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It had been a long time since Rashida and Gunju had time to themselves. Between pride duties and cubs, they really never got time alone when they needed it. Now was another story. The pride had settled down and their kids were grown and doing their own pride stuff about the land. It was nice to see them fully settling in and adjusting quite well to the snowy climate.

Rashida glanced over at her mate, as they slowly walked side by side enjoying a snowy evening. The sun was setting, but it was still quite bright out. The snow was falling softly, and everything was coming together quite nicely. He seemed to have the same ideas as her when they got free time. They needed to spend more time together now that they could. "It's a lovely evening." She said breaking the silence between them.

Not that it was a bad silence, it was just nice to hear his voice while being in his company. She looked to the sky, then to him, then back to the path in front of them.

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Gunju had almost forgot what it was like to be alone with Rashida. It almost seemed like it had been far too long. Surely, it wasn't that long... Right? He wasn't sure. He couldn't remember what it was like not having cubs around, or how it was when he didn't really have much to do. He was once a very lazy lion, but now he wasn't lazy at all. His world changed the moment he game into the Schnee lands.

He looked over at Rashida and laughed a bit. "Yes, it is quite nice." He gave her a wink and nuzzled the side of her face as the continued to walk. She was his everything, even if he wasn't always around. He spent every moment with her when he could, as she did with him. He flicked his tail and moved steadily next to her, everything was going to be perfect now. He couldn't have been anymore happy.

Sometimes he was very hard to keep a conversation with, Rashida decided. She sighed and shook her head. Sometimes she couldn't get him to shut up, and other's she couldn't get him to talk. She chuckled at the thought and moved about calmly, nothing could be done about it. "Let's stop here." She said as she looked about and figured this was a good spot as any to sit down and enough the night around them.

They were close to the pride center, but far enough to not get interrupted on accident. She stopped and waited for him to realize she wasn't moving anymore. The snow was quite lovely, she started to be mesmerized by the movement of each flake as it slowly moved towards the ground. She wanted what it would be like to be able to control such things. She awed at it all, and took it in as it came. Something she didn't get to do very often.

It took Gunju a few moments to realize that Rashida had stopped moving and he slowed, turned, and then moved towards her. He really should pay attention more often, or he'd end up continuing to walk into the horizon by himself. He chuckled at the thought and watched her carefully. There was no one else he'd rather be with than with her, He knew that more than anything at this very moment.

He watched as the snow fell upon her fur and melted away almost instantly. "this is the perfect spot." He said as he smiled at her. Surely, he thought any spot that he could look at her was the perfect spot, but she didn't need to know that, even though she probably did without him having to tell her.

She kicked some snow at him with a snort. He was just being silly, she figured. It had been a while since she picked on his fat-butt. She kicked more snow at him to see what he'd do. "You're not being serious," she laughed at him with a shake of her head. Of course, he would say that about anywhere as long as she was the one that picked it. Perhaps.

She eyed him and shook her head. Silly lion, she didn't know what to do with him sometimes. She sat down and looked up to the sky again, it was turning a beautiful orange color as the sun slowly was setting in the distance. She couldn't help but to admire it as much as she could. Sometimes they didn't get to see it often with all the clouds about. There had been a break in the clouds this day, and was more of a reason she wanted to come out at this time to spend it with Gunju.

They had done this in the past, but at a different land. Before they had cubs, and before they had come to the land of snow. It was almost like a dream, that time in the past. Something she couldn't forget, but something she couldn't fully remember either. She remembered her siblings, and her parents, and everyone else that she had known.

"Hey! Watch it." He laughed as he moved out of the way of her snow kicking. He let her sit down before sitting next to her and leaning towards her. She may have grown into a lioness he hadn't ever thought she would be, but there was still much of the old Rashida in there. He knew. He smiled at the thought. He loved her more than ever, no matter how she was.

"The sunset is just lovely." he was more of a sappy type than she, and he couldn't help but admire the setting. He wrapped his tail around hers as the sat watching the sun as it slowly departed down wards. The clouds covered most of the beauty, but they also added to it in their own way. Some were orange and pink as the sun reflected off of them. As the sun set lower and lower, the pink slowly turned to purple adding more colors.

Rashida let her tail curl around his as she spoke no words. She leaned against him as he leaned against her, continuing to watch the the setting sun. Snow slowly swirled around them as they sat there, not really paying much attention to anything else. What else was there to do? It was nice to just sit and relax for once and this was the perfect time to do it.

Spring was close, and soon there wouldn't be a cloud in the sky. She closed her eyes and listened to the wind around them and everything else. There weren't many birds around, but she could still hear some that stayed all year round. Snow owls were always about, and they were slowly waking as the sun was setting.

She nuzzled Gunju, letting this night be the best one she had in a while.
