Auslief / Rime, Ouranos, and Iason:
Auslief was getting close to exhausted by the time she made it back to her den. It was actually a fair distance from the center of the pridelands, almost on the very edge. It was nothing overly special, a den that some overambitious hyena or wild dog must have dug into a large hillside a ways away from the beach. It wasn't facing the ocean and was slightly up the hillside. It wouldn't have sea-winds blowing in nor would it flood in rain. It was spacious with her and the babies. With Kohaku, it wouldn't be as tight a squeeze as some of the dens she had shared with him before, but there was no doubt in her mind that as soon as the kids were old enough to start serious training, there wouldn't be enough room anymore.

Iason was in her jaws, dripping wet and tasting of salt, chattering on about how he'd see a shark while he'd been playing in the waves. Forget that he shouldn't have been out there.
Thank the gods it hadn't really been a shark, but a dolphin. Not that it wouldn't have really mattered, he hadn't gone out far enough but damnit all, why was he always doing things like this? Had she been this bad as a cub?

Haku wasn't there, he hadn't been when she'd collected the rest of her cubs and left them to start getting ready for bed. As troublesome as some of them could be, there were at least one or two who have enough level-headedness to help her out by keeping their siblings in the den for a few minutes.

Ouranos, for one. He sat just in the den's entrance, tail curled around his paws. His head had been turned, keeping an eye on his triplet brother and sister. His other sisters, Alrue, Kleio, and Chimaera, were already curled up in a small pile at the back of the den, sound asleep near a small pile of shells the lot of them had collected. When he must have heard her pawsteps, he turned, a small smile on his face. Still a rather serious one, though, and he didn't look at all pleased by the state of their brother.
"OuranKowaGaea! I saw a shark!" Iason exclaimed, though he somehow managed to keep his voice down so as not to wake up his little sisters. Ouran just frowned in reaction.
"You did not," his brother shot back with a shake of his head. "You did and Mama would look upset. She jus' looks tired from chasing you all over the beach."

Kohaku, Kowa, and Gaea:
Kowa was one of those brothers that sometimes you'd want to strangle. Making it impossible to not get irritated with him. He'd play tricks on you, tease you and the like. Annoy you, whatever he deems would be entertaining for him that moment. Which was in that moment annoying the stuffing out of Gaea. Hopping around her as she had a blindfold on. A little game he made up, got her to play for his amusement. Pawing at her- then running away ashe she threw herself at him and tried to hone in on her senses to find it. But of course, when her fustration grew- that purpose blew out the window as she just threw herself at anything she heard.

"Almost got me!"
"You LITTLE! Come here!"
"Opps~ missed me again~ "
"ARRGGG!!!" She growled at him.
"SHUSH! You'll wake everyone up stupid. Hehehahah~" Pushing her rump and making her stumble.
"I'll wake everyone up if I have to!" Which was her non sense talking.

After a good few rounds- he offered to switch with her. If she had a clear mind like he did- she could've easily found him. After one missed try- he tackled her. Pawed her. Tackled her again.. again and again. Winning all the rounds.
"ARG! How did you know I was there!- How did you do that! CHEATER!"

"I'm not a cheater- your just dumb." He laughed as he tackled her a final time before he heard bigger foot prints than their own. His ears went up, as he lifted the blindfold. "Mum!" "Mumma!" They both scrambled off of each other and ran up to them. "A SHARK!!? Thats SO COOL! I wanna see one too!" But of course, Ouranos broke her fantasies... "How do you know- you weren't there~maybe he DID see one~" She eyed him. The stick in the mud.
"I'mma have'ta side with Oreo~ Mum wouldda looked waaayyyyy more pisssed~~~" Turning back to his twin marked sibling and nodded before springing at mum and rubbing his face in to her forearm. It wasn't too rare to see mum with an uncle or grandpa, and when he slipped under her legs to greet whoever it was- .. he was shocked to see someone rather large and unfamiliar. He hid under mum's rump between her legs and tilted his head at the stranger. "Aye~ its a fat man!" Chuckling to himself. "Look!" Pointing at Kohaku.

Gaea shot up when Kowa announced a visitor. Probably grandpa- or uncle Jakk, so she trotted around mum only to be faced with a lion she didn't know. Taking a step back and forward her brows. "Who are you." She demanded. Sticking close to mumma's leg just in case she had to defend them, only- mum would probably be defending them much easier than Gaea. Huffing out fur she could to look intimidating. Really, she only mirrored a fluff ball.

