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Reply Elders
2013 Summer Solstice Elder Applications [Winner Announced!]

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Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:57 am



A foreign word, I know, as the term itself has long since been used in the appropriate manner. Elders are our elite Soquili, our leaders, the most mature and wisest of all the herds. They are not categorized by a particular species, for members from each group have the potential of achieving this honor, should they meet the criteria.

Below, you will find the definition of an Elder and the requirements of what it takes to have your Soquili become an Elder. If you feel your Soquili is qualified for Elderhood, you also have the opportunity at this time to enter an application.

If you have any questions, please read all of this thread to see if your question is answered here. If you still have a question after reading these posts, then feel free to shoot a PM to Uta or Nisshou H.

[Credit to Skye/Caj for the original application process and Cuter for the second from whence the bulk of these posts are derived from]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:58 am

Part 1: What is an Elder?

If you’re reading this, you are either A) an involved person who believes in reading updates (in which case, good for you!) or B) owner of a potential elder. So I’m sure that you’d like to know what that potential is all about!

Basically, Elder is the highest stage a Soquili can attain. It’s purely optional, and only attainable through rp. Buying a life cycle Soq doesn’t mean you’ll get an elder if all you do is stick that pet in your sig, so don’t get bent out of shape that yours never makes it that far. Becoming an Elder is an RP PERK.

So, you have your pet and you rped it and now have all 100% stats. Why would you want to go elder? What are the benefits?

For starters, you get a new stage of your Soquili. A stage that only a few others have achieved so far. There is male and female elder art [see the Elders Information thread for images of other Elders], and elders will be upgraded to this beyond-adult stage that they might look as regal and dignified as they now are in their new in-character state.

Secondly, elders, being bigger and tougher than regular adults, are also capable of bearing more children! In any breeding where a parent (be it one or both) is an elder, that breeding will yield THREE baskets, guaranteed, plus have a chance at getting a whopping FOUR! (And for comparison, normal adult Soquili can have two baskets, three if they’re lucky, so this goes to show the breeding perk!)
*However, owners are still only allowed to keep one basket each; this just means more to give away!

Now, by this point, you’re probably thinking, “GREAT!” Who doesn’t love art and baskets? Why, I want EVERY SINGLE SOQ I OWN TO BE AN ELDER AS SOON AS THEY HIT 100%

Wrong answer. Sure, the perks are nice. But beyond the perks, there are a few basic elder truisms that need to be remembered.

Most importantly, the very name elder implies something about this stage. An Elder is often a leader; be it religious, or spiritual, political, or merely formal, Elder implies that the person (or in our case, Soquili) is an individual worthy and fit to have this role. Elders are leaders among the Soquili, individuals who can be looked up to by others and exhibit the necessary traits for the important role of elder. Just because they may be a kalona does not restrict them from becoming an Elder; if they fit the role within their breed, then they too are eligible. Roleplay development of these Soquili are key to a good Elder. And Elder cannot be customed or born at that rank, they achieve the status after hard work and development to obtain such a high standard of status.

Basically, elders are leaders/leadership material. Keeping this in mind, not all Soquilis are meant to be Elders. We hope that owners will be using their best judgment in putting Soquili candidates for elderfication forward, and to help you all decide whether or not to go elder, we’ve put together a basic list of what will be looked at when considering that Soquili for elderfication.


Responsibility and leadership. Obviously the elders need to be able to handle themselves and situations that come up; they are the ones to which other Soquilis will look in times of trouble, so they need to be up to the challenge. The definition of responsibility and of a good leader varies from breed to breed, and this will essentially be looked at on a case by case basis. What makes a Kalona responsible might be different from a Regular, and so on and so forth.

Rp development. Elders are supposed to have grown and matured to the elder stage through rp (see, it all links back to roleplay). Consequently, the roleplay of the Soquilis in question will be checked to determine whether or not the Soq in question has grown into a character worthy of being an elder. If all you have is mate-finding rp…chances are you won’t be elderfied.

NEW: All RPs should be started before the Elder Applications open in order to be counted for that seasons applications.
RPs started before the opening date may still be completed during the elder applications.

So, keeping that in mind…

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:59 am

Part 2: Becoming an Elder

As mentioned in the introduction, becoming an elder is a multi-step process. So, in a new and streamlined list format…how to become an elder!

Step 1: Have all six stats at 100%
Step 2: Have trackable, readable rp (although this ought to already exist if your stats are at all 100s, it’s best to make sure)
Step 3: Post the elder application HERE in this thread. The elder application itself can be found in the post below.
Step 4: Wait for it! All applicants will be notified whether or not their Soqs have been approved for elder, so PLEASE BE PATIENT. Once approved for elder status the art will take time as well. Keep that in mind when applying!

*Approval of elders is done via group. Specifically, a panel of individuals will be considering each application and jointly deciding if your nomination is valid. As mentioned above, owners will be notified of the verdict regardless of whether it’s affirmative or not (aka, we'll make an announcement post once everything's decided, so keep checking THIS THREAD, and not PMs!)

***In addition, if your Soquili is rejected for elder once, you are welcome to try again later after working more on your Soquili’s character in rp. However, for reasons of scope a Soquili may only be submitted for Elder status three times before you are put on probation. So if you're rejected thrice, after the third time, you must wait a full physical year from that rejection before you will be permitted to enter for Elder application again. (This is an attempt to show you that this honor is a BIG DEAL, so merely throwing your horse up for the chance of NEW LINES and MOAR BABIES is simply a waste of your time and ours).

****The staff reserves the right to change details as circumstances merit. No changes will be retroactively applied, and all changes will be clearly indicated.


[b]Name of Soquili and Link to Image:[/b]
[b]Link to Teepee:[/b]
[b]Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out?[/b] [Month and year if you do.]
[b]Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:[/b] (20 max)
[b]Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path?[/b]
[b]Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?[/b]

Elder Application Status Is Currently: Open until June 21 12:00 PM (noon) MST.
Applications will close at this time whether or not we are here to close it. Late applications will not be accepted.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:00 am


• Read the above. If you don't, we won't read your entry.
• This is a free service, Elders cost nothing.
• There is no pre-determined amount of Elders we accept each time.
• Custom edits always appear on Elders. You can request Trading Post items to be re-added freely, to match the previous adult stage or altered.
• If your Soquili doesn't get picked, take it like an adult. We don't reject for petty reasons like "OMG THAT PERSON TOTALLY RIPPED ME OFF IN THE EXCHANGE" (though if you are that person, I will be dealing with you later), but we reject based on required criteria missing from your entry. If you would like to discuss what you can do to improve for next Elder opening, we would be happy to give pointers/advice if you PM this account.
• The colorists currently doing Elder upgrades *vary* - you do not get to choose who does your upgrade. When possible the original artist will have first choice of doing the Elder.
NEW You may only apply once per opening. That means one soquili per owner per opening.
NEW Keep your applications to 20 RPs MAX. Any applications with 21 or more RPs will be disregarded.

