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Reply [IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]
[PRP] Stand Your Ground (Shukura x Mlinzi)

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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:56 am
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Mlinzi was, as Shukura had originally thought, very nice. During their walk so far he had joked with her, complimented her a few times on things other than her appearance, since he couldn't see, and had even told her a bit about his pride. She found it very heroically sad that the lions here stayed quarantined so other lions wouldn't catch their disease and suffered with one another. She was very glad to know other animals that couldn't catch the illness helped them, though. Being completely alone was never fun. She would train to be a healer, she already knew, so perhaps one day she could come back here and try to help ease the suffering of those with the illness that had it the worst. Perhaps being the key word, of course.

"So what do you do for fun?" she asked after calming from her last laughing bout. Mlinzi was very good at keeping the conversation going and she felt like she needed to add to it as well. He as asking her all kinds of things and she was just sitting there listening, which she enjoyed to do, but she also knew that to keep a conversation going it was a two way thing.

"You were laying down before so...napping?" she guessed, trying to take part in the teasing.

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 12:34 pm
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As torn as he was to admit it, he was really enjoying his time with Shukura. Though he would have to add he wasn't just enjoying it as a friend], it was weird for him to admit that he felt drawn to her. It was just the age, definitely just the age. He knew better than anyone that if she were older, he quite well would have made a move by now. But stuck in hsi ways, he was, and he just couldn't do it. He laughed when she laughed, giggled when she giggled, and felt pain when she spoke of herself. Yet he would not act on it.

As the two paced, he enjoyed the melodic tone of her giggles. They were like bells in this place of death and misery. Quite the welcome guest, if he did say so himself. Whcih he in fact did.

"For fun?

Fun ...."

The male paused in his tracks a moment, deciding to pull at Shukura's tail for a moment. "I"m sorry, I don't think I know what this fun you speak of is ... Why don't you explain it to me?" In all his silence, he had remained sincere, but as he finished off the small corners of his mouth slowly curled into a grin.


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She'd been out here for what felt like days! Days of just dragging her feet through this disgusting wasteland! Izzy curled her lip into a sneer as she stepped in the remains of a decaying carcass. Not even the buzzards were willing to finish it off.

'Disgusting." She grumbled, quickly wiping her paw on a clean patch of grass in front of her. Or at least as close to grass as she could get around here.

She wasn't typically this horrid of a lioness, but her foal mood was only further tempered by her failure at finding the male she sought after. Instead she was now stuck here. Wherever here was ...

A faint sound came from the froest around her, jolting her to senses and away from the petty spolied meal at her feet. Perhaps she could get some directions for whoever that was ... they were laughing afterall .. they couldn't be that bad could they?



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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:12 pm
Shukura gave a surprised yelp as Mlinzi tugged on her tail, laughing a moment later as he continued to do so. She tugged her tail away and scooted away just a bit, sort of a game of tag. "Fun? Oh come on...you know what fun is," she said accusingly, spotting the hint of the smile on his face. "Don't lie to me, Mlinzi. You're too much of a gentleman to lie."

She hoped to use that to her advantage. He really was kind, and of course he was allowed to joke, but so was she. She moved forward and pushed her nose against his shoulder before darting away, moving around to his other side to tap his rump with her paw. "Like this," she said, darting away again. "This is fun."

She laughed before moving off again, making sure to make noise so he could follow her, continuing their little game of chase. She didn't pick up any scent of any other animals, in her own little la-la land with Mlinzi.

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:32 pm
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For a second, her surprised yelp nearly gave the male a heart attack. He feared he might have harmed her, which was far from his intent. But before he could stumble out a reply, she was all giggles once more. The sigh of relief he let out was probably a bit too obvious.

Her comments froze him right in his tracks. She had him there, he'd never been a good liar. It was a good bet that he'd never be one. But little white lies were all in good fun, they couldn't hurt right? He'd surely never heard of one that had, but still he was unable to pull them off. The proof was quite simply sprawled across his face, that ridiculous grin ... yep still incapable.

