PLEASE!!! Always read!!!! It avoids SOOOOOO much confusion and problems later down the road. : )

Announcements can be so annoying, right? However, announcements are posted for a reason. If we guild leaders did not absolutely need to put out an announcement, we wouldn't. But because there is very important information that our members need to know, we need to post announcements. I realize that most of you probably have your announcements set to "off," but I ask that you please turn them back on. There have been a million times I have had to message people with important information that if they had read the announcements, then the problem would have been settled long ago. Reading the announcements makes things go so much quicker and smoother running in the guild for EVERYONE. : D You may think that reading or not reading an announcement is not a big deal, but it really is important in running a guild. So please, check your Gaiaonline account settings to see if you have guild announcements set to "off." I would very much appreciate it and you'll appreciate it too especially when you read a Bible verse that you've been needing to read, get alerted to someone needing a prayer request right NOW, or win some gold from our "Surprise gold for announcement readers!!" : D

This goes for links too. For the people who do read the announcements, I ask that you click on the links that are provided in the announcements before you private message me a question about something in the announcements. Example being the avatar contests. I provide the link for the avatar contest thread so that you can look at the rules, entry fees, avatar themes,etc and have all of your questions answered fully. : ) I have had a million instances where people have private messaged me with a question that was already answered in the thread. I do NOT mind answering your questions, but 99% of the time you may already have your answer without needing to private message me and wait a week or two for a reply. Another big example is the bump contest thread. TOO MANY people have lost out on some pretty big gold, simply because they didn't read the thread. They clicked the link to the thread and just immediately started posting. The title and (sometimes the announcements) say very boldly to "Please read the rules in the first post before posting!!!" WE MEAN IT!! We don't want people to lose gold just because they didn't bother to read the first post. crying

So if you have any questions about something, or you are about to enter a guild contest then PLEASE read whatever it is you may need to read before hand to avoid much confusion. PLEASE read the announcements and PLEASE read the links in the announcements when needed. PLEASE- read, read, READ.

How to turn on announcements- With your mouse, hover over the "My Gaia" tab. Then, move your mouse to "Account Settings" and click. Scroll down to the third category on the right side, "Guilds," and change the option "Announcement Notifications" to "Yes." You're all set to receive important notifications from this guild. : D Yay!! ^_^