#1: Jimmy's Outfit acts like a soft yet hard armor espceally his hoodie, other black articles and areas of clothing as they are made of an Obsidian/Diamond Bleend, making them super hard and reseistend, but they can only be worn by Jimmy him self because his cloths will weigh more then 190 tons if picked up by someone else.

#2: Jimmy Joshxas's orgianl powers where gained during a freak meteorite storm that gave him powers, but in the reloaded story Jimmy Joshxas is a humman that is evolving into a Super Humman, as a resalt of him dying his evovlution kicks in thus evolving him and saving his life the resalt of that is Jimmy woke up in a strange yet oddly similar world to his own.

#3: Jimmy isn't just known for runing fast but for his unique powers and abilities. It's known that Jimmy can left more then 250 tons of weight maybe more, and is also know going invisable when he needs to, this unique power comes in handy for dodging crazy fangirls.

#4: Jimmy's Signature move and one of his 15 secreat powers all though it's no longer a secreat at this point is the Skull Cracker Punch, belived to have gotten it's name because it was said that Jimmy's skull is cracked and never healed when he came back to life, but it is not it gets it's name because Jimmy has a punch strong enough to crack a skull maybe even trun it into dust.

#5: Many people belive that Jimmy's favorite food is chili dogs or pizza being as that maybe, Jimmy eats a varity of things and the result being Jimmy him self doesn't know what his favorite food is, but it is leaning toward pizza the most.