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Maji looked around nervously as he followed the pink lioness to a particular location in the pride lands. He knew his grandmother was the Master Warrior - everyone did - but he wasn't certain that he wanted to follow in her footsteps. He loved her, just like he'd loved his other grandmother until she'd (sob) died, but still, the blue lion was nervous. He knew that Mittere favored Kestven, the cheeton that Grandma had adopted before she'd died, but he knew that the pink lioness was as close as she got to Maji and his brothers, due to being related.

Well, he was happy to get some time with Grandmother by himself, and with no Kestven around. He just wasn't sure about where they were going.

Mittere didn't bother looking over her shoulder to see whether Maji was still there or not. She could tell from the sound of his passage that he was trailing a length or two behind her, somewhat reluctantly. Not that she cared if he wanted to be here or not. The pink lioness was accustomed to knowing what was best for the children she had been stuck with. Damn Tarafa anyway for that.

She did know he was jealous of Kestven, and as the apparent parent, the adult did feel somewhat bad about that. The firery young cheeton was exactly what the pink lioness was looking for in her Warriors, and it wasn't Maji's fault that he...wasn't. But, as these things went, the blue lion was the best of his litter for her to be targeting. Kua...well...he seemed to have inherited Nyesha's constitution, sadly. Ua was better, but still looked to be showing clear signs of disease.

Mittere herself, of course, had known for some time now that she had the disease. However, she was long accustomed to suppressing the pains of her body and ignoring its needs. Above all else, the pink lioness intended to keep active and able for as long as she possibly could. For her personal sake, for the sake of the pride...and for the sake of her unexpected family.

Unexpected, unwanted, but never unvalued.

At last she stopped, having arrived at her destination. An open area of beaten earth where every member of the pride who showed an interest was trained in self-defense at the very least and, as Mittere preferred, how to fight. The adult turned to regard the boy.

Maji was still moving nervously. He wasn't surprised that he'd been brought here, but that still didn't mean it was anything like his idea. And he'd been disciplined by Mittere before - it wasn't exactly something that he wanted to repeat in any form.

Still, he wasn't exactly certain what to do. Should he tell her that he didn't want to be here? She probably already knew - Grandmother had a weird ability to know what he was thinking. So the juvenile stayed quiet, unsure how to respond to the pink lioness' silence.

The Warrior wondered, silently, if any child ever realized how much their body language said about their thoughts. It was a sure bet that Maji didn't. The boy didn't want to be here, and she supposed she couldn't blame him - she wasn't the most affectionate at the best of times and could be a bit harsh. However, she could also see that he was resigned to being here. It wasn't enthusiasm, but it would do. For now.

"Today you begin training. I don't care what rank you choose to apprentice for, I don't care if it's no kind of fighter at all. But as the healthiest of your brothers, you will have some kind of training by all the gods!" the lioness' voice cracked slightly as it rose on the last sentence. Damnit, if she was going to be some kind of parent, she was going to make sure at least one of the offspring could protect themselves! It was her own nod to the immortaility of children - passing on her knowledge.

He wasn't too surprised by the theme of what Mittere told for one thing. Golden eyes wide, Maji looked up at his grandmother with an open mouth. Did she really say...?

"I don't have to be a Warrior?" he asked, trying to make sure he'd heard correctly. He certainly didn't want her to take it back later! And if she wasn't demanding that he follow in her footsteps...well, maybe this wouldn't be so bad! Yes, there'd be work...but it was still time with his siblings, adopted or otherewise...

Well, at least the boy was paying attention. Mittere hid a smile as Maji fastened on what was probably the most important aspect as far as he was concerned. He could do worse.

"No, you don't. I'd be happy if you did, but that's not my choice to make," she informed the juvenile. "But that's for the future. Right now, we need to fix your stance." Having finished her say, the pink lioness took a few steps closer to the boy and began pushing his limbs into more correct positions.

"Now, the trick to all of this is keeping yourself relaxed, but ready to react the moment you know something's wrong," Mittere began to explain as she worked. "With a proper stance, you are able to move easily into any kind of attack or defense position, which is always a good thing."

A grin lit the boy's face as his grandmother confirmed his hopes. He didn't have to be a Warrior! He could be anything he wanted to be, just like the Nannies and others had always told him! And he got to spend time alone with Mittere! He didn't protest as she began to reposition his paws and legs, explaining what she was doing and why. He wasn't paying complete attention, still so very excited, but the juvenile couldn't help it! After all, this might be work, but it didn't have to be his whole life!

Then Grandmother began criticizing him for not paying attention and, still smiling, Maji began to take mental notes of what she was having him do.