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[PRP] The King and the Prince (Nahasi & Sandalphon)

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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:27 pm
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It was interesting trying to balance being a father and being king. His father was able to pull if off gracefully, mostly though because he hardly spent time with his offspring. Nahashi didn't want to be a father who forgot about his sons and daughters. He wanted to be there for them regardless of his current pridal affairs. He wanted them to know they could go to him if they needed him for anything. More then anything, he wanted to build confidence in them, so that someday they could help run the pride, that is if they wanted to. He had no intention of thrusting the thrown on any of his children.

He made his way through the brightened tunnels, making his way to his family's den. The young lions and lioness were now allowed to stay with him and Juan. They were old enough to not need constant attention from the brotherhood mothers. Juan and Nahasi usually took care of them, unless they were both needed. Then they were brought to the care of the brotherhood mothers. He was thankful that they were around and willing to help.

For a little bit he would spend some time with his family, until he needed to leave again that is. He would be there for a bit though. He hoped that one of his children would be up so he could spend some time with them. If not, he could always rest. He laughed to himself. Lately he didn't get too much rest. Collapsed tunnels, water trickling in and arguments between brothers was just an average morning for him.

Once he reached the den, he paused and grinned. “Anyone awake?” He spoke quietly.

Painted Moose
PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:27 pm
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Sandalphon was a light sleeper.

In fact, the young one barely slept longer than absolutely necessary. It wasn't as if he didn't want to; he simply couldn't. Strange dreams had plagued him since birth, fortelling certain events within the pride that were only to sure to come true. His already naturally cranky personality was always usually affected the next morning, and most times he took it out on his brother, Themba.

At the moment, however, he simply couldn't sleep. There were no dreams, no events, faces or things; just a room full of tired siblings and-

Sandalphon raised his head, trying not to sound too eager, but failing miserably. "I am," The cub rose to his paws and stretched before making his way to his father.

Club Snails

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:10 pm
“Morning Sandalphon.” Nahashi greeted, his voice still hushed, not wanting to wake anyone else. “Why don't we go down the tunnel a little bit, so we can talk a little louder.” He made his way down the tunnel, toward where other dens were, he then turned away from the dens, heading toward the lower tunnels. Once there was a larger opening in the tunnel he stopped. This would be a good place to chat for a little bit, he thought with a grin.

“How did you sleep Sandalphon?” he asked curiously. As he say down and looked at his son. Hopefully well. “While I am not busy is there anything you want to do? We could go explore the tunnels together or something else.” He would have some time before he was needed back with the council. Spending time with his children as one of his top priorities. Just being around Sandalphon made him feel happy, being able to spend time with his son and not have to worry about his duties to the pride for a short while.

Painted Moose
PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:07 pm
"Morning, Father." Sandalphon murmured, picking his way past his siblings. If he hadn't been such a little night owl to begin with, the task may have proven difficult, but as time went on he found it easier than trying to sleep around them in the first place. When he was at a point to jog, he did so, in an attempt to keep up with Nahasi's longer strides.

When they'd reached the open area, Sandalphon stood across from his father, rather liking the feel of stretching his legs. It was also the perfect distraction to not talk about sleep. "I heard a tunnel fell in." He mused, looking at his paws as he walked a little pace. "I would like to see it." The snot of a royal didn't even bother asking, just turned to his father with a little grin and a questioning look.

Club Snails

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:02 pm
Nahashi thought for a moment about it. As long as they were safe, if shouldn't be an issue. Plus it would give him a chance to survey the damage and formulate a plan. “Alright, to the collapsed tunnel he said with a nod. But before we go, I need you to promise me that you will behave while we are there. I've had a tunnel collapse around me before and it isn't fun. I will not allow anything like that to happen to you.” His voice became serious as he spoke.

He started to walk through the winding tunnels, heading downwards deeper and deeper. There were many cave builders working on creating new tunnels and dens for future pride members. Nahahsi gave a nod in their direction before continuing on. The deeper the tunnel went the darker it became. “If you have a hard time seeing, it is okay to walk closer to me.”

After walking for a while, Nahashi stopped in front of a the collapsed tunnels. There didn't seem to be too much damage, Nahashi decided. “After some repair to the walls the tunnel should be back up in no time. We are lucky no one got hurt this time.”

Painted Moose
PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:07 pm
Club Snails

Sandalphon's face lit up in a smug grin, then dipped into a little frown. Didn't he usually behave? Well, no, but...In truth, the little angel winged cub was more of a bully than anything. Quick as a snake, but a bully. He couldn't tell how many time the Brotherhood Mothers had scolded him for something or another. "I promise," he waited until his father had turned around before pouting.

As they walked, he saw some familiar sights, but they soon became few and far between. Most of the area was new to him, and the young one ate it up. Where his father gave acknowledgement to builders, Sandalphon tried to copy, much to the amusement of said builders.

Granted, it was almost too much for him to bear once they came across the collapsed tunnels to follow his father's orders. "Does this happen a lot?" He stepped closer, craning his head to get a better look at the scene. "...why do we live in the tunnels if they collapse so much?" He questioned bluntly, looking over his shoulder.

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 2:57 pm
"It has been happening more often lately. We're working on building stronger walls that will be able to hold up better." Nahasi explained. So far they had been lucky. There were only a couple times when a tunnel had collapsed and someone was int he tunnel. His goal was to make a safe place for his sons and daughters as well as the rest of the pride.

He paused to think about Sandalphon's question. "Well we stay here because, as dangerous as it is here, on the surface there are more threatening dangers. Our ancestors hid down here years ago to avoid being attacked by their peers." He did his best to explain. "For the most part, the members of our pride are accepting of their peers. I've been told that on the surface, there are some places that aren't quite as accepting." He hoped that answer would suffice. He had yet to experience the rouge lands so he had no person experience with others abusing others because of who they loved. There were just many stories that were told about it occurring.

