Name: Mitsuye
Nicknames: -
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen

Faction: Ghost
Race: Noppera-bo

Natural Ability: y1: Face Mask
All Noppera-bo are born without faces and as such are able to produce a mask, through FEAR, to show the current expression or feelings of the user. When the mask is removed it returns to being blank and must be re-applied for a new emotion to be shown


like a rock - Mitsuye doesn't have much of a personality, or what he does have seems very....muted. Not one for being overly grand or excited he often lets his masks do the talking for him and even then it's mild at best. It's easy to say that Mitsuye is just really, really awkward and doesn't know how to deal with people, but that doesn't stop him from trying to be social. More or less content to just be in groups with others and let them talk, Mitsuye will lend his voice to a conversation when prompted to do so or when he feels it's really important to say something

pun for the money - The cornier something is or the lamer something is, the more likely that Mitsuye will actually come out and enjoy it. Fond of things like "old man gags" or really bad puns, what little sense of humor Mitsuye has is very, very bad. Not much the talkative type he does laugh loudly and deeply at the most ridiculous of things leaving him to be generally light-hearted at the root of it all

take it, it's yours - There comes times when Mitsuye has a tendency to be generous and help, which is most often. More than willing to give, often believing it is better to do so than to receive, he is not afraid to lend things to people without expecting to get them back (so long as someone doesn't use a figurative phrase and confuse him). Always ready to give someone the literal coat from his back there isn't anything that he won't give or do for someone without getting a reward or praise in return for his efforts. Mitsuye has a problem keeping money and clothing because of this outlook on things, which can sometimes border into troublesome territory, and it's not uncommon to find him a little bewildered over a situation where he is unable to help someone because he doesn't have the means to assist

there's no such thing as grey - Mitsuye only sees things in black and white, good or bad. Raised by a rather traditional family to take a person/situation in on first impressions and judgement only it is rather hard to sway his opinion on a person or subject after his mind has been made up. That isn't to say it's impossible since opinions due change over a period of time and the more interactions he has with others, it's just that he tends to be a bit jaded about subjects ahead of time and can often be found going into situations involving new things with an opinion already formed

i took that literally - Mitsuye has a bad habit of taking things literally or taking people exactly at their word. If someone tells him to wait a moment he will only wait a moment before moving along or coming back to pester for an actual time expectancy. Certain phrases go entirely over his head when someone uses the words as 'figuratively' and so confusion often follows suite at a record and rapid pace

hobbies dancing ( kabuki ), watching really bad comedies

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Mitsuye really needs to learn to lighten up and smile

FEAR Ability: Did it look like this?
[ Headlights ] Mitsuye takes his mask off and shows a blank face that can possibly take an opponent off guard

Physical Description: Tall and slender, Mitsuye is the average lanky teenager who spends most of their time working out or dancing. Pale skinned with long arms and legs, he prefers traditional Japanese-style clothing or anything that is more form fitting rather than loose.

His face, which is blank as per his race, is often covered with bandages when not being covered entirely by a mask. He is almost always seen with a mask on, even when sleeping

Eye Colour: N/A ( he doesn't have a face )
Hair Colour/Style: Jet black, styled in a hime cut. Often worn in a low pony tail that extends to lower back
Skin Colour: Alabaster pale
Clothing Style/Colours: Prefers to dress like a kabuki stage performer. Any color or style is acceptable || if not dressed as a kabuki worker, usually dresses like a taiko drummer ( symbol on the back would be a pumpkin! )
Extra: Has a bunch of masks that are worn on his hips; they're different styles and have various expressions on them