User Imagexxxxxxxxxxxxx Basic Information

Name: Kaiden

Age: Looks to be about 19 is actually 58

Gender: Male

Species: Wolf

Orientation: Homosexual

Position: Seke [Both]

xxxxxxxxxxxxx Personal Information

- The moon
- Being outdoors
- Meat
- Hunting
- Animals
- Protecting his master
- Making his master happy
- Having his ears petted
- Having his stomach rubbed (secret)

- The full moon
- Mating season
- Seeing animals being abused
- Displeasing his master
- Having his ears or tail pulled
- Being alone (secret)

Personality: He is perfect protector and companion pet. He is protective, loyal, swift, and a little bit jealous. He will protect his mistress with his life. Though, if he should he start to grow deeper feelings for his owner. He can become easily jealous if another male or female tries to get close to the object of his love. During mating season he can become a little irritable. He has never mated before, so he has great self-control when it comes to sexual things. Because of his pack mentality he doesn't like to be alone, though he seems aloof, he desires and loves being close to his master.

Biography: He grew up under the loving care of his mother and father until he was about seven years old. He had been in his wolf form when he was cornered and shot by hunters, the pain of getting shot had been enough to force him back to his human form. The hunters, now panicking that they shot a boy, wanted to kill him, but one of them had a better idea. The four men picked the boy up then sold him off to a slave warehouse where he has had many masters.

Additional Info: He can shift into a wolf at any time he wants. Though, on the nights of the full moon he is forced to his wolf form and behaves like a wild wolf. His Wolf form.