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[JRP-FIN] Distractions (Rechot x Furchtlos)

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Shia bean


PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:20 am
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The prank would send his siblings squealing, probably to their father no doubt, tails tucked between their legs like the knee-buckling, cry baby pups that they were. He felt extremely confident about it, looked the part too as he abandoned the site and, ingeniously, journeyed to cover his tracks with an 'alibi' of sorts. After all, why worry? Even if his family knew well of his antics, they'd never be able to pin this one on him. Nope. Not in a million, no a billion years. This time it would work.

And this time, it would be different!...

"So." Rechot began through a stifled cackle, rehearsing lines while actively seeking out Furchtlos, er, father. He would be the key to removing all trace of suspicion. "Why are they different? Why do we live with them? Can I play with the slaves, too?!"

When the dark pelt of his father came into view, the male loosened up his form nicely and forced the 'cute and clumsy puppy' in his stride.

"Dad!" A snort escaped him, which forced the male to grow loud and obnoxious in order to hide his excitement. Furthering this, as he drew nearer both of Rechot's green eyes pinched in a maw wrinkling, teeth baring smile. "Hey, dad!"

Might be a bit slow ;; School is starting up again soon + work is a beeotchhh!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:38 am
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Los wasn't quite sure why he had agreed to take pups home with him from their mother. She hadn't seemed terribly upset with the idea - there had been seven of them, after all - but she had tried to push all the males on him and it had been a bit of a mess. He couldn't take many back with him, per the rules of the pride, so three had been all he could take. A set of twins had come with him, as well as one of the lighter pups who seemed to be missing his mane. It was no concern of Los' what his children looked like, though. He would raise them all to be true to the Nergui way and be fierce assets to the lions.

But for now, they were pups. They got into mischief and, while he wasn't exactly fond of the pranks they tended to pull, he let them get away with most of it. It was harmless fun, as he saw it. Best to get it out now before the real training began, when they got a bit older.

The call of 'dad' reached his ears and he turned, spotting the non-twin of the trio he had brought back, Rechot. He gave him just a bit of a smirk in greeting, lowering his head to bump his nose against the smaller hyena's cheek. "Hello," he said quietly, speaking common for the time being. They would come to learn the Nergui language as he had, but for now it was best to stick with simple things.

"You seem excited about something," he said, tilting his head just a bit. "What did you tie to your sister's tail this time?"

Shia bean
That's okay! This can be his JRP, by the way X3 I forgot we'd need one for these guys since they went with dad.


Offensive Hero

Shia bean


PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:07 am
Ahh, yes! Forgot about that! Changed the title accordingly >3

It was certainly good of their father not to pass judgement based on physical appearance. While the maneless pup might be quite the comical sight to behold, Rechot wasn't the wiser, and what he lacked in a mane he would certainly make up for in cunning someday. Perhaps, though, a large part of this was due to there being other things to preoccupy his mind with. His attention span was rather lacking to boot, but with all of the interesting things going on around him, Rechot had no time to worry about his own looks. Be them defective or otherwise. At the end of the day he was a hyena, and he looked as close to his siblings and his father as was possible.

As for thoughts on his mother, there weren't any. If it wasn't in his face, then it didn't exist. He had a figure who he went to for all of his puppyhood needs, and that was that.

When Furchtlos bumped his cheek, the pup turned his smile quickly into a playful snap, aimed for his fathers nose. Yet the sound of his tiny fangs clicking together, and the hiccup of laughter that went along with it was followed by another snort. This time, it was disagreeable in nature. Shoot. His cover had nearly been blown! Just stick to the plan. Just as he had rehearsed.

"I haven't done anything! Nothing! Honest!" He tried not to be hasty about the reply but it was inevitable. He could only hope that the gentle tail wag and the bounce from foot to foot would be enough of a distraction. Cute and cuddly, think cute and cuddly. "I'm excited to see you, that's all!" And to keep the ball rolling, Rechot was quick to get the conversation started. "I wanted to ask you some questions! Liiiike... are all hyenas and lions friends?"
PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:18 am
The snap and snicker made Los' tail wag in delight. He had hoped he had picked the three pups with the most tenacity and brains. They'd certainly need them in this pride. If you were too slow or stupid, you were killed or made a slave, and no child of his would fall to that dishonor. The pride their siblings were in was exclusively hyenas, and he figured the softer ones would have a better time there than here. They were still pups, though, and it was hard to tell just what they'd grow up to be like.

"Mhm...if someone comes running once you leave, I'll be on your tail," he warned, but let a grin remain on his face. In all honesty, as long as he didn't seriously hurt his siblings, he encouraged that kind of behavior. The needed to toughen up, but also needed to learn how to take defeat honorably.

