Luce was hiding in her brother’s den, the fake mane carefully hidden away in the bushes outside in case Montague were to come back early from his shift and catch her there. She knew she should be happy that her father looked as though a weight had been lifted from him but a part of her was still resisting. Laertes looked happier nowadays and not because of anything she or her brothers had done but because of Bell. In truth, Luce didn’t really have anything against the lioness apart from the fact that her father seemed terribly serious about his relationship with her.

Most might assume that Luce was simply not happy that another lioness was taking her mother’s place but Luce knew that there was a good amount of jealously at play here. She hadn’t been to fix her father when he’d been feeling down so why had a stranger done it so easily?

Laertes had asked her to seek out Montague. She wasn't sure why, and she hadn't really asked many questions. She had been thinking about what it could be now the entire trip over here. She wondered if it had anything to do with guard duties. Yep, that was probably what it was. Something top secret for the guards or something.

She hadn't really spent much time with Monty since he had grown, same with all of his siblings. She had been around while they were younger, but still she had never been truly close. Not like she had wanted to be.

"Knock knock." She said as she approached the entrance of the den. She wasn't sure if he shared it with siblings, or anyone special, but she didn't much mind. She just hoped she wasn't popping by unexpectedly. Laertes told him she was coming, right?

Luce’s eyes widened as she heard the familiar voice, instinctively stepping back further into the shadows – quite noisily, unfortunately. Of all the people in her family – yes, she supposed she had to start accepting the fact that Bell was now family – the pale lioness was the last one she’d expected to see right now.

It wasn’t long until she realized that Bell would’ve probably have heard her that Luce decided to step into the light. She didn’t smile but she did give a cordial nod to the other lioness. Not exactly a great sign of affection from was who was usually effusively warm to those she liked but it was better than ignoring or downright disrespecting Bell.

“Hello. I didn’t expect to see you here…” So far, she only spoke the truth.