Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:13 am
Hi all, my question is regarding character custom template options. I'm thinking about trying custom a hippogryph-cerynei mix. However, while I love the gorgeous big hippogyph wings, they would totally obscure the teeny fluffy cerynei tail I wanted to get, along with other parts of the character. While I know some colorists do occasionally make a reference-only version with the wing off, I would really prefer to have just the one image with smaller wings so it showed. Is it allowable to use wind-style wings onto a hippogryph custom, or does using the different wing-style classify it as a hybrid? I know using angeni wings (even just one pair) on a custom counts as angeni and not wind. I think I recall customing 'unique' feathered wings on a wind didn't used to qualify the character as a mutant ICly, they were just plain old winds, but to get all those feathers colored and templated cost a mutant slot if I remember correctly. Hippogryphs and winds both have one pair of feathery wings, so I wasn't sure if using the different template counted as hybridization, or mutant, or if it was actually okay to switch them.
I figured someone else might wonder this as well, so public question it is. I apologize if it has been addressed already, I couldn't find a definite answer. Thanks a bunch for any input you can give me <3
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:32 am
Wing templates are specific for breeds, so you can't use wind wings for a gryph or vice versa. You can ask the colorist to shrink or rotate the wings, so that might help you out if you want smaller wings?
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:09 pm
That makes sense. I didn't realize they could be moved or resized though, that's great to know! While I'm asking about switching templates, is it possible to use a male template instead of a female one? For wing position or a tail or something. I know some are specifically not allowed (larger cerynei antlers on females). Do you have any idea of what sort of edit a resizing of a template would qualify as? I know colorists edit-categories can vary slightly, but as a general opinion?
And thank you so much for answering so quick, I was on my lunch and figured it would be a while before I heard back.
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:19 pm
zephira738 That makes sense. I didn't realize they could be moved or resized though, that's great to know! While I'm asking about switching templates, is it possible to use a male template instead of a female one? For wing position or a tail or something. I know some are specifically not allowed (larger cerynei antlers on females). Do you have any idea of what sort of edit a resizing of a template would qualify as? I know colorists edit-categories can vary slightly, but as a general opinion?
And thank you so much for answering so quick, I was on my lunch and figured it would be a while before I heard back.
What do you mean ouo? I think we do use male/female hairstyles on the opposite gender sometimes. I know like the male braided tail and long tail have been used on females :3
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:33 pm
ATh e a r t What do you mean ouo? I think we do use male/female hairstyles on the opposite gender sometimes. I know like the male braided tail and long tail have been used on females :3 Um, for example like... using the male Uni tail instead of the female Uni tail on an Uni mare? Sorry, I know it's off-topic from my original question, but the pondering of templates brought it to mind. I guess if hairstyle templates can be swapped, other gender-specific templates might be moveable?
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:41 pm
Resizing the wings I believe would be unedited, since it's just tweaking a template.
I know that the uni tails can be used on either gender. I'm pretty sure that any template that can be easily switched between the genders is allowed to be, with the exception of Cerynei antlers. Some mane templates would probably be a real pain to edit for the female soq, so it probably depends on the template and the colorist.
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:44 pm
zephira738 ATh e a r t What do you mean ouo? I think we do use male/female hairstyles on the opposite gender sometimes. I know like the male braided tail and long tail have been used on females :3 Um, for example like... using the male Uni tail instead of the female Uni tail on an Uni mare? Sorry, I know it's off-topic from my original question, but the pondering of templates brought it to mind. I guess if hairstyle templates can be swapped, other gender-specific templates might be moveable?
Unis actually share the same two tails for both genders =D There's one that's the big fluffy one and one that's more hair-y at the end :3 As Roni has said, I think it's a case by case thing! The tails are easier because they're the back, but the female hairstyles are tailored to the female head position while the male hairstyles are tailored to the male head position =D What other gender specific were you thinking?
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:52 pm
Oh, and I though the tails were specific to their model in that respect XD I was mostly just wondering in general, once it was said that templates could be moved or resized I wanted to know if they could be used on different genders. Mane templates it makes sense would be more difficult to switch than tails between genders.
Thank you both very much, I think I'm set on this question now <3
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:05 pm
No problem at all, Zephira ouo!