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Ciaran only blushed deeper and closed his eyes when it was confirmed to be a joke. He couldn't remember a time when he had ever been so embarrassed! He was starting to consider getting up and running home when his head raised with Anthony's towards what was the sound of God. For a moment. "Uh, yeah..." He mumbled breathlessly, his blush cooling down and graduation goggles beginning to kick in. Ciaran grabbed his bag again and stood up as the bus approached, looking over to Cas weakly as he considered the question. A few seconds ago he would have rather been anywhere but here, but now it felt weird to just leave after such an awkward moment(mostly on his side, by him). There wasn't really much of a choice, though. He had studying to do. "No. Not a school day." Ciaran explained, his expression not getting much lighter. He did however let out his best attempt at a small smile during the next part. "See you Monday, though. If you're there." He stepped onto the bus and waved behind him before having a seat, taking solace in the fact that he probably would be.