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Reply Familiar Breeding Dens
Familiar Breeding Information - Read Me First

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:43 pm

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  • Breedings are pay what you want (PWYW).
    Due to Gaia inflation, all breedings are now PWYW and the gold is treated as a tip. Trades should be sent directly to the colorist.

  • M/M, F/F and interspecies couples cannot naturally have babies without a surrogate - however they can have spirit breedings.
    Spirit breedings are not natural, biological breedings, but rather a gift from the spirits in which the offspring are dropped off in the parents' path, much like with a wishing star. They do not involve either parent in a natural breeding. You can, if you wish, create a 'headcanon' in which an NPC doppelgänger acts as a surrogate and is the other 'parent'. OOCly, the children are still treated as being directly related to the actual parents.

  • Familiars must be certed in order to breed.
    Certs are the only official proof of biological sex for familiars, thus they are required in order to breed your familiar. Some colourists will allow you to submit an uncert with proof that you have posted for certing instead, but this depends on the colourist running the breeding raffle.

  • Familiars must be certed on their own cert.
    In order to breed, a familiar must be certed on its own cert and not just a paired cert with a Soquili. This is because biological sex and familiar ownership are not stated on the Soquili cert.

  • Familiars have unlimited breedings.
    Familiars do not have a limit on how many times they can breed.

  • Familiars have between 2-5 babies per breeding
    Having 2-5 children is normal for familiars. The only way to increase their chances of maxing their litter/clutch size is to RP the familiars (this gives a very small boost to the roll). You can still only keep one per breeding.

  • Familiars breedings have no baskets, pregnant bellies, or children stages
    You simply get one-stage adult offspring. They will be dropped on the shop drop-off mule

  • The owners of the offspring choose the biological sex of the offspring
    The owner who receives the offspring gets to pick the sex along with the name and temper, as all familiar lines are unisex.

  • Familiar breedings do not count against your Soquili breedings
    You can win two familiar breedings in addition to two Soquili breedings in the same month.


  • Familiars can only breed within the same "base" species outside of spirit breedings
    That means the main base must be the same type in order to be bred between the two, even if they count as different species. Even if they're both of the same 'branch' of the evolutionary tree (e.g. canine x canine) they cannot breed UNLESS they share a base template (so no bobcat x mountain lion breedings).
    --EXCEPTION: Alternate bases of the same species ARE allowed to breed as they are the same species (this only applies to the rabbit and raccoon templates)

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    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

    Breed = What it can breed with and visa versa
    Wolf = Wolf
    Bear = Bear
    Fox = Fox and Coyote
    Parrot = Parrot and Cockatoo
    Squirrel = Squirrel and Prairie Dog
    Bison = Bison
    Hummingbird = Hummingbird, Quetzal, and Songbird
    Crow = Crow and Raven
    Mountain Lion = Mountain Lion
    Bobcat = Bobcat
    River Otter = River Otter
    Sea Otter = Sea Otter
    Jellyfish = Jellyfish
    Lobster = Lobster
    Dolphin = Dolphin
    Hawks = Hawk and Eagle
    Chicken = Chicken
    Condor = Condor
    Snake = Snake
    Bat = Bat
    Mouse = Mouse
    Raccoon = Raccoon
    Owl = Owl
    Lizard = Lizard
    Sea Turtle = Sea Turtle
    Goat = Goat
    Ferret = Ferret
    Rabbit = Rabbit

  • Breeding slots cannot be reserved or swapped
    The couple who entered for a breeding slot and won will be the couple who receives offspring. Their breeding slot may not be given to another couple or held in reserve for later use.

  • Directly related familiars cannot breed but cousins can
    Direct relations that were purchased as siblings or customed into a family cannot breed together even if the owners change their minds about them being related later. You still cannot have your characters breed with immediate and direct line relations (e.g. mother, father, sister, brother, aunts, uncles, grand-parents, great-grandparents, etc...) be they full-blooded or half-blooded relations. You also cannot have your character breed with adopted relatives that are raised AS immediate relations (e.g. adopted mother, adopted father, adopted uncle, adopted sister, etc...) Please note: This is for direct biological lines only. If they don't share direct genetic ancestry themselves and are connected only through the coupling of relatives on a later date, they are STILL not genetically related and thus are exempt from this rule.

  • Related In Cosplay
    If two cosplay familiars are genetically related to each other in their original source, they count as relatives and cannot mate together, even if they are not related in shop canon.

  • Adoption
    If a familiar is adopted into a family, they cannot breed with their adoptive mother/father or their adoptive siblings/their siblings' kids/that direct family line.

