Hybrids - What are hybrids? That's a fair question to ask. Hybrids are a fusion of people and Pokemon at the genetic level. This mutation can manifest itself in a number of ways, usually appearance-wise at the minimum. It's rare a hybrid can pass as a regular person, as usually the characteristics of Pokemon are too obvious to be easily hidden. Hybrids, unlike normal people, usually have access to reservoirs of natural energy, sometimes traditionally called chi. This same chi is found in nature in Pokemon, Evolution Stones, Mega Stones, and a variety of other places. This energy allows them to tap into the abilities and moves of the Pokemon their DNA is fused with. Usually mastering these energies is difficult, even for someone who is born a hybrid. Hybrids usually come about in one of two ways: either from birth, as a hybrid is far more likely to give birth to another hybrid than a human except in certain circumstances, or from unusual phenomena or an accident in the world of Pokemon.

Channelers - What are Channelers? An equally fair question. Channelers are people who, with their iron-clad bond with their partner Pokemon, gain access to the same natural energy, or chi, as mentioned above. They are not ever hybrids, as the attempt of fusing the two energies is nothing short of suicidal. Always purely humans, Channelers traditionally have an object of focus known as an 'Artifact' to act as a foci for them and their partner's abilities. These Artifacts usually have wondrous powers when used correctly, but the bond between Channeler and Pokemon alone can allow both parties to unlock hidden potential within each other even without the use of an Artifact, allowing the Channeler to access Pokemon moves and sensory perception that otherwise might be impossible for their human bodies. Note that Channeling is not the same as being a Pokemon trainer, even one that cares for their Pokemon. To Channel with a Pokemon, the level of bond required is far deeper.