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The Horseman
Name: Imra'munir
Nicknames: Imram, Munir
Gender: genderfluid
Age: appears late teens, somewhat petite

Original Clan: Famine

Job Role: Alchemist

Personality: Tentative and introspective, Munir likes to assess the situation first, metaphorically dipping their toes in the water before taking any plunge. They often spend spans of time holed up in a quiet place to work or relax or keep to themselves for days and days on end, but they do enjoy the company of other horsemen when not 'in hiding'. When working, their time is usually spent collecting and working to interbreed a creature that looks like a combination of a cicada and a firefly. Basically a cicada body with the glow of a firefly.

Their curiosity is high, but they are a bit skittish in situations that lack control, so it's easy to scare them away from something you don't want them to touch. In that same vein, it's not very likely that they will ever attack you, unless extensively provoked.

More recently, they have developed a taste for chilled drinks, which seems to be a motivator towards a lot of their actions for some reason. Halloween culture is weird.

Mount Form: Sitatunga, very thin, leaning more dark reds/golds in color. It says hi! And here is another ref.

Weapon Form: Spiked Chain

FEAR ATTACK: The attack doesn't have much of a visual, except for a quick flicker of light every now and then, but it sounds like the buzzing of cicadas and a tremendous swarm of beating wings. It feels like a lot of insects are crawling and scratching and biting their opponent. Follows the Gambler's Chance mechanic.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: very vividly bright teal or red or both, maybe black sclerae, go wild
Hair Colour/Style: something dark that fades to something light, check out all this detail I'm describing
Skin Colour: no pref, but visibly a little translucent
Clothing Style/Colours: SCARF PLS, can be any kind of scarf though! Lots of cloth to keep useful things tucked away in maybe some iridescence/gold to some of them like the cicada in the refrences. Carries some of its cicada-firefly creatures in jars or bottles of various sizes, worn like accessories. Like jewelry, but a portion of it is functional jewelry (like containers, or pointy things, etc). Barefoot, but can have foot jewelry. Tattoos are okay if you have something you wanna do!
Extra: Has a kind of smudgy/blackened half portion of its face + some makeup, resembling the upper black/white/red portion on this cicada. The same thing kind of meshes with its horns (can be a headdress kind of thing if not horns) which look like these.
References: Appearance based on the Zammara calochroma cicada (x / x, wing motif or shells themselves are okay too) and maybe some fireflyish stuff.

A general reference board for themes and ideas: x