Name: Faedree
Nicknames: Fae
Gender: Female
Age: 17 years old

Faction: Undead
Race: Zombie

Natural Ability: Mending broken spirits

Personality: Faedree is a 17 year old undead zombie that doesn't recall much of her previous life. Actually none of her previous life or if she had one. All she knows is she a zombie that cares deeply for her kind, but will instill fear into anyone else that looks at her. She tries to get along with everyone, but it's not possible for her. She loves horror movies, especially World War Z, and her favorite tv show is The Walking Dead.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Faedree is enrolled in Amityville Academy, not only to learn more about herself, but find out what FEAR is a ll about. She wants to learn from the best, about a world(s) that are unknown to her.

FEAR Ability: Dead Glaze - Staring into Faedree's eyes will render a person/creature useless.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Hazy purples
Hair Colour/Style: A mix of purple, brown and black, style wise is it's just past her shoulder on one side, and shaved close to her head on the other.
Skin Colour: Zombie white...
Clothing Style/Colours: Tattered tutu (rainbow colors), ripped tank top (black with purple accents), rainbow colored old school hightops with blood on them
Extra: n/a
References: n/a