them, food and clothing. Without his knowledge, being a little too young to understand yet, he ended up falling in love with this man, who showed a certain kindness to Nicolai.

His time with this man was the best six years of his life. He would always end up helping him out with the homeless kids, since they had always been more of a family to him than his mother and father. However, at the age of seventeen, his life took a turn for the worst. His family found out that he could read minds, but that wasn't the worst of it. Somehow, his father found out that he was in love with a man and beat him until he passed out from the pain. When he woke up, he left his parents' house, hoping to find comfort with the man he loved. But, when he got there, that man showed a darker side of himself and tried his best to take advantage of Nicolai's weakened condition. Escaping only because he panicked and twisted the man's mind, Nicolai closed his heart off to the world and swore off love forever. Not only that, but he forced himself to forget the name and face of the man who betrayed him.

Three years later, he found himself working in a factory. It was there he met a man named Claude. At first, like everyone else, Nicolai did everything he could to keep Claude away from him. However, this man never let himself be steered away. Nicolai allowed Claude to stay close to him, but he wasn't ready for any sort of relationship. He wasn't willing to be betrayed again. However, after Claude saved his life during a factory fire, Nicolai found that this persistant man wasn't going to let anything happen to him, and allowed him into his heart as a close friend. It wasn't long until he realized he had some sort of feeling for Claude. This feeling scared him, and Nicolai was forced to tell him about his past. Every single aspect of it. Claude accepted this, and swore never to hurt Nicolai.

For about three years, Nicolai was in a nice relationship with Claude. He had never been happier. However, Claude up and vanished one day without a word to Nicolai. Hurt and betrayed, Nicolai returned to his closed-off self and moved on with life. Though, the memories of Claude still follow him. A year after Claude's disappearance, he met an injured angel that begged for Nicolai's help. He complied, but because he had little medical knowledge, the angel's wounds were too much for him, and the angel died in his arms. However, grateful for Nicolai's kindness, he made the man an immortal. He hoped that, one day, Nicolai could find true happiness. With that last wish, the angel's life came to an end. It wasn't until the year two thousand that he became an author and changed his name to Nicolai Reinhardt. He now makes his living as a popular author that writes adult fantasy romance based on his fantasies of him and Claude, as well as a high school literature professor.

Additional Info: He's always been a telepath, but after being made an immortal, he gained the power to create fire and to heal minor wounds. He also hates his books and never reads them, but he enjoys being a teacher. He's grateful to live in a men-populated city because female teachers at the old schools he taught in were rather clingy.

xxxxxxxxxxxxx Status Information

Martial Status: Single