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Name: Osmian Langley Yttera
Nicknames: Ozzy / Rusty / O.L.Y.
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Faction: Monster
Race: Oxidation Beast (Rust Monster)

Natural Ability: Able to use his antennae and skin to slowly rust/corrode any type of metal.

Personality: Loner, Timid, Well-Kept. Ozzy might come off as cold or mean at first glance, he's polite but won't let people too close. Does what's expected of him but might show a little distaste for it. Something about him seems too stiff, like he just needs to relax.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Why does your character want to come to Amityville as a student?

"Your uncle Gerald was so great, he rusted himself solid!" his parents have always felt that he lacked something as a monster, a certain "penache" that his brothers and other family members had that he didn't. He's been shipped off to amityville in hopes that they can make a "real" rust monster out of him.

FEAR Ability: Oxidation Wave/Breath: by vibrating his antennae, Ozzy can send a wave of energy fom his body in a cone forward a short distance which oxidizes and corrodes anything containing metal (even trace amounts, like blood or alloys), this process is faster than the way he eats, but is sill not instantaneous. Rusted blood affects creatures like a paralytic toxin, stiffening the joints. It takes a few moments for him to charge this attack, but he can hold the charge for up to ten minutes, during this time he becomes highly sensitive to the presence of metal around himself and can detect even trace amounts of metal within ninety feet around his location.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Herterocromati (different colors in each eye) Left: Rust with grey flecks around the outer iris ; Right: steel grey with rusty flecks around the outer iris.
Hair Colour/Style: Wild Copperish Red with black tips.
Skin Colour: pale (somewhat abnormal for his species, though not unheard of.) Lobsterlike Chitinous exoskeleton which covers most of his body, (excludes face, up to artist) K
Clothing Style/Colours: up to artist = love vests, kilts, or baggy pants. No sleeves to show off the chitin.
Extra: Oxidation tentacles that protrude from his jaw ridges (like sideburns) and a tail (see picture)
Rust Monster 1

History (Brief)
The Yttera family has run the old scrapyards for decades, utilizing the junk that most citizens of halloween throw out as metal is their primary food source. This lucrative business has allowed them a comfortable lifestyle and made the Yterra one of the more prominent monster families. Ozzy is the runt of four brothers who's jobs are mainly to venture into the human world and collect new junk for the yard. (as well as interesting trinkets that mum and dad can show off at their banquets) He's being sent to Amityville to hone his skills so that he can join his brothers in the family business. His own ambitions lie in other fields, though he is unsure of what to do, he knows there has to be more to life than rust.