  • Soquili x Familiars
    Familiars and Soquili cannot interbreed, even in spirited breedings. They can be paired together in wishing stars only.

Permissions & Entering
  • You must have permission from both owners to breed familiars
    Permission must be posted in the Permissions thread before you may enter any breedings. Both owners MUST have posted permission for a breeding by the time winners are announced, or it shall be null and void. No permission is needed when both familiars are owned by the same person.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:45 pm

General Breeding FAQ's

Where do I enter for breedings?
Keep an eye on the familiar breeding subforum. When they wish to open breeding slots, colorists will open their own threads here for entries when they're accepting couples.

Can I keep my Familiars babies?
You may keep up to one kid per breeding.

I don't have any friends to give my familiar's babies to!
If you are struggling to think of people to give the kids to, you can always host a contest. These can be anything, from personality contests to just simple raffles. You can also just ask in thread if anyone would like one, if you're really stuck.

My pair wasn't put in the category I signed them up for
Double check your post and make sure you didn't make a mistake. If you did - just post to void your entry and then resubmit a corrected form. If you think a mistake was made by the list keeper, you can politely message them to let them know that you think there has been a mistake.

My pair isn't in the list at all
If you think you were left off the list by accident, you can politely message the list keeper to let them know that you think there has been a mistake.
Otherwise, it's possible that your entry was voided by your partner (or automatically by the colorist) because it was their third entry in the raffle.

My familiar is in a non-traditional relationship. How can I get him or her to breed?
You have three options:
  1. Surrogation: While your familiar can be romantically loyal to someone of the same sex, they can have a surrogate breeding with a familiar of the opposite sex. The offspring will be directly related to the surrogate and the one homosexual parent, and is treated as a normal breeding by the shop. The owner of the surrogate has the same rights as they would in a non-surrogate breeding.
  2. Spirit Breedings: Familiars can now have spirit breedings with other familiars. These are not biological, natural breedings but instead the offspring are considered to be gifts from the spirits and are left in the path of the parents. You can enter these just like a normal breeding.
  3. Adoption: Familiars can also adopt children that aren't related to them at all, should they so wish.

When my familiar's child becomes an adult age, can my familiar mate with their own baby?
No, familiars may not breed with direct family members, even ones customed into the family and later 'negated' from it. They can breed with cousins or more distant relations, however.

How can I get to Low Luck status?
Any couple who has entered in 20 or more breeding raffles together without winning gets Low Luck status - those entries do not need to be consecutive months, just 20 raffle entries in total.
If you win a breeding, and wish to start trying with the couple again, their "low luck" counter resets. This will reset even if the two parents do not breed together - if one of the parents wins a breeding with an unrelated familiar all their LL counters will automatically rest.

Do I have to keep track of where my entries are for Low Luck?
Yes. Use your teepee, journal, MCCL post, or whatever other method you please, but we have to be able to verify your Low Luck status. It is your responsibility to track your own entries.

What happens if I'm trying for a breeding with a friend's familiar, and they go MIA?
You MAY keep attempting to breed you pair, but if you win the breeding, you must honor your initial agreement with the other owner (ie, make sure that they receive a kid from the breeding if that is what the agreement was).

Why isn’t Lifemating an option for familiars?
They can ‘lifemate’ in character but since familiar breedings are setup to be much simpler than soquili breedings (OOCly, at least), we want them to be fairly drama free. Canonly, Familiars are more prone to polyamorous relationships.



PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:46 pm

Basic form

[code]Parent 1 (owner) x Parent 2 (owner)

[b]Parent 1:[/b]
[img][/img] [url=]Uncert[/url]
[b]Parent 2:[/b]
[img][/img] [url=]Uncert[/url]
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] (Links to 20 unsuccessful tries at breeding raffles - link to your teepee or journal link list is fine. Not winning in the MCCL does not count toward low luck.)
[b]Are Either Familiars Rped?:[/b] (Link examples if they are)
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.)
[b]Link to Connected Familiars:[/b] (If said yes to throwbacks, please link all parents, and grandparents - NOTE: LINKS ONLY NO IMG TAGGING)
[*][url=]Soquili Name[/url] | Relation here
[*][url=]Soquili Name[/url] | Relation here
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b]

[b]Alternate Base (Raccoon or Rabbit):[/b] (Would you prefer the old or new template? A mix? Or colorist choice?)
[b]Twins?:[/b] Yes/No
[b]Triplets if Applicable?:[/b] Yes/No
Familiar Breeding Dens

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