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Enzo Pierce

Xx ♠ xX

Number : #2236
Race : Cursed Angel
Age : 24
Sex : Male
Powers : He is able to retract his wings from
XXX his back, but this is also very painful
XXX to him. So seeing his wings will be rare.
X Dream Manipulation ~ He is able to enter
XXX ones Dream and play with it at his will.
X Cursed? He sees horrible dreams, So far they are minor dreams,
XXX but they are known to get worse as time goes on. It also starts infecting the mind and Enzo tents to get out of control.
Orientation: Homosexual - Seke

My Personality, lets see . . .
I am hot headed and I don't like to listen to orders very well.
I lack People contact and I often say the wrong things at the wrong time.

If you must know my history, Its is a long one, but I'll shorten it.
I was once an Angel, that roamed Earth. Taking down demons of all kinds;
Shooting down anything in my path. Back then, It was a glorious time for me.
It wasn't until the day I received the scar across my face, everything went down hill. Weakened by cuts and sores, I have decided to nap on the ground. Only feet away from the demon who marked me so and the same one I had just killed.
Humans, curious as they are, investigated what had happened. Only moments after I had fallen fast asleep. Surprised to see one of god's angels, they quickly tied me up. Later caging me to show to the towns people.

To the people it was a wonderful site, but I was soon pronounced cursed. Due to my scratch upon my face and how it was inflected by a demon.
Struggling to rid of me, but not wanting to kill me . . . The humans sold me off to strange out goers, that lived far from the town. Comes to find out, they were looking for creatures like myself. Only to sell me off again, as a slave. So now here I am, sitting in a cage, awaiting someone who is interested in a cursed Angel.


White Rose- Innocent, Virgin
Sword- Fighter
Emerald: Rare Species
Hourglass- Good Body Shape
Knife - Assassin
Broken Mirror - Permanently Scarred or Wounded
Pills: knows medicine
Gun: Hunter
Leaf - Loves to be outdoors


Red: Has a Temper and Dangerous, is Rebellious
Indigo Deceptive and Clever
Purple: Dark and Brooding
Dark Green: Timid and Obedient


Metal - Very strong and/or ferocious, highly skilled fighter, or unusually dangerous
Jeweled - Rare and/or exotic
Glass - Unpredictable and normally have a split personality.