If you have any questions, please PM Uta or Nisshou H.

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:01 am

Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Who are the judges?
    A: Aside from me, the judges are secret and do not have to identify themselves in any way if they do not want to. This is to prevent people from pressuring them into decisions.

    Q: Will you pleasepleaseplease accept my application? This is my Soq's third time applying!
    A: Only if your Soquili fits the criteria. Remember, three rejections only means you have to wait a year before reapplying, not that your pet is down and out for the count.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:57 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Zevach
Link to Teepee: Teepee
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? Oh my gosh...I have no clue xx;;; it seems so long ago.
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:


o1. Journies a Many - The beginning of it all. Zevach had a very precise view on world from even the very first moments he emerged from his basket. He felt different from the other manners of his young immediate family, set apart by the color of his own pelt. This allowed the brashness of the colt to flourish. In the early moments of life it had been established...he was jealous of his brother; jealous of the pride his parents seemed to share for him. It was a cruel fate, it would seem, as how he felt for Marius was shared in how Marius felt of him. He felt protective of the clumsiness of his sister - perhaps the only one in his family which really needed him around. This was the day his life already had a purpose, his desire was to best the one closest to him - his Brother Marius.
o2. I told you this wasn't over - Meeting Isis again Zevach was taken back that the brazen filly he met and fought with was so overcome by emotions - ones he often held deep in his soul that no one could see...if he wasn't so poor at hiding them. Through the bickering the two often shared they found kinship in the problems they believed to be in their young lives, it showed Zevach for a moment that not everything was black and white that he saw people to be...there was plenty of grey area other soquili had as well.
.o3 Still Pending... - Meeting Analae showed Zevach that even though she was an icky girl, she still held all the same qualities that he prided himself in and in his childhood was the first filly he met which he didn't stand off with from the very start. It allowed him to experience a sense of respect...and perhaps not everyone was annoying....sometimes.
o4. Misleading Curiosities - Meeting a fearsome mutant was a life changing event in Zevach's life....finally someone who had the looks to match their fighting capabilities, a seasoned master. Zevach knew this was the closest he could get to his dreams, his goals...and even if it meant his life he'd make sure he obtained his goal or die trying. After a heartfelt moment of him expressing what he felt in his very core; the stallion realized he was a kindred soul - a living expression of what he too had felt as a child in a different context. Zevach had found his master, and was finally one step towards his life's dream. To be the strongest, and best around.

.o5 What makes you different - Isis was the first growing relationship aside from Ezriel that he experienced as a young adult. She'd grown up from the spitfire foal he'd met and turned into a somber, if not mature mare. While she still held some of the mentality which made him snap; more so her disregard for dreams in general. However she wouldn't change his mind - he'd reach his goals for sure...even if it was to prove her wrong.
.o6 Don't know why i'm still searching - Meeting a little filly, Zevach is taken by kindness, something he was hesitant to show when he himself was a foal. He found compassion this day, sheltering the little filly from the rain for a short while and dare he say it - saw a bit of himself in her. He wasn't going to be all soft like his father, but being nice to someone once and a while wasn't going to hurt his reputation much.
.o7 A tragedy, it seemed to be - Ah love. Even the most hard headed stallions such as Zevach can feel the pang of cupid's arrow - and man did it hit him hard. He'd never really allowed himself to admit he had urges, and feelings...and to a beautiful temptress as Amary he was head over hooves. This worked perfectly as he had been confused and enraged that Marius had such luck with the ladies - and now here was one inviting him! After a heated night and a new view on mares and this notion of live...Zevach passed that it wouldn't be too bad. Leaving the thicket a new stallion; it dawned on him that he couldn't wait to see her again, and explore this new feeling which was introduced to him by the loving mare.
.o8 Family Affair - With the new additions of siblings, Zevach reunites with his family to give Aiolos training with the news he'd helped protect his little sister from a kalona attack - leaving her limp in the leg. This reunion brings hard news, news of his sister Eponine's heartbeak and abandonment with a foal from the one he least expected - his master Ezriel. Life would never be the same, the good he saw in Ezriel turned to hate and shame. How could his master do this?
.o9 Life of a Soldier - With news and understanding of Amary's polyamourous nature, Zevach came to realize that he would never be enough for the beautiful mare, unable to make her only his. This devastated the stallion in recent light of his own family's turmoil and the loss of respect for his master. His life was a mess, and all of his training, fighting and passions never prepared him for a time like this at a all time low. He was shocked to find comfort and solace in the little filly who had turned into a mature mare before his eyes; the one who who was diligently there...a friend. The feelings they had slowly blossoms, and he saw the once bratty little filly in a new light. Perhaps there was something there...and in time they would grow together and pick up the scattered pieces.
.1o Next time, its your turn to be pregnant - New in his relationship with Zari they were blessed with an unexpected surprise - children. It was this moment where he had 'grown up', realizing the meaning of his actions and that it wasn't just him now....his dream realized that it was there to protect his family, his loved ones.
.11 Bound by Honor - In his current time, Zevach still trains as diligently as ever, coming out of his 'pupil' years and into his mastery. Although he is much older, physically he remains as peak as he was many years ago. This cannot be said for his personality as it has flourished and calmed some. In this rp he will catch up with his childen, and even though it is not finished yet - learn some disturbing news of his daughter, Zindayia and her tragedy while trying to follow in his footsteps.
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Zevach had been very much the underdog, in a sense. Although his past was filled with hardships, they were ones he brought on himself. He couldn't see past his own insecurities and faults to really allow himself to flourish into a rounded individual the simple way...but over time his experiences and battles brought him to that conclusion. He'd fought so hard to become something extraordinary, and although he'd originally wanted to be a grand warrior across the lands known to all in awe struck glory....ideals changed. Zevach wanted to be the best, his passion stemming from a mixed desire to prove his worth and the ability to protect anyone who needed it. Such clarity was never realized till he himself was unable to even protect himself, and had proved in his own mind what a failure his original means of getting there had done for him. Zevach knew he didn't want to change who he was...he would always be a little cocky, competative, playful and prideful...but what was in his heart was more important than his skewed vision of the wold thus far. Zevach began to embrace the faults which made him stronger, and although he didn't realize it...he already was strong, courageous, and a warrior brazen in battle. He'd learned, studied, and returned it by teaching others who not only became better by him...but bettered him all along in the same process. Zevach may not be a traditional elder of vast wisdom and poise, but he has a heart hardened by circumstance but filled with compassion and love. He will not hesitate to see past face value and willingly help all he can to whomever he crosses which needs it. He may not have a herd to lead, but he has a family who has lead him onto this path despite in the start he wanted to be anything but. Grown into the noble and honorable path his father took before him, Zevach hopes to one day come to terms and make amends with his Brother for all the wrong they brought on not only themselves but their families. He wants to show that no matter the circumstance, you can persevere with determination and strength; to never give up and to stand up for what you believe in and love. This step into elderhood would be the mastery of his dream, although not the outcome he originally set out to be, as strength is not merely measured in muscle and power...but in heart and the soul which completes the picture he's come to discover.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? To be honest when I was going over which soquili who would have the perfect story and personality to be blessed with such a role, I had thought Twilight was my only one currently in such a position. When I was reading over his rps there were many things left unclear, and unfinished with him. When I moved onto my second most prominent and developed character and began to recap on all of his rps; Zevach began to stand out to me the most. What started as a brash little foal with a narrow view on life and a petty desire to best his brother turned into a conflict which pulled his life in many different directions. At times it was his sheer determined strength which pulled him through but as I read further, I could see him open up before my very eyes. Grow, learn, and become something more. His story doesn't end, its just beginning as even though he's an older soquili he has transformed into something I hadn't expected from him. It made sense to try him out as elder, although based on the other types of elders out there he doesn't have a herd, nor is over intelligent and poised. Its just not who he is. He comes from nomad lineage, and in such I could see him as as that seasoned warrior, retired from the brazen glory of war. He's not above others by any means as one may feel with such worldly elders as there is....but he tells it like it is and wouldn't lead anyone astray...in fact he'd be the one to fight and help them on the right path for them. He may not agree with someone, but he would defend to the death their right to say/dream it kind of stallion. One which lives on through aiding others in their time of need with the courage and determination to help them succeed no matter what. When he used to live for himself, he's found himself and his desire to help others...which given his past is a trait which although ignored had been there all along.


