Sorry if it kinda doesn't make sense but I have been here, there and EVERYWHERE in the last forthnight....well, almost a forthnight and I'm still a bit tired.

Most of it was at the camp I went too (i can't find where i put the thread from 2 years ago sad ) But I came back with recipies (and I do mean that, pun not intended), tips about worship leading (with a book to follow later on this year), and some really cool stuff from the annual night churches which I would like to share. Plus the speaker was dubbed Jack Sparrow (still confused about why he was called that, but he was really cool).

1st NC: as well as the usual relationship sermon (for the ones who don't understand, it's like God and You), there was something else, God wants to take it to the next level. And that is Jumping off the Ledge....or in langman's terms, Leap of Faith. What on earth are you waiting for? Take a chance and JUMP!

2nd NC: So, we been through the first night church, but the second night, was a bit deep, and a bit more interaction involved, thanks to a couple of campers. One had to chain the other, and add labels like drugs, alcohol, pornography etc (poor guy, he had to stay bound up for most of the sermon). This represented the guilt and shame that we hold inside and it's bound us up so hard that we can't break free on our own (much harder than the baggage I assume). Then as another illustration, one of the tutors (who runs the new minor relating to woodwork) used a power tool to cut the chains free. This shows that with God's help, we can break free.


And now it's up to us to proclaim freedom for others.

3rd NC: When I was growing up, I loved camping with my Girl Guide Unit. When with the Ranger Unit, not so much. However, how it was set up, it brought back all those memories. Plus since this service was held on a weekend, one of the campers was wearing chains around his wrists, explaining that he got challenged to do something rad. for his faith. So, for this year, every weekend, he is wearing those chains to raise awareness for modern slavery. How cool was that? Anyway, we had one of the organizers (who now moved to be a minister for the first time - so far she has been working with youth, organizing things like this camp, so it's a huge step), sharing her bike trip one summer, and illustrated with greenery among the brown patches with one thing. What life would be like with and without God. It's like this, it's up to us to choose which path to take, some leading to some 'burning bush' encounters, some leading to a lot of heartache.
If you are confused about the burning bush, check out the book of Exodus. It has it in there.

4th NC: The sermon was mostly done in 15min. Long story short, it was about a community coming together. Come to think of it, this guild is a community in a way. We help each other if we need be, encourage each other etc, and I think that's really cool. Remember, when God is involved, like in this guild, there are NO barriors between him and us. And that's not all, Since I know that you are ALL tallented in any way, not just the creative people, our unity in our church, school/uni/college, work, and local communities....lets just say that His creativity can be seen through and among us.

And that was a reminder from a yearbook we got this year, so most of it was by memory sweatdrop But still, it was a great camp and it was sad to see one of my friends leaving the camp. But since someone new has taken her place, God only knows the plans for this camp to be bigger than EVER in the years to come.

This year's bible study however is a topic I covered last year with you guys, about God using you for who you are, not your background (God can't use me topic) Though the discussions were great, there isn't much to add to it, than this: No matter if you are a nobody, somebody, have a disability, had a horrid past, Called or not been Called at this point, God will somehow, someway use you in ways you never expect, even if you either choose to do it or get dragged into it by someone (I know that by experience with worship leading, and seeing the result during it, it's really is rewarding, spiritually of course, not for my own glory. It's different for each person though).

If I remember anything else, I add it to this thread here, like bible verses for instance. But that's all to it really.