Painted Moose
Sorry for taking so long!
PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 1:03 pm
"...You don't think it's bad luck, do you? Like they say? Because Juan's a leopard?" The rumor had struck him rather abruptly one day, when he was busy chasing his runt of a brother into some hole or another. Something about how all of the misfortunes in the pride were due to a leopard being Consort. It seemed stupid to him at the time, but now...

"So, they were scared of each other? The ancestors were scared of whatever's up there, and they were scared of who we were? Didn't anyone try to talk to each other? That's what one of the Mother's told me, when I got in trouble; if something goes wrong, talk before you fight." How utterly hypocritical he sounded, giving advice on pacifism after going at some other boy like he was prey.

Sandalphon stepped forward, pacing around in front of the collapsed tunnel without getting too close. Well, or what he thought was too close.

Club Snails
You're cool. C:

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:22 pm
Nahasi was not deaf to the rumors and insults that had been whispered around him and his mate. One of the most outspoken members of the pride had been his own aunt, who had many times tried to convince Nahashi to think of finding someone else to have as a mate. There was no one in the world Nahasi would rather be with then Juan though. The leopard had found a place in his heart and there he would stay even if others looked poorly on the relationship he would just ignore them and continue onward.

"Juan has given me more luck and happiness ever since he became my consort." Nahasi explained. "The more traditionalist members of our pride see our relationship as an odd one and blame the misfortunes on the pride on it. I am sure the pride members will be more understanding in time." He had faith in his pride, that something this small wouldn't cause too much internal problems. Right now the pride needed to stick together and work to keep the pride safe.

"The Mother is right of course. Talking about a problem you have with someone is the best thing you can do. There are times though when talking doesn't work. Our ancestors didn't want to cause any conflicts and so that is why they found there way down to these caves and made it their home." He said, doing his best to explain. He only briefly knew the history of the pride. His father hardly talked to him about the pride's past and never even mentioned the troubles he faced. Nahashi had learned about his grandfather's rule from other members of the pride. He wasn't going to hide what his grandfather had done to the pride from his cubs. Eventually he would share his knowledge with them, when they were old enough.

Painted Moose
PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:42 pm
Sandalphon wasn't as hidden as he could not hear the little whispers spoken in dark corners. Some had even included himself, and his siblings. Something about their mother, but he was sure his father wouldn't want to hear that.

"I thought so." He nodded with a smile. He'd been right after all. If Father didn't like him, Juan wouldn't have been Consort, and some dorky lion would be his other father. "Why don't you just make them like him? You're the King. They'll have to like him if you say so." Sandalphon twisted his head, generally looking confused. If something was wrong, you had to fix it. So, if the pride members thinking was bad, you should make it good, right?

"If talking didn't work for the ancestors, why will it work now? Just make them do what you want them to do, and we won't have to worry about whether they like Juan or not." There. Simple. Done and done.

Club Snails

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:24 pm
There were times that Nahasi wished things were simpler, that you could tell someone how to think and act. However, even if it would work, he wasn't sure that he could even do that. He wanted to change the pride members minds by his actions and not by his orders. “Even as king, I can always make my subjects do as I want. If I ordered them to like Juan, all they would do was pretend they liked him. It could cause them to dislike him even more. I want to show them that they have no reason to dislike him, that he needs to be respected as much as you or I.”

He thought about the next question. “Well the ancestors were in a different situation then the one we are in now. They lived in a world where their voices weren't heard. Right now, we have the opportunity to be heard by the other members of the pride and it would be a shame if we choose to pick action over words this time.”

Painted Moose
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:53 pm
"I guess." Sandalphon frowned, not really getting what is father was trying to get at. It sounded like a lot more work than just telling people to like something and having them follow it. Or...Or he could have tricked them into thinking they like Juan, but not have to work so hard. That was something to ponder on.

"I thought actions spoke louder than words?" Or was he being taught wrong? Sandalphon wrong, scrunching his nose up in the process before huffing. He shook his head, dismissing the idea all together. "Whatever, we're still exploring, right, father? Can we go somewhere fun?" Somewhere that he could stretch his legs, and put all this talk he couldn't understand behind him.

Club Snails

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:53 pm
Nahasi laughed, trying to think of just the right words. “You are for the most part correct. The actions we do reflect who we are. If I had a subject who disliked Juan I could show the pride that that is not allowed by throwing the subject out. After that I am sure no one would openly discuss their dislike for Juan or anyone in our family.” He explained. “They would end up resenting me for it though. Right now we want to bring our pride together with words and teach them to trust each other.”

That was a task that would take years, he thought. There were some who hated non-lions and others who hated females. He hoped that by the time he retired from being king, that most of the hatred within the pride would be gone. To him the pride was meant to be a safe haven for anyone who ventured into it.

“Yep, still exploring.” He said, “Why don't I show you where they have fighting bowl? Before I was heir I would train there in order to learn how to protect myself.”

Painted Moose
I think one more post will do it?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:57 pm
"You could! That'd be pretty cool." Sandalphon grinned, laughing a little himself. The image in his mind was vivid, and brought him a lot of good laughs. "I'll try it your way for a little while, father, but no promises." He said it light enough, but the words carried definable weight.

The young cubs white tipped paws padded out infront of him, bouncing on the ground as he danced by firefly light. "Sounds good to me!" Learned how to protect himself, hmm? That sounded like a good place to start, so one day he could be heir, too! And why not? He had just as much a chance as any of his brothers!

Letting his father lead the way, he left the past talks behind him and padded into the future.


Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

[IC] Mazunguko Lands [IC]

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