Hey, I'm Dylan. I didn't know exactly where I could put this, but I figure it fits in here! lol! please read and know that it is really fun! smile

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The year is 2018. Twenty years have passes since Voldemort was defeated and the castle was turned to rubble. Broken families have been mended, deaths have been moved on from, and the canon cast leaves it to The Next Generation to write their own story.

With the Dark Lord gone and his minions in hiding, Hogwarts has been rebuilt almost exactly how it was. The majority of the professors have moved on letting former students take their place. With Professor McGonagal as Headmistress, Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry is, yet again, the flourishing magical school it has always meant to be.

There is an uprising of the Dark Lord's minons going to happen soon. They have begun conspiring revenge against hogwarts. With an entirely new set of students, they hope it will be a lot easier. With the Dark Lord gone, they must make it right in his name!


This one is mine! I created it in a matter of a week or so. It has just been opened for people to join. It's a great type of RP and there are currently no members really. Except for me and my friend Eva.

The following is one I've been on for about a month now. I used to RP like this soooo much, but for the past few years I haven't and the board I used to be on was deleted. I found this one, VERY ACTIVE AND THE PEOPLE ARE FRIENDLY! so, if you feel an inclination to join, all I ask is that you PLEASE stay active!

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This RP is set in Potter time, Harry's sixth year to be exact. We like to keep the originality of Hogwarts, but allow the students to create their own individual paths for themselves, if they choose to do so. There are many canon characters available, and original characters are welcome as well!

S I T E; The site was created in July of 2007, making it one of the older Harry Potter RP sites. It has remained to stay active through the years keeping many original members as well as gaining new ones. We have about 35-50 active members that get on daily, and we always welcome new members! We try our best to keep the board very active, as well as all posts. We clean up the board frequently just to keep things in order. We have a great staff who is on daily to help with any problems or issues that may arise!

P L O T;Welcome to Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts! As an old book falls into the hands of Harry Potter, Voldermort's dark past suddenly begins to shed some light. Dumbledore persuades Horace Slughorn to return to Hogwarts solely for the purpose of gaining a memory that could change everything they thought they knew about how to defeat the dark lord. Come join Harry and friends while they juggle school, relationships, family, and everything in-between.

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