God I'm so sorry about that
gonk The other weekend ended up being a weekend that left me grouchy and irritable, and then I started having a bad(Read: PAINFUL) allergic reaction to my psoriasis treatment last Thursday, and I was so overjoyed at being able to just lift my arms up Sunday I forgot this over this past weekend, too
sweatdrop I meant to do this all a week ago
crying ; I'm so sorry! D:
The winner of the RP auction:
Chimerical Beast
heart On one hand, I AM sad there was only one RP bid, but I'm still very happy there WAS an RP bid
heart I was rather worried he'd be looked over ^^;
The Pack Leopard Winner is:
As with the above, I'm sad there was only the one entry, but it was also a VERY good entry none-the-less
heart The winner of the Breeder is:
I actually was rather amused by this entry
xd It reads like he's getting interviewed by a news bird!
lol The winner of the games Cheetah:
Technically Chimerical, followed by Draconis, had the highest points, but... -Points up, then down- Chimerical won the RP rauction and Draconis won the advertising raffle, and I wanted to spread the love out ^^; Still, not bad for someone late to the literal game in the contest thread
heart Congrats!
And the advertising raffle winner is:
Congrats! Some of the info for the little guy's family is on page one
heart Any further questions on his familial situation can be pinged at his parents' owners
heart I'm sorry again this didn't play out at the end like I wanted it to, retail can be brutal on any plans you make and try to make, and dealing with the treatment of psoriasis hasn't been a problem before now