Kawaii Fairy

12,000 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Cool Cat 500

Baby Pandah

Popular Sex Symbol

9,650 Points
  • Thread Flip 150
  • Partygoer 500
  • Ultimate Player 200
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:39 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Copper
Link to Teepee: [X]
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? He maxed out when Kamiki had him, some time in like '07. x3
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
[X] --Copper makes it through a fire.
[X] --Copper saves an Usdia from a mountain lion.
[X] --Copper begins to worry about his relationship with his children, especially his son Bly. He also begins to realize that he's getting older.
[X] -- This has become more of a self RP than anything else because the other person doesn't want to RP. But it's a really good representation of how his character has changed and what his family has gone through.
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Copper believes it is time to settle down. In his younger days he explored the world and went on adventures, and now he wants to go on the adventure of fatherhood. He wants to teach his newest set of children how to get by in the world and he wants to show them how to do things. He feels that he is too old to do these things himself, but he knows he can impart some knowledge into his children and other young Soquili. He's basically retiring from being an adventurer to be a teacher and a father.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? He's old. x3 He has been well loved by another owner and he has been well loved by be for a very long time. I don't RP him as being young anymore, I think of him as older and fatherly. <3 He's like the papa of my herd and I love him.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:44 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Maeryn
Link to Teepee: Here
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? I’m afraid it’s been too long.
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:

1. In-thread RP between Maeryn and Necro Aug 9, 2006

This was Maeryn’s very first roleplay, and set the tone for her, establishing that from her very first moments she was incredibly untrusting of stallions. Maeryn took a first, cautious step onto the Kawani Lands, and found herself not alone in being a Kalona female. Her bond with Necro was very important early on, because it gave her a tie when she had had none. It gave her the opportunity to reach out to a like minded individual, which set her on the path to thinking that perhaps there was greater strength in numbers. This would become very important later on, as she would go on to found the very first Kalona herd with Rötschreck. This was, in fact, where she first came up with the idea of a herd of Kalona, based on a simple turn of phrase used by the mare Necro. Maeryn and Necro hit upon the very problem of Kalona, that being that they were too proud, and far too inclined to trying to rule what was simply too much land for even an entire herd of Kalona.

2. For the sake of it, I have included the Black Skull Herd thread (the original one).

It also took the form of a roleplay, one that sort of ties together some loose ends. Here we see that Maeryn, while not entirely pleased with the pickings available for a Kalona herd, has begun to consider the possibility that her own irrational hatred of stallions will serve as a liability. Being the alpha of the Black Skull herd forced her to deal with them, and she was too self aware not to confront her problems head on. She didn’t like it, but there was no dealing with the members of her herd without approaching that innate dislike. It would take her considerably longer to actually get over her fear of stallions, but that first step was incredibly vital in her progression. She had a goal, and in order to stick to it, she needed the males in her life.

3. In-thread RP between Maeryn, Calamity, Rot and others Aug 14, 2006

I feel that this roleplay is important to include, because it was Maeryn’s first introduction to the concept that not all Kalona were evil. She was initially confused by Drizzt’s behavior, not understanding that he wasn’t trying to attack her, or to back her into a corner. He did everything in his power to keep things under control, and she didn’t know what to make of him. It was also the first time she had interacted with non-Kalona Soquili inside of the Kawani Lands. Prior to that time, she had only encountered “lesser” Soquili from her own lands, where being a Kalona foal had been very dangerous indeed. She had an innate hatred of non-Kalona Soquili, and having so many of them around her sent her into a frenzy of sorts.

This was, additionally, her very first roleplay as alpha of the Black Skull herd, and it was clear at the time that she had not yet grown into the position. She showed restraint when she gave a warning to the “lesser” Soquili, attempting to avoid a direct conflict. One of her most interesting relationships was with the stallion Calamity, who, along with Drizzt, took the idea of Kalona, and turned it on its side. Their first interaction took place here, and in a way, Calamity showed her that neutrality was also an option. He wasn’t good, exactly, but he also wasn’t evil. In a way, that opened up doors for her later.

Things change, and drastically, when Atrocity appears on the scene and ups the ante. Toku and Calamity become increasingly violent, and Drizzt’s momentary hold on Maeryn fades. This left her with the simple disgust regarding the beating of a mare, a concept all too close to home. Her anger was then channeled at Calamity, who in that moment embodied all that she despised when he struck out at a ‘helpless’ non-Kalona mare. She held no compunction against attacking a mare herself, but it struck a chord with her when he attacked a female who did not fight back. It is clear that although her leadership was new, Maeryn already had Toku’s loyalty, and he waited to attack upon her signal. Ultimately, her discussion with Calamity did not come to blows, and Rot arrived to ascertain the safety of his herd.

