(players: graceangel and puhterodactyl)

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Kiri and her sengal were out and about. It was a fine saturday morning. Once a month, Kiri would take it upon herself to do what she considered to be charity work. She would head down to the groundlings to do some routine checkups or see if anyone needed immediate medical attention. These days there seemed to be no shortage of noble nurses, so her skills weren't always in much demand.

In fact, more often than not, she found herself doing more babysitting of noble cubs than anything else. She really didn't mind that so much except that it made her own biological clock tick. These days, it clicked as loud as can be. Always was that feeling that maybe she'd like to have a child of her own. It was such an overwhelming need that she often treated Ushokolethi as though he were her son. She was always nagging him about eating right and getting enough sleep. Sometimes, she would jokingly tell him she was training him, so he could take over for her when she was old enough to retire one day. He was a good companion and was patient and tolerant of that with her.

It had been only a few months she had been about this new habit. She often would return to the noble mountain cave after doing what she considered a good deed. How benevolent she felt of herself for bothering to come down there to their level.Most who took her up on her self described charity never seemed to hold it against her or make an issue of it. That part bothered her for reasons she wasn't sure of yet. She mused that perhaps they properly realized just how blessed they were for her to come and tend to them. Was anyone among them even smart enough or savvy enough to be a nurse for these groundlings? Weren't they nothing but troublesome fairies?

She then took a break from walking to catch her breath and make sure she wasn't thinking too outwardly. She didn't wanna cause a riot and have their types after her for showing her inner disdain for those whose pelts were too bright.