The gentle bump to his shoulder was a shock to his system, and he could feel a bright red blush forming just under his fur. He was thankful he had fur to cover his cheeks. Otherwise he'd be in for a load of embarrassment. Before he could react much further she had bumped him in the rump and darted off ahead. He could only sit there and laugh, trying to calm the furious blush in his cheeks.

"Oh that! Yeah I think I know what you're talking about now!" He laughed a light laugh, trying hard to concentrate on her sounds. And it took him a moment, but soon he was darting after her.

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She knew they were close. Their annoying laughs were starting to deaden her ear drums. Her teeth were gritted as tightly as they could, she was most definitely in a foul mood. For a moment, she had hoped the male she could hear would be the one from her visions. But that was not the case, the male from her dreams wouldn't be laughing. No, the male from her visions was a strict one, much like herself, he even looked like her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end just thinking about him.

As she stood there, trying to get a fix on a location, she realized she wouldn't have to go far at all. The male in question was barreling straight at her, and he was not the male of her visions. Despite her best efforts to move, which consisted of standing there and not moving. The male barreled right into her, instantly tackling her to the ground with a large dopey grin on his face.

"UGH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! GET OFFA ME!" Caring not for his own well being, she quickly shoved Mlinzi from her body roughly. "JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! BUMBLING INTO ME LIKE THAT? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

Her enraged screams, were able to be heard across the forest as she stood there, claws unsheathed, prepared to slice and dice this male into oblivion.



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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:45 pm
Shukura snickered softly as Mlinzi caught on. Tag was fun! Probably actually not what he was thinking, but hey, she didn't know that. She darted off to the left and turned, ready to give another laugh to let him know where she had gone, when a dark, fiery looking lioness came out of the trees. Her ears drooped - she looked really, really scary - and was about to shout out a warning, but she was too late. Mlinzi ran right into her.

The shouting that followed terrified her. Shukura crouched low and scooted forward on her belly, reaching out to try to tug Mlinzi out of the furious female's way.

"I'm sorry!" she said quickly, eyes wide. She had never seen someone so furious before, so...intent to hurt. Her claws were big - she was pretty big herself, too - her snarling and yelling were loud...gods, it was terrifying!

"He's blind...he was chasing me and I darted away," she tried to explain quickly, hoping to soothe her. "It wasn't his fault."

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:58 pm
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He was quick to rouse himself to his feet, though he wouldn't say it was difficult. He had realized almost immediately that the female he'd ran into was not the one he had intended to catch. And that was even before she began to insult him into oblivion. He stood there a moment, trying to hold his calm. But his head was darting this way and that, his milky eyes frantically trying to catch some sort of hint as to who she was. But his luck was all gone, her scent was unfamiliar, foreign even!

He would not back down from her, though he was sure his fear was thick enough for her to smell. He could only stand there in fear hoping Shukura wouldn't interfere. This female obviously had an issue, and he'd rather not drag her into it. But again his luck was gone. He could feel her tugging him gently, and he patted her softly with a paw hoping to calm her nerves. Little did he know it wasn't actually her paw he had patted.

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As the new lioness - or rather pipsqueak showed up he rage only further grew. They were playing? She drew her head back in disgust at the duo. Not due to their age, but simply their act of play. Such a simple thing, only the simplest minded of creatures would even waste their time.

"And who are you? His Nanny?" Izzy threw her head back in a laugh as she continued glaring at the male in question. "Blind or not, don't you think he should watch where he's going? We do have noses you know? Or is he completely useless?

Izzy brought herself near nose to nose with the frozen male, staring directly into his blank milky eyes.

"And why is it you are so eager to protect such a waste of life?" Her claws had nearly completely sheathed once again, as Mlinzi placed a simple pat to her paw. Instantly they were back out, this time she jerked back her arm and prepared to swipe.




