User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. [ Task of War: ] The Feud
This task requires a group of AT LEAST two initiated members (students or Horsemen), to a max of five members. They may go anywhere in the Human World using the portal catacombs in the Lair. These catacombs lead to small human world towns only. All players must follow these steps to successfully create a blight and then harvest the Fear the battle that results from this

gaia_crown [ Step 1: ]

- You reach a peaceful town, and there seems to be absolutely nothing wrong with the town yet. It is time for you to take reins (ahem) in this town. First you must give them all a reason to fight each other. Only when the battle has stirred can you harvest the most Fear from their hatred and paranoia. War can be violent but first, it must start out small, controlled, like building a fire before it spreads

Roll a 100-sided dice. You may do as many times as you want, you are creating SUSPICION AND PARANOIA. Once your paranoia level has hit over 20 paranoia points you are ready for the next step. Rp out your results as you roll.
- A humans CAN BE NPCED that means you can rp as many "humans" as you want, including dialogue, etc etc
- War clan members start the team off with an automatic +5 paranoia points

1- 20: You see two lovers nearby, at a lake. They leave their oddly coloured metallic mount at the side. You quickly destroy their mount, watching as the couple return and begin to blame each other. Simpletons. +1 paranoia points
21- 40: You see a group of humans at a camping site. You quickly destroy their belongings, their tiny cloth home perhaps, or their metallic mounts. The group slowly and surely dissolves into chaos as they get angry at each other for taking and trashing things. +2 paranoia points
41 - 60: You see a crowd of humans waiting for something. You whisper words to the humans in line. They should be first. Why are they waiting. The crowd quickly dissolves into chaos. +2 paranoia points
61 -80: You see a small, tiny, fluffy creature that resembles a foxfire. You try to instill paranoia to it. It simply yaps and is annoying and does nothing else +0 paranoia points
81 - 100: You see a giant statue of what looks like an angry-looking Human riding a horse holding a pointy spear. You don't like it and you smash it 1 paranoia points.

gaia_crown [ Step 2: ] - AFTER THE GROUP TOTAL IS OVER 20 POINTS.

Chaos and paranoia now reign supreme. It looks like humans are already fighting amongst themselves. This is the easy part, all you have to do is reap the rewards, and make sure that they do NOT resolve their actions. Resolving actions would mean that you get no fear.

Roll one 6-sided dice: Each player can only do this TWO TIMES MAX. Rp out your horsemen watching the humans engage in war.

- For each 1 OR 6 rolled, the humans have successfully resolved their actions. (No Fear points for this set of humans)
- For each 2 or 3 rolled, the humans have successfully fought and killed themselves, you can +1 Fear point
- For each 4 or 5 rolled, the humans have fought and not only that, they have spread their quarrel to other humans. This is a huge success. +2 Fear points

Tall YOUR OWN ROLL RESULTS from this step. This is the amount of Fear Points you have gained from this.


Iyari was leaning against a pole, waiting. She'd been told earlier in the day she'd have a mission to complete, an important mission which included the hell of a new initiate. The warrior wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that, but concluded anything that helped the Clans was worth any sort of discomfort or awkwardness which might occur because of it. A grin was on her face despite her eyes remaining sharp, keeping a lookout for her initiate.

She'd been told to lead a War task - something she was definitely well-versed in. Excitement moved through her body and she was already feeling the itch to bring about chaos into the human realm; too long had she been cooped up with the others. It was time for the soldier to get back to work.

Her sea-foam eyes looked up as a figure approached and she moved from the pole, tucking her wings neatly at her sides and pulling her arms apart from where they had been tightly folded. She adjusted, her adornments shaking on her head as she observed the initiate nearing her.

"You must be her." She said, her wings flicking at her sides. She couldn't tell much from just looking her over, but could feel a sort of passion irradiating from her, though maybe it was buried. Iyari cleared her throat, turning her body and nodding her head in the way of the portal. "Name's Iyari and I'm not one for long introductions. How about we take a crash course and get you on your way, hmm?"

There was no fighting it, Iyari had her mind set to enjoy this. She didn't think much of herself in the way of teaching another, but could at least mimic the throw-you-in-a-lake scenario she'd gotten from the Chieftain who had trained her. Despite her gogogo attitude the horseman still found herself in a better mood than usual and even cast a smile down towards the other, her wings trembling with adrenaline. "I'm sure you want to show off your skills, right?"

Oh how the human world knew nothing of what was coming.