4. [PRP] Xemnas and Maeryn - Maeryn/Xemnas Aug 27, 2006

This roleplay represented the first time that Maeryn was approached about her herd, and shows quite a young Maeryn whose ideals are beginning to take shape. At this point, Maeryn truly believed that the only answer for Kalona was to be evil, and although that has shifted somewhat now into simply “dark”, she has always held the qualities of intelligence and cunny as equally important. It is here where we see that Maeryn’s motivation for creating a herd was and is to protect Kalona foals, who like herself were hated simply for being Kalona, and put into considerable danger. The Kalona way of leaving foals to fend for themselves is not foolproof, and leaves young ones open to attack. Xemnas weighed Maeryn, and ultimately joined the Black Skull herd. When Maeryn consulted Rot’s opinion regarding their potential herd member, Rot told her to go with her gut, a piece of advice which proved to be very influential in her future decisions.

5. [PRP] Sympathy for the Devil - Maeryn/Rot Sept 25, 2006

In this roleplay, Maeryn was confronted with her shifting feelings regarding the protector of her herd, Rot. It also included an unfortunate foreshadowing in the form of fear that Rötschreck might some day sacrifice himself for the herd. She had no idea how justified those fears would be, taking the exact form that she had imagined. This roleplay was critical, for it was the first time that Maeryn truly faced her fears regarding stallions, and deemed them not to carry the weight that she had given them. She had already decided that the Kalona needed to perpetuate their line, but approaching the concept herself was something of a task. Rötschreck was literally the only stallion that she felt anything approaching the level of trust that siring and raising foals would require, and if he chose not to agree to her terms, she would be without options. She danced around the idea until he flat out asked her, at which point she took a leap of faith that would change her very destiny forevermore.

6. In-thread RP between Maeryn and Domnu Nov 10, 2006

In this roleplay, Maeryn teaches a lesson to her daughter, Domnu, about the danger that non-Kalona Soquili represent. She had long had fears of what her children might encounter, should they enter the world unprepared, and so when the opportunity arose, she showed her daughter that there was both safety in numbers for those being attacked, and danger for the attacker. The same worked in reverse. It was her first chance to be a mother, to protect and nurture a young Kalona. She cautioned her daughter to plan her attacks, and to not act on instinct alone. That has always, always been important to Maeryn, who is a small Kalona mare. Fighting with intelligence can win the day, even if you are outnumbered, or otherwise outmatched, but it is incredibly important to pick your battles wisely. It is effectively a hunting lesson, but Maeryn actually never believed in eating other Soquili, whatever other Kalona’s choices might be. Domnu appeared to take the lessons to heart, but then proceeded to outline an encounter with a stallion by the name of Artemis. This evokes a maternal fury in Maeryn, and leads to a discussion on why Kalona are innately superior.

7. [PRP] A Very Kalona Family - Maeryn/Rot March 5, 2007

This roleplay represented a turning point for Maeryn. Up until now she had been very hesitant to even consider the possibility of love, even as it applied to her care for her children. Rötschreck’s giddy happiness at the thought of them as parents once more softened her slightly, and allowed her to feel things that she might not otherwise have felt. In seeing the strong, capable stallion so vulnerable she, too, was able to be... just a little bit vulnerable. She had initially feared his response, and I think this was the first time when her fears were truly laid to rest. From this point onward, Rötschreck had her trust. It is the first time that she admits to herself and to him that there might be feelings there beyond simple companionship between the two of them, and it was not an easy admission to make. It dawns upon her that, perhaps, these feelings, these emotions exist to protect her children. After all, if they did not engender such feelings, would she be as drawn to protect and nurture them as she is? It is a first step toward a more feeling Maeryn, but certainly not a departure from the proud, independent mare of before.

8. In-thread RP between Maeryn, Anevay, Ariston, and others March 5, 2007

For about an OOC year now, Maeryn had heard all about the noble intentions of the Kalona who interacted with “lesser” Soquili, and finally in this roleplay she decided to find out the truth of the matter. She wanted to know, once and for all, about what their intentions might be. She didn’t care for such interactions, but knew herself to be from a somewhat antiquated time, and wondered if perhaps they should at the least be given consideration. It is very clear, however, that she does not hold the opinion that other Soquili are equal to Kalona, and disapproves of the very notion. Still, she wanted to understand them, and so engaged in a discussion about them with Ariston, Shade, and Anevay while she watched them. Like Calamity, Ariston had agreements to bring to the table in an effort to enlighten her regarding non-Kalona Soquili and their place in the world.

Once again, rather than attacking Ariston, Maeryn gave him a measured response, sharing her own view with him. For all that she had two fellow mares with her, her calm in the face of a stallion showed considerable personal growth, owing in my opinion to her interactions with the stallions she first encountered and to her budding relationship with Rötschreck. I suspect that becoming a mother allowed her a certain amount of perspective that she had been previously lacking, and did encourage patience where before she had none for those who did not share her beliefs. Her encounter with Ariston was considerably more genteel than her argument with Calamity, but both reflect her belief that intelligence will win the day. In the end, Ariston respected her wisdom, and his words allowed her to see a side of things that had been previously inexplicable to her.

9. In-thread RP between Maeryn and Ariston May 8, 2007

During the course of this roleplay, Maeryn, with colt in tow, encountered Ariston once more, and this time the Kalona stallion had baskets to protect. While he was initially concerned about what her intentions might be, he came to ask her for advice regarding the raising of young Kalona. Her first piece of advice was to ‘teach by example’. By that she meant that you must show your children how you would have them behave. You must behave as you wish them to, or else how can they possibly come to understand that you value such behavior? Walk the walk, as it were. She further advised him to tell his children stories in their baskets, to give their young minds something to consider, and to help develop a bond between himself and them. She cautioned him to keep in mind that foals are naturally impressionable.

Although they had their differences, he resolved that he wished his children to meet her, to give them another example to live by. That was what Maeryn was becoming, an example. Ariston’s views were somewhat different from her own, but he wanted to raise his foals in the pure Kalona ways, to understand the ideals that their race held so highly. This was such a triumphant moment for Maeryn, talking alone with a stallion without fear. She was not only talking to him, but actually giving him advice as well. She was more than happy to meet with his children, to help nurture the potential that she truly believed existed in every Kalona foal.

10. [PRP] A Kalona Grouping - Malice, Toku, Rot, Maeryn, Nemesis Jan 15, 2008

This roleplay showed what a powerful thing Maeryn and Rötschreck had crafted their family into being. When Malice began to form a relationship with the disgraced Toku, she insisted that he return with her to face her parents. In doing so, he believed that he had proven himself to be a changed stallion, but Maeryn and Rötschreck saw him to be nothing of the kind. If anything, it seemed to them that he had chosen to hide behind Malice, completely misunderstanding the importance of confronting them. Maeryn’s power over her family was demonstrated here. She had truly become the matriarch, and her judgement was more important to Toku’s bid for Malice’s hand than anything else. Nemesis and Rötschreck awaited her say so to attack Toku, and had the roleplay been concluded as planned, she would not have given her permission. To Maeryn, it was as important that Toku be given the chance to prove himself a true Kalona as it was to maintain the family honor. Ultimately, Malice and Toku did have children together.