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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 2:19 pm
Shukura could feel her heart going a mile a minute. This lioness was not fooling around. Normally in situations like this she got so nervous she couldn't move, but when someone she cared for was in trouble, she was quick to help out. The odd blend of desire to defend Mlinzi and the fear from the other lioness were making her want to run and stay at the same time.

Things seemed to be settling down as far as physical violence went. The dark lioness was still spitting acid with her words, but she seemed to be calming just a bit. Until Mlinzi reached out to pat her paw.

"No!" she yelped, jumping forward between the white lion and the black lioness. She was shaking, but resolute in her decision to move. "Don't hurt him!" Gods, what was she doing? She'd probably just get mowed down and then Mlinzi would be hurt and the lioness would be on her merry way.

"Please, ma'am," she said weakly, her ears down but head high. "Just...just keep going. We'll leave you alone."

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 2:30 pm
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As she reared down her paw to lash across the male's face, she froze mid swing. The pipsqueak had stuck up for him, and put herself in his place? It confused her, but also brought her to her senses a bit. But not nearly enough to calm her down.

"No? Why shouldn't I hurt him? He's obviously as useless as I presumed. He can't even keep his paws to himself!" Her words spat venom with each syllable and she knew it. She wanted to frighten them, to feel their fear. But she couldn't understand why ... normally she was a grump yes. But being here, in this moment, she was something far more ... something much worse. It scared her, but she would never allow it to show. Especially not to these two with whom she was enjoying their fear.

"Very well ... I will leave. But only under one condition." She paused a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. Most of all she wanted to understand why she was so invigorated by their fear, but more over she was curious about their relationship.. One so young, putting her life on the line for such a waste of space ... she couldn't understand it. Not even in the slightest bit.

"You have to tell me why you feel the need to put his life ahead of your's. Why is his so much more important?"
Claws now relaxed, her shoulders and stance stood strong.

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Mlinzi had not a single clue what was going on as he stood there oblivious. All he could feel was the tension, it was so thick, he could likely cut it with his claws. A swift wind blew before him as he stood his ground, followed by what he realized was Shukura's presence before him. She was pleading for him, pleading for someone not to hurt him?

His heart fell in his chest as he realized how tense the situation actually was, He gently pushed against Shukura's side, nuzzling his way beside her. He gently placed his muzzle across her shoulder and snuggled her briefly. A short intimate way of showing his gratitude.

"You didn't have to do this.." He mumbled quietly into her ear, before he returned to his original stance.

"We shouldn't have to explain anything to you. Someone who is so out for harm .. do you really need to know what its like to be compassionate?"



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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 2:49 pm
Shukura's ears hesitantly rose as the lioness lowered her paw. Was she really going to back off that easily? It surprised her, honestly. She thought others wouldn't listen to her in dire situations if only because she wasn't assertive. She didn't have any courage. Bravery. None of that. She felt Mlinzi beside her, his physical presence reassuring her that she wasn't alone in this. She doubted they'd actually be able to fight the lioness, but perhaps their double presence would help keep her from attacking.

The question surprised her. Not because it was coming from the other female, but because she wasn't one hundred percent sure herself. She was quiet for a while, pressing her shoulder against Mlinzi's as she tried to think.

"He's kind to me," she finally said quietly. "And...made me believe in things I didn't believe in previously." Like herself. "And I stand up for my friends." Apparently. "I didn't want to see him get hurt." Especially because he couldn't even see the attack coming to try to save himself.

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 3:28 pm
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The pale lion's words stung her in a way she couldn't explain. Not that she was really able to explain any. It felt as though something hard awakened in her in these short moments. She needed to be free of this place, and free to figure things out. But she knew better than to cower away, she was never one to do such petty things.

"You know not what you speak pale one. You'd do best to allow your friend to speak for you." Her words help an undertone of a growl as she flung her head in the other's direction. Now listening to her words almost sincerely.

"That's sweet ... sickening .. but sweet. " The growl in her voice now gone, her tone recalled back to her typical one. It was sweet, though held a slight bit toughness to it. Though that was just her natural voice, something she'd developed to keep the cubs back home under control.

