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When Vienna looked down at the dried grass in the den she smiled to herself. Even though she wasn’t a proper family slave, she was treated as one; the personal slave of Cari. Life with the leotah was becoming calmer now that they had returned from their trip into the wilds, since both were hoping for a pregnancy that would result in cubs for the pride. It made Cari treat her better; she was softer in her commands, more gentle when laying down of an evening, and even gave Vienna the larger portions of meat. It was all so charming that she wished it would never have to end. Shuffling the fresh grass around, she walked outside to dispose of the older bedding and smiled to see the leotah making her way across the damp earth to the den. “Welcome home, Mistress. Was the hunt well today?”

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Cari’s shoulders were stiff as she walked, maw heavy with a piece of the kill she’d managed to track down. It was an awkward silence that passed between the two as she closed the distance and laid the meat down before Vienna. When she raised her head, her white fur was stained with blood. “Depends on which one you’re asking about. This one was fine-“ She motioned her head to the meat. “-but the other yielded no results. It’s as if the pride has stagnated once more, and it’s irritating.”

Still, she knew what bothered her more than anything else. Her father, the proven fertile hybrid, had sired a litter without bringing them into the pride. She had a fully appearance lion for a brother, and had only met him once because her father wished to “protect” him. Cari felt like spitting in his face.

Nodding her head in a knowing way, Vienna stepped aside to allow Cari to sit down in the lip of the den. While she bathed, Vienna chose to eat, knowing that if she didn’t do it now Cari would be staring at her the entire time. No doubt she was wondering if the plan had succeeded or not, something of which Vienna herself was curious for. Maybe, just maybe if it did, she would be a little freer, without so many expectations riding on her shoulders.

Licking her lips, she pulled back after having taken her share, and started to clean her own face. “I am sorry to hear that, Mistress, but all things take breaks. Someday soon the pride will blossom as it did in the past, and the lands will be secure once more.” Granted, a part of her wished she wasn’t around to see it. As much as she hoped for the prides success, she also hoped to be able to see Mezlijin again, and to do so would mean escape.

"Uh-huh." Cari curled her lip, and gave Vienna pensive glare. Since her time in the rogue lands something had changed about the lioness, but she couldn't put a paw on it. Did it have something to do with a possible pregnancy, or was it someone she'd met? She was definitely more at ease, with a calmer, happier glow that Cari couldn't put a paw on. It annoyed her. How else was she supposed to keep a hold on a slave that enjoyed her time outside of the pride more? That would have to be the end of the little "excursions". Next time, she would bring a breeding slave to her, and have at it.

"I see you've cleaned the den. About time, it was starting to stink." Moving with a fluid grace, Cari walked to meat and drug it with a paw to her side before breaking bad on it. She took her frustrations out on the dead carcass, gnawing through it with a viciousness she rarely had outside of the hunt. She needed Vienna dependent, not happy!

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize it offended you so." Though her tone didn't speak of any ill will to her Mistress, she knew it had been taken that way when Cari growled back at her. Immediately dropping her head, she allowed her ears to fold back against her skull in submission. "Forgive me, Mistress. I truly didn't mean to offend. I will try to keep up a better routine. It is just harder getting used to maintaining a den for two after so many weeks alone. I know that is no excuse, so I will accept any punishment you have to give."

She lowered her gaze to the ground, waiting for the words that were sure to follow. Even if Cari wouldn't strike her, as she never had, she would most likely vehemently whip her with harsh tones and spiteful words.

After a prolonged pause, Cari turned to look at the lioness before her with a little sneer. So this was her excuse? Not the pretense of pregnancy, but laziness? Oh, lovely. She would have so love to have shown Vienna her wrath, but she wouldn't, not while she assumed the lioness carried young.

Still, her mind was a whirl of thought. "Tell me, Vienna, do you wish to leave these lands? Return to the home you sing stories about, and talk so fervently of?"

Vienna had to hold herself from choking on her food. When she looked up, her eyes were wide and terrified. It was the first time in so long that she showed legitimate fear. "Mistress, I would never think of leaving without your permission, I swear on my life!" How much did she know? What had been said?

"I was only thinking of going on another trip, that was all. To see if I couldn't find my family, or my home. I would never think of abandoning you in your time of need." The pride needed her for what she provided and Cari needed her for support. That was her role in life, and she was happy with it, so why couldn't she convince herself of it?

"Silence, you blubbering fool!" Cari snapped, rising to pad closer to the now cowering lioness. She grabbed Vienna's ear in a hard bite, dragging her closer to the earth where she belong. When she had her successfully pinned, she leaned in close, "Listen to me when I talk to you. I have no love for pure bloods, you know that. However, I do not wish to keep a sniveling whelp around to bemoan her life. If you wish to leave, do so, BUT I WILL NOT SEE YOU OUT."

Stepping away, Cari swiped at the wall above Vienna. "LEAVE. But I warn you; should I find you in those lands, I WILL bring you back, and you will never be able to leave again." Her eyes sharp and hard, Cari looked back to her. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" She roared, loud enough for the whole pride to hear.

With confused tears in her eyes Vienna stood and shook her head. "I-I am sorry, that it came to be this way, Mistress." Pausing, she shook her head, a little sad smile coming out. "No, I am sorry, Cari. You have been hurt by life, but it was not my place to heal you. The Gods will send someone for that, if my prayers will ever reach them."

Taking a deep breath, she left the den and looked back, openly sobbing now. Cari's father had come to the lip of the cave, his eyes wide and wondering, until the leotah explained that he was to escort her away. Without waiting, he did just that.

Vienna, though she had been granted her freedom, was not pleased by it. She was...lost, confused, and sad. And mostly lonely. Where was she to go? Only the Gods knew.

Without really knowing why Cari was crying as well. She had known family for the full extent of her life, but this was the first time anyone of worth to her had been leaving. She had actually expected Vienna to go, which is what hurt so much. The lionesses quick goodbye...It stung worse than fire ants.

She collapsed onto the ground, and sobbed. The world felt as if it were crashing in around her, and all hope of bringing cubs into the pride had been derailed. Whatever spawn Vienna carried were gone with her.

What had she done? Oh Gods, what had she done?

(WC: 1390)