11. [PRP] Grandmother, what big teeth you have - Maeryn/Theia Aug 8, 2008

This roleplay was never completed, but in it it is revealed that Malice and Toku did start a family together, choosing to keep this fact from Maeryn and Rötschreck. Maeryn’s first meeting with her grandchild brought to light the weight of years bearing down upon her. It is here that she first truly began to feel her age. The role of “grandmother” seems a more light burden than that of mother, at this point, and in her first effort as a grandmother, she tested Theia for the intelligence that she prizes so highly. Theia passed the test, reassuring Maeryn that her legacy will continue on for all that Toku’s lineage had joined with her own. I think it is important to include because it signifies a transition from mother to crone, so to speak, whereas previously the transition had been from maiden to mother. In each of her roles, Maeryn remained and remains a strong Kalona.

12. [PRP] A Kalona Falls - Rot, Maeryn, and children March 23, 2009

This was the single most devastating moment of Maeryn’s adult life. Rötschreck, mortally wounded, returned to the Black Skull lands, where he spent his final moments with his family. Maeryn was helpless to do anything as the stallion she had grown to love bled out into the dirt beneath him. As she had feared so very long ago, Rötschreck had sacrificed himself to fight off a Skinwalker. While he had been able to hold his ground long enough to force the Skinwalker to retreat, he would not survive his injuries. She had never had the chance to tell him that she loved him, never in all of the years that they had been together, and raised a family together. The roleplay was never completed, but I believe enough is present to show the wracking loss to all members of his family in his death, particularly the mare that had loved him for so long.

13. [PRP] One Last Request - Maeryn/Nemesis Nov 22, 2009

After Rötschreck’s death, Maeryn was... completely shattered. For a long time, she wandered back to Rötschreck’s bones to speak to them, and carried on one sided conversations. She had asked for his advice, his guidance, so many times over the years that it had grown to be habitual, and blurred the lines between fantasy and reality. She was deeply grief stricken, and her ability to cope with his loss was nill. In that time, she truly believed that she was dying, and it was here that she set her eyes to the next generation once more. She sought out Nemesis, and made a last request of him that he find a mare to take her place at his side, just as Rötschreck had once been at Maeryn’s side. She had never felt heartbreak before, and did not recognize it for what it was, seeing it as simply age and a slow decline.

14. [PRP] A Mare’s Old Tricks - Maeryn/Haxan Nov 16 2010 (Unfinished)

This roleplay, also unfinished, continued on the theme of Maeryn believing herself to be dying. However, she was determined to see her race live on, and when she encountered a young foal after a hunt, she offered to share her meal with him. Even as an old mare, Maeryn was more than capable of taking down a buck, utilizing the same stratagem and skill that had served her so well in her younger days. While still convinced that she was dying, Maeryn brightened slightly in the face of her old ambition, that of raising and teaching young foals to be true Kalona. In meeting Haxan, Maeryn was briefly able to touch a side of herself that had dwindled somewhat in the face of her deep and abiding grief.

15. [PRP] I Will Never Be The Same - Maeryn/Keiran Dec 8, 2010

Maeryn had all but completely lost the will to live when she heard the crying of a Kalona foal. From the dead of sleep, she awakened instantly, and moved to assist the young colt who was altogether too little and too cold to fend for himself. When she saw him, she realized once and for all that Rötschreck would not have wanted her to fade away for him. That, perhaps, the very foal that she had found was in his way a symbol of their love. He was, if nothing else, a beacon of hope for Maeryn, and it was then that she began to make a comeback, to become more and more the proud, strong mare that she once had been. Keiran was her miracle, and another further miracle occurred that night when she was able to nurse him, both of which she saw as gifts from her departed Rötschreck.

16. [PRP] The Good, the Bad, and the Old - Maeryn/Keiran Jun 23 2012

While certainly not as important as the previous roleplay, this roleplay represented a major comeback for Maeryn, and a return to her glory days. Keiran taught her that she had many years yet to live, and that she could be the mother and the matriarch that she had been, even though she wasn’t as spry as she’d always been. She taught him how to hunt, in the same way that she had taught her other foals how to hunt, and that was the brightest spot of all. Though she would never again have her protector beside her, she truly believed that he was there all along, watching her progress and guiding her steps. It was in the words he had said so long ago, that she must trust her instincts. So, trust them she did. But to Maeryn, Rötschreck’s voice had become one and the same.

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? I think in some ways, Maeryn is an elder, if not an Elder. She is the matriarch of her family, and considers it to be her sworn and solemn duty to guide them in their lives. She had fulfilled this duty for a number of years now, in ways both big and small, and extends her sense of responsibility to the Kalona race in general. From her earliest days, she felt the dwindling Kalona numbers most keenly, and personally sacrificed in order to assist her own kind with filling them out. She had known the fear that being a young Kalona foal on one’s own can induce, and made it her quest to ensure that there was a recourse for foals, that they could turn to her.

At the time when she formed the Black Skull Herd, the idea of a Kalona herd was almost laughable. At first, it was only an idea, but she filled it with her ideals. She filled it with the notion that Kalona are not mere brutes, but rather intelligent, thinking creatures whose greatest strength was their intelligence and their ability to plan. She faced fears, and battled against age old prejudices, and I believe that she won. And when it seemed that she had lost what was most important to her, she found herself once more on the path that she’d chosen for herself so very long ago, this time with the seeming guidance of passed away lifemate. In so many ways, she already believes herself to be blessed by the spirits, or rather one spirit in particular.

Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Maeryn is my oldest and most beloved Soquili. She is the Soquili with whom I have done the most roleplays, and whose plots have spanned the longest stretch of time. She used up every breeding with her beloved Rötschreck, so that is certainly not a consideration. I truly believe that Maeryn is well qualified for the role of Elder, and while there is considerable work that I could still do with her toward that goal, I feel that she had made enough progress over the course of her life to suit the path of Elder. Maeryn has been called the Grande Dame of Kalona in the past, and I think that that title is not ill suited, although she has no pretensions at such a thing. In some ways, Maeryn is a relic of the past just as much as I am, and I will always love her the most of all of my Soquili. Maeryn has a cause that she believes in, and it has been a true pleasure and joy to pursue it with her throughout the years.


