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Name: Kayin Andrew Rayel, but likes the pet name "Iah"

Age: 20!! Ugh.

Likes: Cats, mythology, drawing, the moon, being annoying, kisses, plushies, video games, staying up late, flirting, icecream, strawberries, cherries, ...eating and sleeping..OH AND BATHS. And maybe his cell phone. Books... He likes a lot of things.

Dislikes: Being ignored, attention-seekers (Hm...), fufu dogs, being hungry, being tired, being sick, being hot, vegetables. He also dislikes a lot of things...

He's a bottom/uke, but don't let that fool you! ;]

Kayin is usually a happy, and positive person. He can get in his moods, and sometimes he gets frustrated easily. He's a bit of a flirt (That -might- be an understatement), and likes the thrill of the chase. He's 20, but sometimes he acts a bit immature. He has a collection of video game figures, and plushies. Also, he may have a few tamagotchi's on his person. He also can act like a spoiled brat, and can be rather jealous.

Some people think he's weird for this, but he's not afraid to go out on a rainy day and pray to Helios to make it stop raining- as of yet he hasn't been let down. Helios is a handsome god, of course not. He's amazing. The nickname Iah comes from one the gods of the moon in Egyptian mythology. Kayin enjoys mythology, if it wasn't obvious.

[Hm, I planned on drawing my own image but, I'll use this for now. x3; Looks exactly like him, anyways. XD Also, sorry if my posts aren't flashy...]