A hefty gazelle dragged, by a giant brown and red lion appeared not too far from Auslief. Lifting his head as he saw Auslief be greeted by cubs. Envying her for their attentions. Hoping that one day they would do the same to him. Still- the heavy weight of them NOT knowing of him made him grit his teeth. Softly he put down the gazelle in front of the den mid way to the cubs at bay. "Kohaku. And you are?" His ears swivled to the sound of the smaller cub lioness. A humble smile came off of him, with the air as friendly for someone so big. "Fat?" He shook his head and chuckled. The more he heard- the worse he felt for leaving Aussie to these brats

Auslief / Rime, Ouranos, and Iason:
Ouran's eyes narrowed and his ears flicked back at the nickname. He was fine with his siblings chopping the tail end of his name off, in fact he sort of preferred it. But Oreo? Yeah, he hated that one. It was probably why Kowa called him that. He had half a mind to trounce him for that.
But that was unimportant when Kowa pointed out they had a visitor. His frown turned from annoyed to quizzical when he glanced around his mother's paws.
"Shh! He's a secret!" Iason hissed at Gaea and Kowa as his mama put him down. He promptly shook what little water from his coat as he could manage, sending salty drops all over Ouran.
"Sorry, bro." Though his grin belied the apology.

Auslief looked over her shoulder then down at her paws where Gaea and Kowa were scrutinizing their father. This... was definitely going to be interesting.
"Come on, you two. Back inside and you'll get to know more about our visitor," she said, a bit of a sigh in her voice. What she really wanted to do was dig into Haku's kill but... Well, it could wait. A lot of things needed to be settled first.
She did, however, add, "Thanks for bringing that." to Haku, really very thankful that he'd decided to go out hunting.

"What do you mean, he's a secret?" Ouran asked Iason as he backed out of the entrance to the den, making room for Mama, his brother and sister, and the stranger.
"You'll find out!" Iason replied cheerfully. He was as bad as Kowa, only far more troublesome, impulsive, and scatter-brained most of the time.

Kohaku, Kowa, and Gaea:
Gaea and Kowa both started to follow the stranger and when he stopped. They stopped. When he dropped the kill- the first thing Gaea wanted to do was dive right in- but stopped her watery maw. Snapping her look at the stranger and squinting. "Avrae the brown dragon~ to you." Waving her head to the side giving an obvious attitude. Kowa had by this point already started eating, having slipped in the shadows and slinked his way over. His ears weaving up, and so did the look on his face. "Bahamut." He answered muffled- meat dangling from his maw.

"You're welco-" Kohaku was surprised by his son, lifted an arm as he hadn't notice him sneaking in to the meat already. "Wait for your mother." He gave the boy a stare. Kowa looked as though he would stop... Finishing the rest and swallowing hard before giving the male an EQUALLY strong stare.. Then slowly lowered his maw and started to pull on the skin of the gazelle. Not giving him any sort of authority except maybe the look of bewilderment on his face as to why this male said to wait. Hell- if he waited- there wouldn't be any for him! So many brothers and sisters- you have to fend for your own! Well, he couldn't do that most of the time. Not to his soul bound siblings but regardless. Damns were NOT given. He put the meat down- it was fair game. Wagging his tail.

Still Haku didn't know what to do, he would reprimand but he couldn't- or.. could he. Without a notice- he snatched up the boy in his maw.
The first thing Gaea did was tackle the male's arm and bit him. Muffled she growled. "LET ME BRO GO!" Kowa waved around, dangling from the male's maw. Hissing and pawing. "Let me you go fatty!" He growled and pulled out his tiny sharp claws and started to try and swing his way to any part of Haku that he could hurt. "Ow~" Definately a first time parent as he pulled up his arms to have the other cub dangling from it. His eyes rolled as he tried to shake himself free. "How do you do this Aussie~" Shaking his arm again to try and get the girl off.

Auslief / Rime, Ouranos, and Iason:
Iason's jaw dropped.
"Mama, Gaea an' Kowa used crew names an' they're not crew yet!" he hissed in dismay. So excited the lot of them were with the prospect of becoming crew like their mother someday, most of them had already picked the name they would use. It seemed like Ouran was the only one who hadn't, or at least he'd never said it if he had.

While Haku dragged the kill inside and Kowa and Gaea followed, Auslief ushered Ouran and Iason after. For the moment, she just hushed Iason's complaints. Gaea and Kowa were so headstrong sometimes, she'd sit them down later to talk about the right they hadn't yet earned.
She didn't even have time to intervene before Haku had Kowa in his maw and Gaea on his leg. She just sighed and shook her head, Ouran put a paw to his forehead, and Iason let out a snort, his annoyance over the crew names quickly forgotten over the amusing scene.
"Well, firstly, they tend to listen to me. And they're used to only really family picking them up," she said with another rather heavy sigh. "Gaea, calm down, my heart," she added before stepping close and wrapping one heavy paw around her daughter, gently pulling her, but not so much to wrench her teeth from Haku.

"Gaea, Mom's not telln' him to put Kowa down. She trusts him," Ouran snapped, ears flicked back. Why couldn't his brother and sister calm down for once? And why did Kowa always have to be so greedy? Half their siblings were already fed and sleeping. Mom wouldn't eat it all and leave nothing for them.

"Mama, you should tell them, then maybe they'll stop being dumb," Iason said, looking up at his mother. Auslief honestly had no idea how on earth she was going to tell them.... So she decided to be blunt as she lightly tugged her daughter.
"Please lower your voices, Ali, Kleio, and Maera are sleeping. Kowa, behave yourself. Gaea, please let go of your father. Haku, please put Kowa down." Ouran's eyes widened and his ears flicked back at those words. Father?