Sparkly Vampire

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:32 am

User ImageName of Soquili and Link to Image: Aquitaine
Link to Teepee: Teepee
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? September 2012
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
1. Daddy Dearest - This was Aquitaine's first RP. It shows the loving relationship that she has with her family, though focusing on her father this time. This also shows how while she is different it didn't stand out to her back then, all she knew was love and that is something she kept with her throughout her life.

2. A Chance Meeting - While her family is out exploring the world away from their beach home Aquitaine meets another foal, Agave. What he tells her truly opens her eyes and makes her see that the world isn't perfect.

3. Unexpected Guidance - A passing mare and her foal meet Aquitaine and the mare imparts some advice to the young filly. Aquitaine also gains a friend through this and a valuable lesson.

4. Healing Plants - Aquitaine's natural unicorn healing powers are extremely weak. While out for a walk she encounters Nightling, a fellow unicorn who relies on herbs for the majority of her healing. This leads to Aquitaine becoming a student of Nightling to learn more about herbs and their healing properties.

5. Dangerous Encounter - While out looking for some herbs Aquitaine and her goat familiar, Gaul, are attacked by a skinwalker. While the skinwalker eventually leaves Aquitaine is badly injured and scarred both mentally and physically from this ordeal.

6. Stumbling Onto Something - Several few weeks after the skinwalker attack Aquitaine runs into a stallion who agrees to help her train to be a better fighter should she ever run into a skinwalker or evil Soquili ever again.

7. You Don't Belong Here - Aquitaine finds herself in the area where she first met Agave, and when she seems him again their reunion is far from perfect.

8. Beachside Horrors - Aquitaine meets a stallion who attended a festival on the beach and they speak of various things including her odd appearance and she shares with him some things about what its like to be strange looking and to be judged by appearances alone.

9. Familial Meeting - While venturing far from home Aquitaine runs into the most unlikely Soquili of all, her Aunt on her mothers side. This opens up new family to Aquitaine, something she never imagined possible since her mother warned her some of the family would not be accepting of her, especially her grandfather.

10. In The Wake Of A Storm - Aquitaine helps a lost mare find her way and shares some insight on being a mutant and a ground Soquili.

11. Overdue Reunion - Agave arrives at the beach injured but free from his mother. Aquitaine is overjoyed to see her friend but is also concerned by his wounds.

12. Making Adjustments - Aquitaine works with Agave try attempt to help his transition into his new life. This is the first chance she has to bring a mutant away from their old life and to become socially accepted.

13. Second Life Lost? - Aquitaine starts to develop feelings for Agave, and Agave starts to fall for Aquitaine. But will his past break them apart?

14. Children of The Tunnel - Aquitaine meets another offspring from the twisted tunnel and shares some of her knowledge with the mare. Together they will set out to learn more about this strange device and learn how it affects others. Perhaps if she can find out how it affects Soquili she can better help them.

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Aquitaine has been through a great number of things in her life. She knows what it means to be ostracized due to looking different and yet being well loved by family and those close to her. She knows what fear feels like and knows what peace is. She has struggled and she has helped others as they struggle. It is her understanding nature that has allowed her to cross each hurdle and continue on with new knowledge of things. From her various experiences, especially those tied to being a mutant, she had come to realize her place in this world. What matters to her most is helping others, and though a lot of that help is focused on those with the same affliction as her - offspring of the twisted tunnel, Aquitaine is willing to help any who need it. Her focus now is finding others who are both the product of and have been in the twisted tunnels, offering advice on how to cope for those whose looks have been altered by it, helping parents who are struggling with raising mutant children, letting them know that there is a place in this world for them, they just need time to find it. She is a pillar of understanding and acceptance for the mutant community in the Soquili lands, helping them to become more social, accept who and what they are, and educate others that looks don't always equate to what can be found on the inside. Each Soquili she helps adds to her knowledge and experience, something that will be of value to her with every step she takes in her life and it is something she cherishes deeply. Life is full of new experiences, new things to learn, new individuals to help, obstacles to overcome and Aquitaine is ready to do all of those things.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Initially I had no plans of pursuing Elderhood with Aquitaine. She was incredibly special to me from the moment I got her as a basket and even more so when she emerged but I didn't see her as the Elder type. However once I started to RP her and forming plots for her I realized that she wasn't just special, she had the potential to be an Elder. After a few RPs with her I found a niche for her to work with. Being a mutant of a non-mutant family was something not necessarily unique but something that would take her far. Through both pleasant and unpleasant experiences she learned what it is to be a mutant, that many judge others based upon their looks and won't always give them a chance to show who they truly are. I developed a large number of plots for her to help move her from a quiet sheltered life to an advocate for the mutant population. Though I have given her lots of RP and plots it is really only the beginning for Aquitaine, whether she makes Elder or not, she will continue to grow and move through various plots.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:01 am

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Ethan

Link to Teepee: Here

Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? It has been years. Since before his first breeding with Hunter Brown I believe.
I'd guess some time between 2008 and 2010.

Preface: Ethan was customed as an adult, but I have plotted out what his foalhood was like:

Ethan's Profile - includes his backstory and his personality when he set out into the great big world.
In a nutshell, Ethan is the foal of a sweet-hearted regular mare who was taken advantage of by a Kalona. She raised Ethan in isolation, worried for him and what the big world would make of a soquili with obvious kalona blood. She loved him dearly, and knew the kind heart that he had, but didn't want him to have any expectation that he should be anything other than a perfectly normal soquili. She didn't tell him about Kalona, or lead him to believe that he was any different. Eventually, though, Ethan got restless. His mother realized she couldn't keep him by her side forever, and it hurt her heart when he continued to ask about his father - who he was, what he was like. Rosemary only ever gave him his name - Dyson Graves.
She was scared to disappoint him, but knew she had done the best she could in raising him to young adulthood, and, eventually, she let him go. Arming him against the dangers of the world with a necklace she had brought over to the Kawani lands with her, and a blanket to keep him warm. And hoped, deeply in her heart, that he'd be Okay.

And so, Ethan set out on his quest - to find his father and discover his place in the world.

((Note: Ethan is an older soquili, from back before there were a lot of other Kalona in the shop - and even fewer "good" kalona. They were the demons, the things that went bump in the night.))

Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:

    NOTE: I have recently reformatted my teepee, and expanded the first page into ten to house my soquili profiles. So all the RPs links below that are housed in my teepee have been move to more recently reserved posts, have inaccurate dates.

    NOTE 2: these are NOT all of Ethan's RPs. I have left a few off that were meets and greets with other soquili and didn't really advance his story much, and/or where my RP partner dropped off.

  • Ignorance and Bliss
    Ethan sets out into the wide, wild world and encounters the first other soquili he's met aside from his mother, Cricket. He soon realizes that there's more to himself than he first assumed - and it's not good. He confronts the fact that he 'resembles' something called a Kalona, and the negative response from Tkoli. However, in the end, Ethan makes a friend and a traveling companion.