"Questions?" He tilted his head before sitting down, resting his paws just in front of his bouncing son. "Oh...no, I can't say that they are," he said, shaking his head. "It's a case to case basis. Not even all lions are friends with all lions, or hyenas with all hyenas." His mother had been outraged when she learned that he worked for lions, after all, and the Nergui didn't like anyone that didn't conform to their beliefs, no matter their species.

Shia bean


Offensive Hero

Shia bean


PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:03 am
The pup shrugged his shoulders and let forth a hummed, "Mmmhm." In mimicry, slipping its end into a growl that was nearly as empty as his fathers threat. He rather liked the 'keep away' game, in truth...

But with daddies interest peaked, Rechot seized the moment and took to a bumbling trot, circling Furchtlos. He did his very best to listen, just listen, but with all the things being said, and with all new questions coming to a head, the pup couldn't resist an interjection. "Case by case? What's that mean?" So much for a 'smart' addition to the pride. Then, back tracking. "Well, yeah. I mean I don't like Tirnak AT ALL." Only somewhat true, as was the way of sibling rivalry. "So that makes sense. But, then, why are we staying with these lions? Are you friends with them?"

Returning to where he had began, Rechot settled on his haunches much like his father and tilted his head up, looking rather expectantly at the fully grown canine.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:24 am
Los followed his son as the little pup trotted around him, moving his head as was required. He licked his lips, grinning a bit at the question and laughed at the comment about his brother. It was true, siblings were sometimes the hardest to get along with. It was why Los had left his family. They had all been far too soft for him.

"Case by case means just like you said...you may not like your brother, but you may make friends with another hyena pup. Or, there may be a lion that doesn't like you, but there may be another lion that does. Everyone is unique and sometimes some don't like the way others act or think. Which is why the lions here like us, and we like them. We think the same," Los said with a little wag of his tail. "The same beliefs. We try to bring our knowledge where we go, but not everyone likes our ideas."

So we kill them, or enslave them, he added to himself. That would come later in the training of his children. "We are friends with these lions, yes. We help them and they, in return, allow us to travel with them. In such a large group it's easy to stay well fed and protected, and with diverse animals our fighting skills are unparalleled."

Shia bean


Offensive Hero

Shia bean


PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 5:45 pm

Rechot's jaw hung open while the many, wise words of the pups father filled his head. It was apparent that he had developed interest in what connections were between his family and the lion pride, whether it all surfaced then or shortly before-- when he was old enough to make out the difference between the two. What beliefs? What knowledge? When could he learn it all?

Or...Had he been taught everything already? Suddenly, Rechot worried he might have missed something along the way; something important. With this pressing doubt upon his mind, the pup spoke quickly on the matter.

"Okay. But. What do you believe in, again?"

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:41 am
Los chuckled quietly to himself. He had yet to teach the cubs the full beliefs of the Nergui, as he thought they might be too broad to understand, but he could certainly tell them the gist of what the belief system was. He reached out a paw to tug the excitable ball of fur closer, lowering his voice to just above a whisper.

"The Nergui - and I - believe that there is a wonderful, powerful force in this world called Tra Ord Omak. He is everywhere and nowhere all at once, he is what makes the world change and the plants grow, and the creatures die, and new life to be born again. He is the wind, the earth, the sun, the sky, the air we breathe, the water we drink. He is what gives us, the Nergui, so much power and strength. We want the world to see his power and become his followers, as we are."

He left out the part about the 'gods' that roamed the African landscape. The Nergui thought them to be leeches, sucking the power away from the great one, and that they were to be exterminated. Too many gods would confuse the poor pup, he was sure. The idea alone of one powerful 'being' existing everywhere and nowhere probably sounded like a riddle.

"All you need to remember, Rechot, is that Tra Ord Omak is all-powerful, and that we want everyone to know of him. Those that do not believe in the power that rules this world or believe in some other, lesser power need to be disposed of."

Shia bean


Offensive Hero

Shia bean


PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:20 am
He gave no struggle when his father pulled him close. He probably would have done so all by himself if Furchtlos hadn't.

Once in position, Rechot's ears turned forward, desperate to capture every word, while his eyes grew wide with wonder. "Tra Ord Omak." Behind him his own tail moved quickly, like that of a rudder in the dirt, and beneath his breath the boy continued to repeat the name. "Tra Ord Omak."

Tra Ord Omak. It was strange on his tongue, butchered by his own clumsiness. The hyena was certain now, however, that he had never heard of this before. At least, not by his father (whose opinion at this stage was all that mattered) And he was just as certain that he'd not soon forget it.

