** Kai is cool with this, Kai is helping me with this o v o BAKU FTW still a WIP though ***

                  Name: Ryuunosuke Nabuyoki.
                  Nicknames: Nabuyoki. Ryuu to friends.
                  Gender: Male. Often mistaken for a female. Ryuu disproves. *insert grumpy cat face*
                  Age: Seventeen.
                  Fraction/Race: Demon --- Baku

                  Humans have typically always seen Bakus as benevolent and positive creatures that rid them of their nightmares. That being said, there have also been stories of more negative ones that devour all dreams, regardless of whether they are good or bad, therefore leaving the person bare of any dreams at all. However, there have never been stories that tell of Bakus who do the complete opposite of what they are supposed to. (information taken from the wonderful Kai)

                  Personality: Ryuu is the eldest son in a long line of Bakus; their heritage is long, and in his opinion rather dull. He is, if nothing else, a non-conformist who takes very little interest in tradition, to his parent’s dismay. Never the less he is very spoilt, raised like royalty, his every need waited on from a young age. In lame-mans-terms; he is a pure-breed prat with a silver tongue and the magical ability to make everything he says sound poetic and long winded. This gives him a rather whimsical aura but makes him very hard to understand at times, which is often very frustrating when you just want a straight answer. He is very attracted to attractive minds and the creativity of the spirit means more to him that physical attributes ever would – he is a man obsessed with the fantasies of others.

                  Ryuu is a smart-a** who always seems to have a witty answer for every stupid question asked. His big mouth that often offends the ‘common folk’ but since physical confrontation disgusts him, it is also his greatest weapon. He is often very vocal in his opinions, and people will either warm up to him because of his outgoing nature, or find him utterly aggravating. Since becoming free of his home-life he finds himself wanting to experiment; if an adventure of new experience presents itself, he will jump on it. He is your very own energizer bunny, always rushing to get things done yesterday. He is a character who is very easily bored and will not waste his time on dull topics or dull people, and he –will- tell you if he finds you dull. He will often cause trouble for his own amusement and is not above laughing at the misfortune of others, infact he finds it rather pleasurable.

                  Ryuu likes his friends like he likes his books; open and easy to read. He is too busy and far too important to search for deeper meaning in things. This sets a rather steep double standard, because even though he cannot stand secrets, he will withhold information if it benefits –him- in some way. When told he is not allowed to do something, the thought often consumed his thoughts and taints his fantasies until he is unable to resist his forbidden fruit. The best way to get him to do something is to tell him he cannot do it – After all, he is a boy who isn’t used to not getting his own way.

                  He lives for the moment and wants to make the most of this once chance he has at freedom before he returns to his duties. He does not have a plan and often acts on impulse, totally ignoring the consequences of said actions.

                  Natural Ability: Bakus have the ability to enter and devour the dream of a sleeping target. They may interact with the dreamer in the dream world, but are unable to directly interact with any other characters or objects that may be present in the dream.

                  • Year One: Ryuu is able to enter and devour the dream of a sleeping target. He cannot yet control any aspect of the dream and has no say on what kind of dream replaces the one he consumes. Target must be within five meters.

                  • Year Two: Ryuu is able to change and control very small aspects of a dream. He is also able to set the ‘feel’ of the dream that replaces the one who devours. He can also disguise himself as different characters inside the dream.

                  • Year Three: Ryuu cannot control larger sections of the dream i.e. change environments and create his own story lines. All is improved with practice and progression.

                  Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Ryuu's parents sent their son to the Academy in the hopes of it beating the rebellious nature out of him, leaving him calmer and more mature, ready to take up his role at the head of the family.

                  Fear: Ryuu’s fear is orientates around sleep, he is somewhat of a sand man, able to admit a soothing smell that makes his target drowsy, like they have been awake for far too long. Their vision blurs and their movements become rather clumsy.

                  Physical Description:

                  Eye Colour: Something Ghostly.
                  Hair Colour/Style: Black with orange bits. Choppy. Long pony-tail.
                  Skin Colour: Pale.
                  Clothing Style/Colours: Oriental but Creepy?
                  Extra: Small rabbit like ears. Lion like tail.

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