"I don't think we see quite eye to eye on things. But I think I can respect that answer ..." Izzy glanced once more back at the male beside the other. His gentle nuzzles dug deep into her heart, and her mind travelled back to her original objective.

Right, she needed to find him.

"A deals a deal I guess. I"ll take my leave.'

With little more than a bat of her eye, Izzy turned tail in the direction she had been heading and disappeared into the treelines once again.

Whatever she'd come here for, it wasn't that. But now it meant she had something else to figure out. It was a good thing she had a ton of walking to do ...

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Mlinzi tried to cover the slow purr building in his throat, but with each word Shukura spoke, he became more and more infatuated with her. It was now 100% obvious to him that her self-doubt was all in her head. Though whether she would realize it now? Well, that was something she had to do for herself, he could only try to nudge her in the right direction.


The forest! Don't go south, you'll be in danger there!"
Mlinzi hollered the words as loud as he could. Not knowing whether she would have heard him or not. Though he was sure she could care for herself, he might not be so confident about his pride. They were a rough and tumble bunch, but some were also sickly.

When he was sure the lioness was finally going from their line of sight and hearing he swiftly turned to his friend. The purr he had been hiding now rumbling proudly in his chest.

"That was quite something you just did for me Shukura ... How can I repay you?"

OMFG I edited a post instead of making a new one >_>

CRAP - now i need to try to remember what I originally had typed.


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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:46 pm
Shukura raised her head just a bit, returning to her full height (which was pretty small next to the male and the other female) slowly. It seemed the darker lioness had calmed enough to rethink her violent actions. Relief flew through her body as she took her leave, orange tail tip disappearing back into the trees. A sigh left her lips, her legs turning to jelly as she sat down. That had been far too close.

The loud purring caught her attention, and she turned to look at Mlinzi. Ears swooped back in embarrassment as he spoke, and she was glad he couldn't see the tiny smile on her face. "Oh...no, it was nothing," she said quietly, drawing a little picture in the sand with her toes. "I don't even know how I did all of that. She was just so angry over such a silly mistake and...and I don't want to see you get hurt at my expense."

She glanced up meekly at the older male, but not from fear. It was more shyness, and hesitantly looking for praise. "I guess you did help me find some bravery, even if I'm not sure how exactly to tap into it or use it when I please. As long as I can be brave when it counts...then I guess that's all I can ask for."

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 4:34 pm
When she readjusted herself, it was easy for him to tell. He could feel her warm breath on his cheek. The sensation made the fur on the back of his neck stood on end, and he tried to remain calm. Though he had to admit, it was a bit difficult. He was becoming closer and closer to Shukura and he knew it was something he didn't want to push on her. But by goodness did he want to be near her right now.

"Don't worry Shukura, I am more than sure, that given time you will be fully capable of tapping into your bravery whenever it is needed." He smiled gently, nodding his head in agreement.

Turning his attention away from the scene unfolding in his mind, he focused his attention at his feet. Now taking his own turn at drawing odd marks in the dirt at his feet.

"So ... are you still on for teaching me about this fun thing? Or shall we postpone for another day?"

Ack! Writers block - SO HARD D:


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PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:41 pm
Mlinzi's rather shy words caught Shukura off guard, and she lowered her head a bit as well. Oh...right, they had been...'playing', hadn't they? Or were about to. Her heart sped up a bit and she nodded, leaning in to bump her nose against his shoulder.

"Sure," she said quietly, nuzzling against his side. "If you can catch me." She stepped away again, smiling just a bit, before trotting away. She didn't run very quickly, though, wanting for the male to catch her. She hadn't known him very long, but she did care for him. He was very kind and had helped her to find a bit of herself that she didn't know existed. The least she could do would be to give him a little something in return.

Last post from me! I just need a non-cert for Mlinzi and I'll post 'em for us.
[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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