Because... wow. This was the most exciting news he had EVER heard! Ever! More exciting then any trap he had ever set for his siblings... ever. The full extent of the prides belief eluded him, which was to be expected, but the gist as his father intended was pretty clear. They were strong because of the Tra Ord Omak. He was an entity that his father assigned a gender to, thus forming an imposing image within his head, and while things like 'everywhere and nowhere', and the fact that He was a part of everything made little sense to Rechot; this too would be taken with him into adulthood.

After all, if his father said it, then it must be true! And he would ultimately share in the belief.

The first thing to come from his mouth, however, despite all of the information given was this: "Disposed of?" And it was said in a whisper, as if someone were nearby overlooking their conversation; listening carefully. He gave the phrase some thought, tried to put two and two together from everything Los had mentioned, before something clicked. He was up on his feet then, dipping into the well known play bow. "Oh, we fight them right? Because Tra... Ord... Omak gives us the strength to! We'd do it for Him, right?"

What was that thing he was doing earlier? Hmmm...Aw well... it would come to him eventually.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:15 am
The larger hyena grinned as Rechot bounded up, the look in his eye making him proud. He understood as far as he could, Los was sure, and he was glad he had such smart offspring.

"That is right," Los said, lifting his rear to adopt the same play bow as his son had taken. "We are given strength by him, and we must keep others from stealing the strength that he has. That is our basic belief."

He let a slightly louder cackle leave his lips as he stood, a look of delight in his eye at the thought of 'disposing' others. "Yes...we fight them, if we cannot make them see the truth in our belief. If they do not accept Tra Ord Omak as all-powerful and the only being to exist in this world that is higher than us, then they do not need to exist and steal his power from him."

He lowered his head to give Rechot an affectionate n**, nuzzling his bald head with his nose. "But as I said...for now, just know that he gives you strength and power, and for that, you must seek to destroy those who do not believe in him, so he can have his power back."

Shia bean


Offensive Hero

Shia bean


PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:45 am
Daddies approval filled the pup with pride, and it was a sensation that rose the hairs on his neck and inflated his head with confidence. And, because of this, Rechot gave in to Los' affections this time around with only a series of disgruntled growls in tow. Slumped forward beneath his father, the pup shouted , "It's our strength! Ours!" in response, before finally struggling to right himself on all fours again.

He rather liked his father's choice of words, and copied them accordingly as the pup went on to chant, "I will destroy all of those who stand in our way! I'm strong, like you!"

This he showed in a strut, tail flagged while boldly hiking each paw high into the air. After a stumble here and a trip there, the pup wheeled about and crouched in front of Furchtlos once more. "Have you had to destroy anyone lately?" He bounced to his left, then back to his right, before assuming the playful pose once more. "Oh! If you do, can I come with?? PLEEEASE?"

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:49 am
Furchtlos chuckled as he lifted his head, watching the lighter hyena bounce around excitedly. He had lots of spunk, that much could be said about him. He thought the pup was a bit fond of his pranks, but with a resounding statement like that, perhaps he'd turn in to a fierce fighter some day.

"I've had my share of reminding those of their place," he admitted with a sly grin. "And I've certainly taken it upon myself to destroy those who are unworthy of even a chance of being converted to our beliefs. But," he added, lowering his had just a bit. "I do as the lions ask of me, Rechot. There are things brewing that are too important to tell the whole pride. For now we are biding our time, and there has been little destroying as of late. I feel as though we're biding our time and energy...but," he added again, lifting his head with a smirk.

"When you are a bit older, I will certainly allow you to accompany me and even help me should the need arise to destroy someone."

Shia bean
Shall we wrap it up? =D


Offensive Hero

Shia bean


PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:10 am
OH! Right, his siblings! The prank! Boy, would he get a kick out of scaring them now! And what a great way to keep them from tattling on him, by dangling the secrets only he knew of the pride in front of them.

Well, common knowledge to the general population of the Nergui, but secrets to them at least.

Rechot gave a little pout, but was thoroughly inspired now to live up to his father's, as well as Tra Ord Omak's, image, and what with other priorities coming to a head he didn't give Furchtlos too much grief on the matter. "That'll take too long... but okay. Don't forget!" He then shook out his pelt, continued with a suspiciously cool, "I better go find Tesak and Tirnak." Before butting his head against his fathers side and then scampering off.

After only a few moments a single yelp could be heard in the direction Rechot had ventured. Oh, the irony.

Yes! We can end with this post, or you can make a final one! Thank you so much for RPing with meee! LOVE Los! <3
[IC] Nergui Lands [IC]

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