The Hunter
Name: Asakura Jun 朝倉 順
Nicknames: Fishcake
Gender: Male
Age: 22

Category: Mist - The group that does not have one specified role but fills in for everyone. A jack of all trades master of none group, they are usually asked to take missions from all four categories, but as a result do not get "specialized field" missions.

The Weapon
Name: Chō 蝶
Nicknames: Chu (A bit of a misnomer, and pun given it's the sound of a kiss; he likes to teasingly call her this when in a playful or particularly cheeky mood).
Type of Weapon: Twin Bladed Pistols.
Unsummoned Form: Twin rings, etched with blue runes.
Former species of weapon: Flame Demon
Gender: Female


Jun (´∀`)
      → vivacious, optimistic, humorous, cheeky

Jun enjoys teasing Chō to no end, and knows how to push her buttons.

Chō ヽ( ´¬`)ノ
      → serene, sensible, pragmatic, devoted

Chō is in a sense, the yang to his yin. Whereas Jun is rather outgoing, and will eagerly jump into a discussion or situation unbidden, she will delicately remind him that one should tap a stone bridge before crossing it [aka he should be more careful before jumping into things]. His witty, sharp tongue can sometimes annoy her, but she is faithful to him nonetheless, confident that together they can reach his inner potential. Maybe.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?

Born into a longstanding family of shrine owners in Okinawa prefecture, Jun was raised up in the supernatural and occult. When he began to see the mysterious yokai lurking about the edges of his vision, the shadows passing by his room at night, the spirit world became far more real. His parents saw in him the makings of a fine young kannushi (temple priest).

Weapon Ability: Blue Rain 青雨 - Battle Cry Y1 - Jun is able to concentrate a shot in one of his guns, firing off a round that bursts out into tiny blue flames that can scatter and burn [a single target] for additional damage.

      Blue Rain 青雨 - Battle Cry Y2 - Jun is now able to concentrate a shot in both of his guns, firing off a round each that bursts out into tiny blue flames that can scatter and burn [two targets] for additional damage.

Random Facts:

Fishcake - a nickname he earned from his not-so-secret obsession with taiyaki, and furthermore sweets in general. He also bakes quite well, and his cooking skills are on par.

Sake - he may or may not also be slightly addicted to sake. It's a vital cooking ingredient! [is his excuse].

Bilingual - tba.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Dark chocolate-brown/black.

Hair Colour/Style: See Refs.

Skin Colour: Asian [This is not a color, but you get the idea ... /brick'd hard]

Clothing Style/Colours: See Refs. Clothing colors can be a mix of darks with bright colors. Preferably darker outer layers (such as jackets, jumpsuits, shorts, jeans, etc.) with bright and cheerful inner layers (such as undershirts, t-shirts, etc.) Layers in clothing is good, but as in the refs, I would prefer all clothing to be elbow/3/4 sleeve and knee length if possible. Also, spike and buckle accents on shoes/bracelets/clothing is all A++++


References: Soooo much this for appearance (+ gloves) totally dressed in something like Outfit here