Name: Taurus Scythe (??!)
Nicknames: Taur, Bull
Gender: male
Age: 16 mentally, but has lived longer than that

Faction: Monster
Race: Minotaur

Natural Ability: Shape shifting - Taur can shift into two forms from his humanoid--one is a massive bull that stands at 6' at the shoulders, the other is a true, traditional minotaur with the body of a human and head of a bull

Personality: Quiet, a bit slow mentally, but sweet and easy going, Taur is the guy that's always there when you need someone to listen, help, or rescue you. He likes puzzles, mazes, music, and catching minipets. But he wasn't always that way.

When he was young, he popped into existence in the middle of a maze, all alone with no one to talk to. He spent his days growing angry at the world for abandoning him, and attacked whoever was bold enough to try and enter his maze (mostly minipets). One day he caught a strange looking minipet--it looked like a bull like his monster form, but had the face of a dog. He was about to kill it when a man came in after it and stopped him. That was Tex. He tried to kill Tex, but failed. (He was a scrawny kid and Tex was about to graduate from Amity--even if his rolls srsly sucked.)

Daily Tex came back, getting closer and closer each time, talking to him about stupid things. Basically, taming the wild boil. Slowly Taur started to learn to talk, even learned to write and read, but then things changed. Tex, who had at least came once a week at that time, never showed up. Taur had no clue that Tex had been killed, he just thought that the boil was busy. But one year passed, then another, and another, until Taur decided that he would go out and look for the boil.

He wandered through Halloween, searching for his only friend for years and years. It didn't work very well, but Taur was bull-headed /shot/ and determined, and just kept searching until he showed up in Halloween Town.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? After years of searching for Tex and not finding him, Taur was found by werewolves in Halloween. After telling them his story he was taken to Vegas--who listened closely, then declared him his "grandkid," son of Dallas Texas Scythe, and enrolled him in school to get some toughness on the boil.

FEAR Ability: Charge: Battle Cry. Taurus lowers his head and slams straight into his opponent.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: red
Hair Colour/Style: artist's choice, probably dark brown or black
Skin Colour: brown
Clothing Style/Colours: Creepy Country style clothing (but mostly artist choice as long as it keeps to the country theme)
Extra: He's a big boil, muscular, and even in fully humanoid form he has his bull horns and tail.
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)