Should permission be required to hold contests? |
Yes |
18% |
[ 7 ] |
No |
81% |
[ 30 ] |
Total Votes : 37 |
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:30 am
Since it's free, a basket contest, to me, doesn't seem like it should need approval-- this does slow things down for people and generally takes 3 years and a day.
However it might be good to get permission for unusual contests-- like rehoming a Soq like Johan's doing, or for people out there who want to do some weird co-owning contest, ETC.
So while baskets are not extenuating circumstances, s rehoming or something other than that is. :3 Alternatively if the contest isn't RP/Raffle./Name/Personality or similarly SIMPLE, then it might need approval.
An example would be "mock" auctions like "I bid my case of Faygo for this basket". Mock Auctions with no actual currency exchanged (Caf Gifs, however, are OK).
No RL money or Gold/Items should change hands.
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:49 am
I understand needing permission, to prevent too much going on in the contest thread at once especially if there's something the staff is planning around the same time. The staff should at least know what's going on. With basket/shell contests I always thought it was odd that you couldn't just ask the colorist for approval, they're staff and they should know that there will be a delay in growing for a contest anyway.
I remember it taking some time for my shell contest to be approved to the point I did finally end up poking Mal on AIM.
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:51 am
It sounds like permission is generally granted, even if its a simple "I want to raffle this basket", and details are not generally given. Therefore I agree that it really does need to be abolished. I think the only way that games could require permission are if they are not the 'basic' games, maybe like a bingo or dice game, and that would be only to ensure opportunity for everyone to play. If we take Sabins suggestion of a minimum 48 hour window for the game, raffle, whatever, then we don't even need that permission. 48 hours would give the community and staff plenty of time to look it over and report/remove the game. If it is something questionable, a staffer could always lock the thread until a manager can approve it or remove it. (Think like a quarantine). 48 hours would also ensure that every (Time Zone wise) had an opportunity to play.
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:30 am
If the idea of a customer-run contest for a basket/shell or rehoming an adult Soquili or more is a concern about interfering with a shop-run event, since there tends to be no breedings while those events are going on and for a little while after(I've seen it happen that it's up to two months after an event before breedings OR customs happen again... Which is understandable, because holy cheese that's a lot of horses to color and they NEED that month or two break xD ), why not have the staff put up a notice of all contests needing to be wrapped up before a certain date, right before a shop event? That way owners have a way of knowing, hey, they may not have TIME to contest something, or they need to think about WHAT contest they're doing, before they post it.
I also agree - Maybe the contest permission rule needs to be done away with sad When my mini horses bred and had a surprise third basket, I considered a contest or raffle to home the last one... But the idea of asking permission felt a bit intimidating, as I tend to be shy about asking staff in ANY shop things. It takes me a bit to be comfortable enough to just randomly poke a staff member of any shop, and I can think of maybe... 3 or 4 staff members off the top of my head from any of the shops I frequent that I'll just randomly IM to have a random conversation about, or sometimes ask them about something pertaining to the shop they're working in... And usually it's never "Hey, can you look at this?" My mind will flag that as rude and I won't do it, because I know *I* hate being poked about stuff, and I have this deep fear of making them mad by asking.
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:06 pm
Personally I don't really think an owner run contests would interfere -that- much with a major event...Most owner run contests are pretty basic and last for at least a week giving plenty of opportunity for people to do both and I don't know if anything really can take away from the hype or attendance of a soq event...I really doubt a basket contest would anyways.
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:32 pm
I agree that something needs to be adjusted because going through a mule that only 2-3 people have access to and isn't used on a regular basis just doesn't work out very well.
I don't know of any shop where you don't have to ask or go through staff to hold a contest. It just doesn't feel right to me to not have to go through some channel with a staffer to hold a contest.
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:07 pm
For the staffers needing to hold events issue. There is a separate area in the guild that could be solely utilized for that purpose and isn't used much now except for really major events. -Soquili Shop Events- section. If all staff run events went in that section and all customer run events went in the contest and gaming glen that might be a better solution?
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:30 pm
Honestly, I don't really see a problem if people were to hold contests alongside official events. More opportunities the better for people to get a soquili?
Just so long as it's clearly marked if something is a user-run event so it doesn't count as an event freebie or a month's freebie.
I mean, *shrugs* I don't see why permission wouldn't be granted for, say,a basket raffle during an event if someone wanted to hold something and not hold up growths.
I just... honestly don't see the need to get permission in advance as long as there was like a 24 or 48 hour time frame minimum where something could be locked if there was some kind of issue.
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:29 pm
Honestly, the shop colorists and staffers have lives, most of them have jobs. This is something they do out of love. Anything that takes more of the work/stress/pressure away from them, I'm all about trying.
But if we're going to suggest this, maybe we should work up a mock rules post [or two or three different ones] for it as well. Then, if they wish to implement something like this, they have things to choose from that causes as little work for them as possible.