  • Wild Blue Yonder
    Ethan and Cricket have set out on their adventure, and come across Maharet, a wind soquili who is deathly afraid of Kalona. Ethan has to slowly realize that there's something "wrong" with him, how his appearance makes other soquili feel. That soquili come in all shapes and sizes... but some of those shapes are worse than others. Ethan also comes to realize for the first time that the implications mean that his father might be a Kalona - the things that seems to scare other soquili. But... surely.... that can't REALLY be the case...

  • Neath the Light of the Moon /
    I know this RP is unfinished, but it still represents, and the plot it initiated, a significant event in Ethan's life that would come to shape his future. Ethan meets and is overwhelmed by the beauty and daring of the mare, Hunter Brown. It leads to a brief night of passion, and unbeknownst to Ethan, foals. He repeats the same "sin" as his father - leaving behind fatherless children.

  • RELATED RP: Dark Side of the Moon
    Is not MY RP, but a response RP of Cricket's to the incident between Hunter and Ethan, and fleshes out some of that side of the story, and the tensions beginning between Ethan and Cricket.

  • At Dawn, Where the Dark Meets Light
    Ethan comes across Cricket the next morning in high spirits, and is confused at her behavior, not realizing how much he's hurt her inadvertently. He may not be completely Kalona, but Ethan is no saint. Away from home, exposed to the world, he's like a college kid on spring break- and not realizing the harm that his actions can lead to.

  • Where the Underworld Breathes
    Ethan and Cricket traverse a dangerous landscape of barren lands and sulfurous geysers. The world can be a harsh place - not just rolling seas of grass and clover. They also realize that the way they are setting forward, there might not BE a way back, assuming they even make it out alive to begin with.

  • RELATED RP: A New Journey Begins - This is the start of FIANNA'S Story - Ethan's daughter that he doesn't know he has, on a journey to find ETHAN. History repeats itself.
    I know it's not complete, as my RP partner dropped off, but it still establishes Fianna's mindset at the start of her quest to find Ethan.

  • Shipwrecked
    Ethan explores the land on the other side of the dangerous pass one morning by himself and meets a soquili that arrived from another land all together - and remembers stories that his mother told him of her arrival in this 'new world' (That is the only home that Ethan knows), and feels a bit of homesickness for not having seen his mother in so long. Ethan is still determined to find his sire at this point, for the mere reason that he is his sire, and he SHOULD.

  • RELATED RP: Hardly a Princess - this really delves into Fianna's motivation to find Ethan, and her own traveling companion.
    Again, this isn't with Ethan per se, but deals a lot with the affects Ethan's travels have had in Fianna's life, and her repeating history to find him.

  • The OTHER Son
    VERY significant Rp and a turning point in Ethan's life/quest. Ethan has not found DYSON, but he found one of Dyson's other sons - a mean-tempered half-Kalona by the name of Diogenes. At first, Ethan is overjoyed - the first sign of getting close to his dad - and actual family. But this quickly turns sour as the larger half-kalona is not so happy to see Ethan. And confirms Ethan's deepest-rooted fears and suspicions: Dyson is a Kalona. A demon.
    Ethan comes face to face with what kalona blood really means, and surprises himself as he fights back - finding reserves of rage and brute force he never thought he had as he defends Cricket. He fights for a time, but it is obviously a losing battle. Ethan is smaller, and much less familiar with violence than his brother, and flees, injured, with Cricket

  • Aftermath
    Ethan is Battered more than just physically after his confrontation with his brother, Diogenes. He has seen a part of himself that he never wanted to admit was there. He's ashamed of himself, having a hard time facing Cricket.
    A passing unicorn, Ballestra, takes pity on Ethan and heals him.
    Ethan has to face the question again, of what his journey was worth. He has seen enough of a taste of what that side of his bloodline is like from his run-in with Diogenes. His whole journey has been a fool's quest. He endangered not only himself but Cricket as well. Ethan feels lost. He has to face what he's learned from his path on his quest rather than just the goal. He's grown, he's learned a lot, and he's met a lot of other soquili.

  • Like Father, Like Son
    Another Significant marker in Ethan's maturation and coming to terms with himself. Fianna finds him, and Ethan realizes he's more like his father in another way than he ever thought. He produced children with Hunter, and he left her alone with them.
    He hears the same questions he has asked himself a thousand times before, wondered about his father parroted back at him. Who are you? What does that make me? Ethan comes to the realization, in the aftermath, that he no longer wants to meet his father. He had no great answers for Fianna. And his father wouldn't for him either. Ashamed and guilt-ridden, Ethan realizes he needs to put things right.

  • Loose Ends
    Ethan and Cricket part ways. Ethan realizes his responsibility is back with Hunter and the daughters he created. It is a hard, painful parting with Cricket. She feels jealous, sadness, loss that Ethan had this connection with another mare. Ethan realizes it's the right thing to do to go to Hunter - that she deserves him to come home to her.

  • Clover Fields and Finding Home
    Ethan takes the long journey back the way he came to find Hunter. He has to face what he has learned about himself - the good AND the bad.
    And he realizes what he needs to do. What he wants to do. What's right and what is most important: Family.

    After That
    Ethan and Hunter's reunion is a happy one. Ethan resolves to stay with her and her herd, and they start three new lives that this time, Ethan is determined to raise.

    Ethan's story won't come to a close even if he becomes an elder. He wants to reconnect with his distant daughter, Fianna, and make it up to Deirdre, the daughter that harbors a lot of bitterness towards him and his long absence in all of her life so far.

    He wants to find his mother again, and share this new life with her, and hope that she's not as lonely as when he left her - to bring her back into the fold and a new family - with grand children!

    And after that... who knows smile Only time will tell.

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path?
Ethan's life has been a journey - a quest. But Ethan has surprised himself in that what he thought he was seeking - a distant father and answers to the question of who he was - was answered not in that "Grail" at the end of the quest, but the journey itself.
He has learned who he his - had to come face to face with all aspects of his personality, seen his fears confirmed that there is kalona blood in his veins, and with it comes a fieriness, and a dangerous side... but it is only a part of him. That he has chosen his life, his mother, his friends, and his new family have defined him more than his father ever had or ever will. He has a family that he has returned to - daughters to mend fences with, and new life - children, that he can share his knowledge with: from his wide travels across the lands, to the stories his mother told him as he was a foal and their proud heritage. How to deal with soquili who judge you based on your appearances, and how those appearances don't define you. How even people with a darkness within them can use it to help others, and do the right thing when necessary. How you can make a mistake, and not have it be the end of the world.

