Name: Black Sand
Nicknames: Sand
Gender: Neither - Sand has no gender, but tends to take a boyish form and goes with male pronouns
Age: 110 that he can remember, but acts 16

Faction: Ghost
Race: Elemental - nightmare sand

Natural Ability: Shape shifting - Sand has two basic forms that he can assume - both made out of the same black sand. One is a young teenager with spiky hair, the other is a stallion made of black sand. Both forms have trails of the black sand that swirls around him.

Y2 he’ll learn to dream walk - he brings nightmares.

Personality: Sand can’t talk. He might be able to as he grows older, but in order to communicate he forms little symbols and pictures out of sand in the air--often over his head or over a held out hand. That makes him a bit hard to understand when he’s really excited. He’s creative, and often goes into epic stories that are, quite frankly, impossible to understand most of the time.

Sand is desperate for acceptance. He spent all those long, lonely years in a cave deep in the heart of Halloween. He was extremely lonely, but he couldn’t keep his form together long enough to leave his home. It took him almost a hundred years to learn to control his abilities. He has a theory that he once belonged to someone--a reaper that specialized in dream magic, but he doesn’t know all the details. It’s been a very long time.

Sand is a people pleaser. In order to make people happy he’ll always work his hardest--sometimes to the point where he’s worn thin. As long as they’re happy, though, he feels he’s done a wonderful thing! This can be a very dangerous weakness to have.

Sand is still rather weak when it comes to keeping his form. It helps that he has the skull pendant, but after several hours of keeping form, he tends to start looking sloppy--his features not so defined, his walking more of a sliding movement. He is desperate not to show others this, so he’ll often run away once he figures this is starting.

He is rather vulnerable in nature. He wants to cling but is terrified that people will grow to hate him because he’s not like them. He can’t speak, he’s not equipped with social skills at all, he’s not wearing pants--(It’ll take him a bit of time to learn to wear clothing--what? Made out of sand, there’s nothing to SHOW okay?)

You CAN capture some of his sand. You can bottle it up and it might even give you nightmares if you put it under your pillow, but sooner or later he comes looking for it--then you might have to work to get him to go away. You’re his new best friendddd!

(Yes, he is based off of Rise of the Guardians)

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? To make friends and learn to control his powers! But mostly because he’s lonely crying So lonely crying

FEAR Ability: TBE

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: glowing red or orange depending on his mood - mostly they’re orange
Hair Colour/Style: spiky black sand that looks sort of like a mane
Skin Colour: black with trails of sand swirling around him
Clothing Style/Colours: For now his sand forms clothing for him, but design is up to the artist!
Extra: pointed, horse like ears, white smile with a set of sharper than usual canines, bare humanoid feet in humanoid form
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)