A young woman browses some guilds that pertain to her interests. She has joined many guilds before, but today will be the day that she finally joins one that she'll like enough to come back to! Finally, she has chosen which one to join.

==> Join Guild

You have joined the guild. Topics roll before you in a wave of rainbow texts and a confusing jumble of quirks. Lots of familiar phrases linger in the name of sub-forums, and you don't which one to pick. Smiling, you pick a sub-forum at random, and alas, it's the Introduction Forum! You figure you might as well introduce yourself.

==> Start a Thread.

Already on it, nubsucker!

Your name is IDS WHEATLEY, and you are currently not doing your JOB; you're typing up this weakass introduction that couldn't find its way out of a wet paper bag. Obviously, this isn't your REAL NAME, but you think your real name is pretty ******** AWFUL. You'd rather people address you by WHEATLEY, FELIX, KATHIX, or MOOSE.

You are TWENTY-THREE years of age, soon to be TWENTY-FOUR, and you work as a JUNIOR LEASING CONSULTANT. This is not your ideal job, you'd rather be some sort of ARTIST. However, this job pays pretty well, so you don't mind FILING and ANSWERING PHONES too much.

Currently, you are REARANGING A FOLDER, and blasting THE MEDIUM on your REALLY SHITTY MP3 PLAYER. You are dressed in clothes TOO OFFICIAL in your opinion, and you are stuck in a cookie-cutter OFFICE. You're OFFICESTUCK, you could say.

Normally, you'd be AT HOME, holed up in your ROOM. You have a lot of ANIME AND GAME POSTERS on your walls, and many FANTASY BOOKS on your shelves. If you were home, you'd most likely be on your computer, talking with friends on PESTERCHUM, playing games on Steam, being GAIASTUCK, or reading FANFICTION. However, you are at work, bored, and have successfully wasted a few hours.

You have a few INTERESTS, some of which were listed above. Others include DRAWING, thinking up creative INSULTS, and cuddling with CATS. You have several FAN TROLLS, whatever those are, and you usually type in one of four typing quirks. One iss for your Ssea-dwweller, wwho doubless her 's's, 'v's, and 'w's. One iiss for your yellow blood, who doubless hiiss 'i's and 's's. T-the th-third is f-for your b-blue-blood, who st-stutters on her w-words. The last one types normeowly, but adds cat-puns to their text.

==> Stop with the lame introduction already.