“Bite me~...”

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“…I’ll just bite back harder~”

Carvox’s Skeleton And Basics.

Name. -†- Carvox.
Origin. -†- No known origin.
Alias. -†- Superbia.
Nickname. -†- No given nickname.

Age. -†- Number is Lost; But Carvox is ancient.
Age Appearance. -†- Late Teenager to Early Twenty.
Gender. -†- Male.
Sexual Orientation. -†- Homosexual.
Species. -†- Demon.

Frame Type. -†- Low muscle mass; Lithe.
Height. -†- Five Feet, Ten Inches.
Weight. -†- One Hundred And Thirty Pounds.
Marks/Tattoos/Scars. -†- None.

Skin Tone. -†- Surprisingly a healthy Ivory pigment.
Iris Color. -†- White, the Sclera of his eyes are Black.
Hair Color. -†- Raven with a single Highlight of White as shown in the picture.
Hair Style. -†- Elegant, Brushed, Spikes upwards with bangs nearly covering his eyes.

Attire. -†-
As Shown in Picture; Demons of his stature are classy.

Disabilities or Disorders. -†-

Senses. -†- All of his Five senses are of a Superior level.
Smell. -†-
Sight. -†-
Touch. -†-
Taste. -†-
Hearing. -†-

Strong Points. -†-
Confident, Deceiving persona.

Low Points. -†-
Too caught up with doing things his way.

Personality. -†-

Things That Please. -†-
Dark Chocolate.

Things that Displease. -†-

Habits. -†-
Wings expand out when Angry.
Twitches Wings when Annoyed.
Purrs when satisfied.

Languages. -†-

Home Base. -†-
The Purgatory is the very first Ring of Hell, where the Souls of Sinners are placed to be tortured every Night and every Day until they have accomplished to atone for their Sins, so that they may ascend up to Heaven. Most never make it to that point, and if a Soul has been there for long enough, they are cast down into the Lake of Fire. The Purgatory is a Hospital themed area.

Love Stats. -†-
Formalities. -†- Careless.
Type of Kiss. -†- Eager.
Jealousy Percent. -†- 100%.
Virgin. -†- No.
Dominant/Submissive. -†- Submissive.
Position. -†- Bottom.
Marital Status. -†- Unconnected.
Availability. -†- Yes.

Biography. -†- Taking his first breath of the musky smoke that filled the area of the Purgatory extracted a chorus of violent coughs and loud curses that flew forth from the plump mandibles that were his lips. The Purgatory reeked of burnt coal, suffocating Smoke, and a repulsive smell that Carvox just couldn't put a finger on... As soon as he allowed curses to fill the clouded atmosphere, the very first encounter that he had heard was his own voice, a symphonic tone with a tingle of a musical edge to carry his voice and beckon for those whom were near to stop and listen.

It was a Friday evening — a Friday the thirteenth in the month of Shevat, to be exact — when he began his Life as a Demon. Carvox never had a childhood, because those were only for Mortals who depended on the help of others. That sickened him. As soon as Carvox was able to compose himself and stand, he was an independent young man who had to fend for himself in the Purgatory.

The Purgatory was a place of no rest, where the souls of Sinners were sent to so that they may try to atone for their Sins. Hah. That never happened. The Purgatory was a part of Hell, so those poor Souls were beckoned by the devil, in which he whispered Sugar-coated lies just like how he did to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Sinners' Souls would be thoroughly tortured, then stripped of their Sanity so that they could be turned into Demons and Spawns of Lucifer. Carvox holds the knowledge that he was most likely a Sinner's Soul before he was molded into the shape of a Demon, reason being is because that Demons and Lucifer himself can not create Life. However, Demons aren't really living Creatures anymore, now are they? At least, not until their Souls and their Sanity was stripped away from them by the Devil. At present time, Carvox tends to easily grow weary of his so called ‘Home’ in the Purgatory due to the fact that he has to do the same routine over and over again; this forces him to often ascend to the Earthly Realm to wreck Havoc.