I guess this is my introduction, I'll see how much I can tell you about myself. ^-^
My birthday is September 1st, that's tomorrow. ^u^ I'll be fifteen in about two hours. I have lived with my mom since my parents divorced when I was a child.

After recently becoming aware that I was gay I decided I needed to meet people in the LGBT community, I tried going to a few meetings at the community center (keeping that a secret from my mother.), but because my anxiety around people was so bad at the time I stopped. I was, and still am really unsure and completely terrified. Thus, I am back here after taking a break for about two years.

My favorite movies are usually horror movies or comedies. I really liked "The Collection" and "Little Fockers", I also really liked "Silver Linings Playbook".
My music collection consists of assorted Jpop, Marina and The Diamonds, techno and things like that. ^-^;
I am absolutely obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. <3
I have a puppy, he is a c**k-a-poo and his name is Doug. (He looks like the dog from Up according to my little cousin.)

Yeah so, I can't really think of much else to put in here as far an an introduction goes. I would absolutely love it if someone messaged me. ^_^
Bye bye for now~!