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-Out miles away from New L.A. Safe City, Hunter was flying in his blood stained news chopper with a damaged tail rotor trying to find any safe location he could to land....

"This is Raccoon City Police Department Sergeant Hunter Steeler broadcasting on all radio frequencies. Is anybody out there? Come in, I am flying southbound along the California Shoreline with a damaged Heli, I don't know how long I can fly this thing much longer. Someone come in over???"

-Hunter hoped to god that anyone would answer his distress calls. The chopper was starting to shake tremendously as the tail end started to spin faster lack of functioning. His right arm starting to numb from a scratch from one of the infected unsure of any infection. It was two hours after his encounter with the infected when he fought to escape their wrath. He thought of the guys he left behind when he escaped. His regret of not turning back was starting to get to him now. There could have been 5 men in that chopper instead of one. He thought to himself. "I could have gotten them!, I SHOULD HAVE DIED TRYING TO GET THEM! WHY WAS I SO DAMN SELFISH!?

Back at the news station somewhere in California, Hunter and four other surviving Raccoon City Police Officers searched for a way of escape after being holed up in the news station for two days. One of their men was bitten. he knew he was going to die soon. He opened up the door to make a run for it which brought the opportunity to rise for the infected to seek their prey. Hunter and the remaining officers shot their way out to the exit where they saw the bitten officer torn to shreds bitten even more. They noticed the roof had a helicopter on it. One by one the officer quickly climbed up the ladder. Hunter entered the pilots seat followed by two others. the last man almost made his way up the ladder when he was pulled back down into a swarm on infected. The other two officers quickly ran over to the edge of the building and opened fire on the swarm. Hunter started the chopper up awaiting for his officers to come back. The infected started climbing up the ladder attacking the other officer who retreated quickly. It was too late for them, Both were ambushed to the ground with bites and scratches. One of them which was Hunters best friend managed to get loose and run to the chopper. He got inside. the chopper took off with both of them on it. Hunter asked, "Are you okay John?" No response. There sitting in a back seat his last partners eyes were turning yellow and his face looked pale. Hunter teared in anger and and pulled out his sidearm and shot his partner in the head leaving his body there.

The chopper started severely shaking waking Hunter up from his flashback. He looked back noticing the body still back there with a rotten odor.