Ethan has matured a great deal over his life, and is ready to face the future - a family - and share his knowledge with his herd.

Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?
Ethan is one of the soquili nearest and dearest to my heart. He is based on one of my main original characters, Ethan Cuskley, but has taken on so much of a life and a story independent of that in soquili.
I've customed in soquili both his mother, Rosemary, and his father, Dyson Graves in the process of expanding on his story, his family, and his lineage in the shop. Both Rosemary and Dyson have fully fleshed stories in the shop as well.
Rosemary's story
Dyson's Profile.

And as mentioned, Ethan has grown so much since he came into the shop and set out on a naive quest to find his daddy and prove that he wasn't the offspring of something evil. I never expected, when he set out on that journey, that I'd ever take him down the path to elderhood, but Ethan's surprised me, matured a great deal, and come around to being a mature and responsible soquili, and I think a great candidate for elderhood. I would love to give him this "happy ending" to his story - showing how much he has matured, and take a role in his new herd, reuniting with his first mate who is now his life mate, and finding his mother to show her the proud, independent, and confident stallion he has become, who will join him in his new herd with Hunter Brown.

While Ethan has bee maxed out for a long time, Ethan's story has only recently come to a point, where he has returned to Hunter Brown and settled down, where I think that it makes sense in his story to reach elderhood.

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash


Hygienic Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:20 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Lovey Dovey
Link to Teepee: x
Do you remember when your Soquili first maxed out? She’s not maxed out :3
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:

Vanity and Ignorance This was the first time Lovey was ever seen in the Soquili lands… She was worried about appearances, self-centered, and in-general a diva. Which, was super duper fun to play – didn’t leave much beneath the surface. Lovey had nowhere to develop if it hadn’t been for what happened to her soon after meeting the fabulous Bliss.

Mud Can Stain? – The first Soquili that Lovey really had a chance to help. A pretty mare named Death, stuck in the mud, had Lovey’s help getting loose. A realization for the mare that helping others feels good.

What a lovely rainbow This is a simple-themed RP, a game of tag with a new friend. Enjoying the joys of life, and just being young.

Wow, Cool Hair! – Lovey has the pleasure of teaching a foal to swim. Again, one of her first interactions with a foal… but the enjoyment of teaching is there.

Let the Rain Fall – Little does Lovey know, she’s about to meet Caelen’s future mate, Az. She actually goes willingly into mud to comfort, play with, and get to know a spirited filly.

The Love of Lust – This one still makes me chuckle. Lovey’s first interaction with a certain Dark Mousey – Incredibly innocent here… I know she’s grown since then. (Yanno, motherhood)

Link removed due to sensitive material
Love-Hate Relationship An incredibly dark section of time for Lovey. She had gone from super-priss, to flirt, to learning what happens if you play fast and loose with a much more dangerous partner. Uwihi was her first lover and a dark memory for the mare about making proper life choices. Lovey tries desperately to not let any of these memories come to the front, but sometimes you have to learn the hard way.

Where the Wind Blows – Lovey meets Grencia. The interaction really opened her up. Starting on the first page and even just leafing through from page one to five? She was so formal and uppity. I think of how I play Lovey now and I almost want to giggle. Such a priss.

A Basket is Found – This was so crucial to who Lovey became as a Soquili. Finding an unusual basket, abandoned, seeking shelter with a stranger and his unusual familiars, and of course eventually – becoming ‘Naci’s mother. Her first child, Ignacia, really forced Lovey to be an adult.

Lovey Dovey Gives Birth! Self Explanatory – Lovey welcomes three beautiful fillies into the world.

Crack? – The whole family together. Lovey, Biscuit, Honeycomb, Fudge, and Flossy. (Sans a grown up ‘Naci) Comparing how Lovey interacts with her family here and when she first arrived? Makes Lovey feel old. Grown up, and old – but in a good way.

The Value of Hair-care Lovey teaches her daughter, Flossy, the value of hair-care. What? You didn’t think she had completely stopped caring about her appearance did youuu?

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Lovey’s life is still very much unsettled, and yet wholly complete. She watches out after any of her children, friends, or friend’s friends that come to the teepee. Again, comparing the way things were to the way things are now? There’s not even a slight chance that she would consider trading any of these experiences for the chance at a “do-over.”

She is the matriarch. Lovey did not –choose- the Elder path, but it chose her out of necessity.

The ones around her depend on her, and she may have bucked at the responsibilities long ago, but now they’re lifeblood. Getting to see to the needs of those around her, and being the go-to place for babies in their herd to be born.

She’s their poofy-haired leader.

Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?
Man, this question really made me pause and think. Was I envisioning Lovey Dovey as an elder just because she was my first? Or for some other deeper/greater meaning?

I decided on the latter.

Whenever, and I do mean whenever, I have some sort of inter-herd plot going on in my head. The place that my Soquili turn to is with Lovey. Every single breeding’s birthplace? With Lovey. If you need love-advice? Go to Lovey. I could continue on in that vein for a year or two but that’d be obnoxious. My point on that is made, I hope (XD).
I feel as if Lovey has grown the most as I have grown. Dear god. I just spent over a week cleaning my teepee/reorganizing/changing everything and I realized that out of all of my Soquili she is nearest and dearest to me because SHE has grown with me as a person. (And if anybody from my “Real Life” read that I’d probably end up getting sent for an evaluation)

I truly hesitate to enter my form for this because I have been gone, and my plots have been paused… but at the end of the day Lovey is Lovey. While I may have gone off to do some major growing up – She was here and always will be.

The rock of my herd. <33
PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:57 pm

Well you guys, it's that time.

We'd like to, first and foremost, give a big thanks for everyone who took the time to apply! Please remember, that even if you didn't win, it doesn't mean that we didn't like them or didn't find them interestng -- hardly! Unfortunately, achieving Elderhood is a long process, and it can take a lot of time to achieve.

We have some entries that have some really solid starts, but just aren't there this time. If you guys have any questions or concerns, or would like some feedback on why your character didn't make it this round, please PM Uta or Nisshou H for details!

This time around, we have only one Elder. She was an exemplary mare, not only in what she's come to accomplish over her life as a leader, but as in what it means to be a true kalona.

That's right, our winner to achieve elderhood this time is Maeryn, played by Miss Cherie.


Please note that, due to our colorists work load and some real life circumstances, we only have one colorist available to take on creating Maeryn's Elder form.

That colorist is Mindsend.

She'll get in touch with you and let you know what information she needs and would like!

Congratulations again, and thanks everyone who entered!

Miss Chere


Shy Mage


Kawaii Fairy

12,000 Points
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  • Cool Cat 500
PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:05 pm

Congrats Miss Chere!!!! <3
PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:33 pm

Congrats Miss Cherie!

She-Ra of Etheria


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